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Ann Seeber

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Algerian! I have that font!

Interesting on the size -- amazing, actually.  I bet that's why I never use Algerian, and yet keep it on my computer year after year.  I sense the potential, but have never had a need. ?? Maybe?

I'm going to take a screen shot and add it to the Algerian folder so I know how to use it.  Thank you!

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I just used Algerian on a layout tonight. I used a paper from a kit and did a cutout of the numbers 2023. Then I added an inner bevel. The layout is for a challenge at The Lily Pad called "Finding Me in 2023". A template designer is hosting the year long challenge and provided the template for the "Finding Me". There will be one prompt each month for a layout. This month is hobbies... I've got to really think how I want to do that layout!

2023 Finding Me Title.jpg

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Oh, that!s beautiful!
I bet it (Algerian, the font) was designed to have a bevel. The floral paper outline is super-nice, too. I need more papers with a little floral pattern like that.  Lots more!  So many of them are actually geometric with flowers rather than floral, and the frame or letter I’m trying to fill has one side with not much color, not much pattern, while the other sides look crazy with it. In fact, that was the main reason I keep asking Carole about the seamless fill…in different ways and in different threads, but I’m trying to make floral patterns and it’s HARD!

when we bought this house, the owner had curtains (probably more accurately called drapes, they went floor to ceiling in an enormous cabbage rose floral design in blues and white.  These HUGE curtains 7 or 8 feet wide, but the window was probably only 30” wide. Well, they were floral, but when you looked at them, the left side looked like a white floral curtain and the right one looked like blue floral curtain. Two different colors for the same window, just as how the curtain maker had placed those pleats at the top. That is what the florals do for me. Or to me, when I try to use them as a fill. And I really want to make my own so I can use them for anything and not have to worry about licensing.

I’ll find your LO in the gallery at LilyPad and comment on it and ask you what the paper is. ?. There will be tons of comments on your page, but it will really be me asking you some questions and you answering them, LOL!

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I just finished another layout using the same process and I used a plaid paper on it. It is also in the gallery over there. I'm also participating in their month of challenges (31 challenges in 31 days). Today's challenge was rough one for me as I don't feel comfortable with the style required. But I did refer to some of Carole's tutorials to do something I wanted on the page ?

The kits used on both of the layouts are noted in the gallery over there (required). All from The Lily Pad since they require their products be used.

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