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June - Theme challenge - BACKYARD


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Since this month, we have a BACKYARD theme for the blog, and there are lots of ideas to inspire you, I am challenging you to create your own layout about your backyard and various backyard activities (family gathering, renovating, visitors, etc.). You can also share an older layout on the theme!



Are you up to it?

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My page for the Theme of the Month (have ideas for more if I get time). The backyard is at my cousin Penny's house in Rochester, England, the occasion was my last visit home and a chance for me and my two sisters to catch up with Penny, her mum and dad, and her brother and sister, plus our respective other halves.


I used The Lab 7-01 Template with a few adjustments, and the Hamburger Alpha as well. The backgrounds were plain colours with added textures.



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Yes April, Jean & Hugh were a big part of my growing up until we came to Australia - Jean was actually my Mum's cousin so Penny, Andrew and Rosemary were nearer my age. I only had a very small wedding and Jean actually organised for a number of Aunts, Uncles & Cousins to go to her house before transporting them to the church, then back for tea. We had a church full, even though the reception was only for 22 (including us) so we went to Jean's to have a drink with them all before we left on our honeymoon and Jean had made another wedding cake for us to cut! I have many stories about them all. We had seen some of them each time we visited, but it seemed one or other was unavailable until this last time.
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This month's Theme of Backyard gave me an idea to do a page for my Mum. Mum is 98 years old now and her memory is failing, so I thought I would do a page and print it out for her to look at and maybe, spark a memory for us to talk about. Back in 1979 she had a small backyard but it was filled with flower gardens - a vegie patch and a fern house. Mum also had a little companion cat called Footsie  who was always with her while she worked in her patch.  I wasn't sure I would find anything on backyards for this challenge, but, amazingly, I found these photos amongst my old collection.


Bye for now,



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Marlene, thank you for your comments. I am hoping she will like it to and that it will bring her a bit of joy as we talk about it.


Cristina and Sheila, thank you both for your comments also. Memories of family activities over the years are to be treasured.



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First I thought that as I don't have a  backyard, I wouldn't participate in this challenge. Then I decide to "cheat" a bit and for the fun of it do something. So, this is what I came up with: I made the two papers: eyelet and plaid. The plaid I began with the basic, but then added layers that were 10 percent smaller than the previous one.


I decided to play a little with masks, so I used it on the 2 photos with the help of the "ClipToIt" Cassel's script. Very useful script. I created the tapes, using the "AdhesiveTape script".


Furthermore, I used the "Hamburger Alpha" freebie with an addition of differents condiments following Cassel's tips. Besides ketchup and mustard, I added "mayonnaise and salsa verde". ;)


I made the wax seal (Cassel's tutorial) and added the rope tube. The smiley is a freebie from KAagard - "AllTheFeels-Flairs".



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Wow! Cristina, a Beautiful page.. I love it. You didn't "cheat" (as you put it) at all. Glad you decided to participate. Really when you think about it "Backyard" can mean areas around us  in our various countries.  My husband often refers to what we call "Outback Australia" as our Backyard.   Did you make the Mask ? it is really pretty and sets the whole page .. your papers  and all the extra elements you have made compliment your layout and  is a delight to view it. Thank you for showing us.


Best wishes,



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Dawn, I thank you for your lovely comment. I really appreciate!!


I am glad that you mentioned the mask because I failed to give the proper credit to the designer. This pretty mask is a freebie from cheyOkota - "cheyokota_Believe_mask". I don't know yet how to do my own masks. :)


Best wishes

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A couple of years ago we had a picnic in the yard.  I asked Lexi to smell the day lillys.   Well she got a bit to close.   A very simple page I blurred 2 pictures together.   The main background of Lexi of her running away and then I put the one of her smelling the flowers (on the left) in a mask and blended into the first one.   The 2 close ups show the pollen all over her face.  This is one of my favorite how innocent and listen to Grammy to smell the flowers.
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