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May Word Challenge


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Since members of the Campus seem to like to be challenged, here is another one for you.


Once a month, a single word will be given to you and you will have to use it in your layout/project.


In May the word will be AROUND. It can be used in many types of phrases, whether a literal meaning (around the tree) or in a more generic way (around the world)


Are you up to the challenge? Post your projects in this thread (it can be older projects you did; nobody would know if you don't tell) or, if you want, our PSP Scrapbook Showcase pinboard on Pinterest is always there to showcase what is being shared in the Campus (if you need an invite, let me know)

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I have been working on a page  with some photos given to me by my sister-in-law and her husband who do quite a bit of travelling around our country of Australia. As I didn't have any photos, I am quite excited as they have given me quite a few photos already and there will be more to come my way so I can use them in my projects. Cassel's new Word Challenge.. Around... seemed to fit my page. I started out with a Template from the Lab and modified it to suit my needs. Thank you Cassel once again for the Challenges you put our way.... it is great !
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Thank you Cristina for your kind words. I have been using the weave effect on a few projects lately as I have found it to be a useful. As I mentioned above I am thrilled to have been given some photos to work with and I intend to make some more pages with them. The Word Challenge--Around will give me a chance perhaps of doing another page to post with some other photos of  another part of Australia. Look forward to seeing more of your projects! Best wishes to you.


Bye for now



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Dawn, loved the page showcasing South Australia, perfect for this sort of challenge. I decided to follow suit with this page about my home town of Mount Gambier - after all South Australia has a lot of beautiful places to see so why not show them off!


The photo of the Blue Lake was another panorama with the ICE program. I used Cassel's Lifted photo script and the harlequin tile for the background.

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Marlene, a great page!  My husband came into the room while I was looking at your post and he loved it to. This new Word Challenge does indeed give opportunity to showcase some of the many beautiful places in our country.
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thought I would post another page for the Word Challenge - Around. I used a couple of elements from one of the Lab templates. I have been having a go at making some masks for my projects and the one on the photo I created this morning.
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Great pages and photos posted here. I am getting to know so many nice places of Australia throuh your layouts.


Marlene, I like the effect of the Harlequin tile for the background, and I love the Lifted Photo Script. I have to be careful not to use all the time. :)


Dawn, I like very much the mask you've made, and the way the photo blends with the background.


I didn't do anything yet for this challenge yet. Let's see if I can come up with something within the next days. :)

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Marlene, we have never got to do travelling so the photos our family have given me give us joy as we see all the places they have been. I am looking forward to more photos from them as they are on another trip.


Cristina, I am glad you seem to like the photos of Australia. It is nice to see photos of other countries. Hope to see your creations soon!


Here is another page I have done this morning, again focus is on Western Australia. I made the background paper and used the selection border method (I think that is what you call it) for the page edges.


bye for now,



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For this Word Challenge,  I decided to use one of the techniques that Cassel taught on May 7th Webmaster Class "No Kit Scrap 2".


It takes many steps to do it, but it's worth the work. I had a few "fights" with the nodes but I manage to complete. :)


For the background, I used the photo of the letter N on top of a white background and lowered the opacity to 50.


I tried two different Layers Blend Modes: one is Luminance (black and white) and the other is Difference.


For the date, I used Cassel's freebie  SplitText Month, and the tag is a freebie from Granny Enchanted (Free Digi Snowman tag).


Thanks, Cassel, for the class and freebie.

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Hello Cristina and Marlene, thank you both for the encouragement you give through the comments you make about the pages I have posted. It is great don't you think, that the Forum can be used in this way. I enjoy seeing other members projects as we all have so many different ideas and techniques that can inspire us all.


Cristina, it  made me happy to see your pages this morning, you have done very creative work. I have not yet tried the technique Cassel did in the No Kit Scrap2 lesson but you have shown how effective it can be.  Sometimes when I try something new it can take quite a while to get it just how I like it to be. It is worth the effort though, as we learn new things each step we take. Well Done Cristina! and thank you for showing us.

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Cristina - what a lovely page, great idea to use the No Scrap technique - it works really well. I like the idea of using one of the photos as your background, I have done this a bit and it can be very effective. How lucky are we that we have a program like PSP that can allow us to do all these fancy things but doesn't cost the earth!
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This morning I have been playing around with an idea I had last evening... the page below is the finished result. As I often send a card greeting via email I thought this would be a fun way of saying Happy Birthday to a friend. I enjoy using PSP to make up cards as well as full size scrapbook pages. This one below I have kept full size so I can reduce the size to also make my printed cards.
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Thank you, Marlene and Dawn for your kind words. I love to learn, to try out new techniques, and the process of creating a page. Sometimes it comes easily and other times is a struggle. :)


But here in the Campus the possibility of learning is endless, as Cassel has classes for all levels. I see the Forum as a place where we can share our work, support and learn from each other... and all of this in a friendly environment. Hopefully, more people will join us!


Dawn, another nice work you showed us...simple and elegant.

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Hello Cristina and Marlene, thank you both for your nice comments on my buzz around card page.


Cristina I agree with you  about the Campus and the Forum. it took me quite a while to participate in the forum because I had never done anything like this before. However over time I started to feel comfortable in doing so. I also feel it to be a friendly environment and  agree it would be great to see more people join us. However even with just a few of us we can still share our ideas etc.. and hopefully inspire someone else to join in.


Best wishes to you both,



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Dawn, it is also the first time that I participate in a forum. It's been about one year that I became a member of the Campus, and only a while ago I began to participate and share my work more often after feeling more comfortable too.


Best wishes :)

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Sheila, thank you for showing your page..  I like to see photos of old Castles and the way you have used circles and used the pins to attach.. very creative. Your whole layout is very effective in displaying your photos. Well done!





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Thank you April and Dawn. We looked at the remains of this castle this year and its only in the next county to us and was well worth visiting even if the old stone spiral staircase is a bit of a challenge to climb, the vista view at the top is wondrous. I don't know how many members belong here but seems only a few of us participate with the challenges but from little Acorns big Oak trees grow so maybe others will take the plunge and join in. Keep up the good work.




Sheila x

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