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Black Friday Sale Is Here! (November 2022)

Susan Ewart

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"Double-purchases in the store: typically, the system will let you know if you already purchased something EXCEPT if you put the product directly into your cart from your wishlist. But as it has happened before, I would gladly refund that double purchase if it happens."


Wow, I really wish I had know that. I almost always put the product into my cart from my wishlist. I usually just check to see what I have in PSP because sometimes I buy your products from Corel if they are having a sale. I'll have to start checking my purchases from My Download List in the store, too. From now on I won't add stuff from the wishlist directly. Thanks for the info.

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Yeah, you save 2 months - $50.00!


Also, people should know there is a bunch of free stuff at Corel. It mostly started last week, but there is even more added, including stuff from Cassel. PLUS a big zip file of stuff at this web address. https://learn.corel.com/free-stuff/

(It is not the usual address I use, which is this https://learn.corel.com/freebie)


I have a feeling that it is not new, but it's new to me.


Rene, My LilyPad order had no duplicates this go around! Yay me!  (But my Digital Press order had a couple, so I’m par for the course.) I keep CU in a completely different place, and when designers don’t use the same naming system, I don’t notice. And of course they were 70% off, so I can’t go whining to them about my lousy 5 bucks on 4 kits, LOL!


And finally, there is a little blending freebie at Katie Pertiet’s blog. It’s under November 17. It’s a third way to blend, you might say, blending for art, not to meld two photos together. She has little freebies four times a month…iTunes, Blending and 2 others, and they go back 6 months.  And she has an entire month of gratitude cards for Nov. which may or may not be your cup of tea.

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Check the store Monique.  https://creationcassel.com/store/index.php?main_page=login&zenid=t8ajd1tcqlr0ansr05ii505r90


Fridday and saturday is 40% off,


Sunday and Mon is 30% off


Carole, is the bug in PSP 2023 getting worked out?  There is a good deal for Cyber monday with a few more extras I want to jump on, but only if they will fix the bug for sure.



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