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Just wanted to say


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I just wanted to say I'm so happy I found this campus some years ago. I've learned so much (and forgot al lot too ;) Carole is a great teacher and the lessons, challenges, masterclasses are fun to do.


At the moment I'm adjusting a project I made years ago and wasn't really to my satisfaction, from what I've learned so far, I could change it to a better looking project. (Aligning wasn't right)




Thanks again Carole for all your lessons, inspiration and fun. Made some friends too here and that's an added bonus!



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Hi I just wanted to say  Dittos on MoniqueN what she said :)


I found Scrapbook Campus when Covid hit before right then it really saved me a lot when I had to be alone,


just me and my dog.    I never was good but Learning now really, I am just starting to understand  things.  Ive


learned so much about passwords and computer stuff.  Its been way more informative than the computer course I took at A.A.R.P.   one was free one was not.  But then I didnt like driving to Little Rock and to my husband said, thats his side of town stay out of it  (lol)  Now I go all over my son told me I can  lol.



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Hi Just wanting to ask


Is there a pdf on how to point your psp to where you moved all the files to keep them safe not in your psp program?


I finally did it I think, and a lot of things aren't working the tubes and scripts I think I have going to go back been at it


hours.  Thanks

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I just wanted to Say Thank You and Congrats on Boot Camp Winners,


I struggled but got them in and I won I won I WON SO HAPPY      I just am so happy


WTG All   :)


And the winners are...


We had a random draw, last night, among the Scrap Bootcamp participants who posted at least four out of five projects. And the winners are...


First prize - Cindy  -  A copy of PSP2023 Ultimate

Second prize - Patricia  -  Two months of our DIAMOND membership

Third prize - Ann S  - $25 coupon for the Creation Cassel store


I forgot to say Read the Email  OMG your Lil Grandson raking so big already!    I think he looks like his Grandpa


Oh and  On the bug fix   I thought its okay I can use 22 psp for my scripts if theres problem,   I just cant live


without Caroles Scripts.   for real

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