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Theme challenge - TIME


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Since this month, we have a TIME theme for the blog, and there are lots of ideas to inspire you, I am challenging you to create your own layout using the theme of TIME or post one you already did. It could be something with two photos and a "Then and Now" format. It could be a timeline of events featuring several photos with dates. It could be a time lapse of an event (ex: pregnancy), of aging (ex: various school pictures over the years), of the seasons passing (ex: your backyard in different seasons), or anything else that shows, IN PICTURES, the time that passes.


Are you up to it?


If you need help, remember that you can get a free quick page ready for you to add 3 photos. That freebie is available on this blog post.


And to inspire you some more, here is one that I made a while ago.




Your turn!

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Here is one i did a long time ago, and it was just a funny coincidence that both photos were so similar. That layout was part of my alphabet album.



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I liked very much your templates, Cassel. They sure tell a story.


Here is my take for this Time Challenge. I used the quick page with just a few change in the colors.


For the title I used the Playdough Alphabet freebie from Cassel. This script is on my wish list.

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Thank you Cristina for your comments. The card was made with papers I have and also a lovely rose script I purchased ( main rose) Cassel's scripts and freebies were also used along with other elements.   Here is my Time Quick Page (Cassel's Freebie). Thank you Cassel for the free templates you  provide.









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Christina, I also wanted to say that your Quick page was great and the thought of Strawberry Cake was on my mind for quite some time. Cassel, I thought your Push Up page was really cute and  to have photos that were so similar... it put a smile on my face.
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Christmas Day 1964. My parents had invited their friends Bert and Lillian to spend the evening. Bert's 19 year old son was included. We watched a movie - "The Pride and The Passion" - and I chatted to Russell. Two days later he asked me out and we got married in March 1970. This was a Christmas card I made for him to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the day we met. Not all the photos were taken at Christmas (the individual ones and us with the monkey) but most were. I even managed to find a poster for the movie!
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Thank you, April, for your kind words. I am new to scrapbooking and I am learning a little bit more every day. The QP you made in honor of your step-dad Ernie is very touching.


Congratulation, Marlene, for your 50th anniversary of the day you and your husband met! Nice layouts!



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Cristina, scrapbooking is very new to me also. I mainly do cards of various sizes, however since the Calendar Challenge I have really started to get more interested in doing full size scrapbook pages first then reduce to the size I require for my cards.  With Cassel's tutorials and scripts I am still learning and I am sure you will continue to grow in knowledge also. Look forward to seeing more of your creations.


Marlene your 2 posts above are great.....  I enjoy seeing your layouts.

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