
Jan Wilson

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  • in reply to: What are you working on (in May)? #18689
    Jan Wilson
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      I have been working on making Wombat things for my Son for his upcoming website and new business.

      His nickname has been Wombat since, oh, forever.  He calls his home WombatManor, even his car tag is Wombat.  Now, a Wombat is an Australian Marsupial, has a live young which lives in her back facing pouch.  They are great diggers and live in a burrow they dig with their long strong claws.

      I have an ornament of a Wombat which I took a photo of, took it into PSP2018 and worked on it, cutting it out and made many adjustments till I got something I liked.  I made a tube of it and when I used it this frame is what I got.  I had no setting on it for I wanted to see what came out.   I used the vector paint script around a heart shape.  I liked what I saw.  It had one Wombat  on the frame with the script so I added some more.








      in reply to: Alphabet game – PICNIC #18687
      Jan Wilson
        • 52
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        L= is for Lettuce to go in the salads and on other foods

        in reply to: Alphabet Game – FARM #18280
        Jan Wilson
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          T is for Turkey

          in reply to: Alphabet Game – FARM #18252
          Jan Wilson
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            P = Pig

            in reply to: Alphabet Game – FARM #18151
            Jan Wilson
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              A is for An

              Angus Cattle


              in reply to: February – Theme Challenge – Chinese New Year #17126
              Jan Wilson
                • 52
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                Hi, I used the New Year Token, Year of the Dog to make a thank you card I made for my husband to the staff of the Hotel he always stays at and friends in Hoi An, Vietnam and to wish them a Happy New Year. It was posted on his Facebook.  The Vietnamese call it Tet and I experienced a Tet in 2016, very colourful and exciting.

                The dog in it is our Dalmation, Ben.





                in reply to: Photoshop stuff you wish you could do with PSP? #16944
                Jan Wilson
                  • 52
                  • Junior

                  Thanks, will definitely try this.

                  in reply to: Photoshop stuff you wish you could do with PSP? #16924
                  Jan Wilson
                    • 52
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                    Hi, I hope this thread is still relevant.

                    I use Poser and sometimes I like to make my own textures for some of the clothes for the 3d models for my own use.  I know how to do this but am a bit confused with making a bump map of the texture tile I want to use.   I have a tutorial, but written for Photoshop, it is on clothing texturing.

                    I can follow it with PSP 2018 up to making my bump map and this is the graphic from the tutorial – what is the equivalent in PSP, as I can only see Greyscale and then adjusting with maybe Brightness/Contrast.   This was a blue knit tile before I made it grayscale with no colour adjustment applied yet.   Would I have done this right.  Jan








                    in reply to: Alphabet game – Games #11604
                    Jan Wilson
                      • 52
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                      U is for Unders and Overs which is a card, dice or a ball game

                      in reply to: Calendar Challenge 2016 #11589
                      Jan Wilson
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                        Ok being a novice, I used the template supplied, but used some of my own textures and some collected embelishments.  I used this page for November 2016 as a reminder of my son and my grandkids visit because I don’t get to see them as much as I would like.

                        Having fun doing these though and have nearly finished Day 2 just a decision, if I will change some of the textures.

                        in reply to: A great brush sale is on at DAZ3d #11536
                        Jan Wilson
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                          Great, I was hoping you could do this.   Thanks Cassel for this tip, probably would make a good Blog page tute – that is if you have not already done one.

                          in reply to: A great brush sale is on at DAZ3d #11533
                          Jan Wilson
                            • 52
                            • Junior

                            Thanks Cassel.   What I really want to know is:  after doing the import of the .abr file and adding them, I want them to really go into a separate folder I have created in the brush section in the Corel Paintshop Pro folder.   The ‘all’ section in the brushes would get too long in there if everyone went there.

                            Is this possible, after installing them and they show up in ‘all’ can I then go in and move them manually to the folder I made for each bunch of brushes to make it easier finding them than all that scrolling just to find the one you want.   My brush folder is already ‘full’.  Can this be done, your tutorial did not address this.  Thanks Jan


                            in reply to: A great brush sale is on at DAZ3d #11523
                            Jan Wilson
                              • 52
                              • Junior

                              Wendy, sorry to hear Ron is so ill, I did read something on the forum in a thread about these brushes that he was ill  but nothing specific was mentioned.

                              How do you manage these assets in PSP, have you put the brushes in their own folder under brushes and have them show up when you want to use one or more.

                              I am just exploring what I purchased now, and am so pleased with what I have seen so far and that is just a couple.

                              in reply to: A great brush sale is on at DAZ3d #11521
                              Jan Wilson
                                • 52
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                                Cassel, on the first link the page with the ogre floating, click on the link to take you to the main store that says 3D Content Marketplace, that is where you will see the floating banner if the second link did not take you directly to Fast Grab.  As I am registered, I was looking for where you get registered, but I presume that will be seen by you somewhere if you go to buy something.  Cheers and goodnight from me.

                                in reply to: A great brush sale is on at DAZ3d #11520
                                Jan Wilson
                                  • 52
                                  • Junior

                                  Hi Cassel.   I am registered at DAZ3d, have been for years now.   I just went in and got this link, but don’t know if you can see it without being registered.


                                  The floating banners I referred to are on the main page for the store along the top.   The product are called Ron’s brushes.  I know however you may have to be registered to buy any.  It is tricky to download a purchase too if you don’t know how with these sorts of products.

                                  I actually have some questions to pose to you on brushes like these, but it in late here in

                                  Australia now, and I will do so in my morning ok.


                                  Hope you can check these out, the price is so low at the moment 70% discount.   Cheers Jan

                                  in reply to: Alphabet game – Games #11514
                                  Jan Wilson
                                    • 52
                                    • Junior

                                    Q is for Quoits the game you played by throwing a round hoop to get it over a pole from so many feet away.

                                    in reply to: Here we are #11440
                                    Jan Wilson
                                      • 52
                                      • Junior

                                      Hi Paige, you have found a great place to hang out.   I also use Poser (PoserPro 2014) and I love to dabble at making my own textures for Poser clothes or props.

                                      I discovered Paintshop Pro.  However I found X8 too buggy and it crashed my computer too much so upgraded to 9 and have been learning all the wonderful things it can do.   I am not a scrapbooker myself, but have learned heaps here at the Campus from our wonderful teacher Cassel.

                                      I love photography also, so it is great in that aspect.   Welcome. I like your layout too, cute doggies.

                                      in reply to: Alphabet game – Games #11398
                                      Jan Wilson
                                        • 52
                                        • Junior

                                        H is for hopscotch

                                        in reply to: Here we are #10662
                                        Jan Wilson
                                          • 52
                                          • Junior

                                          Hi Wendy and Sheila.   @ Wendy, I don’t use DAZ Studio only PoserPro 2014 but texturing clothing (or props etc) is one of the things I wish to learn in the fact of adding lace, beading, trims – that sort of thing.  I know how to texture a template and add one of my texture tiles to it and I use a small prog called Stich Witch to do that, but it is the added touches I wish to get better at in PSP.  I have downloaded the latest DAZ Studio, but prefer Poser in which I am more familiar.


                                          Sheila, the character models that come with the Poser program can look kind of ugly (out-of-the-box as we say)   That is where you need to purchase skins, morphs, clothes and hair for them from one of the Stores to make them look better, but that is where it can get expensive depending on your pocket lol  There is some free stuff around of course, but not as much as there once was and the stores do have forums for help.


                                          Waves at Dianne who also used poser once.  Poser is up to version:  Poser Pro 2011 (this is the next one up from what I am using) and I agree Poser or DAZ Studio have become better over versions program wise.







                                          in reply to: Here we are #10625
                                          Jan Wilson
                                            • 52
                                            • Junior

                                            Hi Eileen, I don’t think you have the right idea re Poser in that you do not use PSP to make the 3D models, that takes a modelling program to model them, then rigging them and other processes.   I don’t do that, I purchase my models from one of the Stores, download them and install in Poser (that is the program I use).   However, some clothes for instance you can texture easy yourself in a graphic program from the template.   The model skin textures need more skill to look good.

                                            PSP or Photoshop comes into it for post working your finished images, adding backgrounds or making one, and for or other elements you might wish to add..   It could be also used for making scrap book elements.

                                            Poser is not free but the DAZ Studio program from DAZ 3D is.  They have heaps of models for sale to use in it but it is an expensive hobby.  Another good place to look to see what it is all about is HiveWire3D, the store, the forum and their image gallery of images done by members especially.

                                            PSP or another graphic program is just one of things Poser or DAZ Studio artists need.   Hope this helps



                                            in reply to: Here we are #10623
                                            Jan Wilson
                                              • 52
                                              • Junior

                                              Thank you for the welcome.   You asked for an example of a Poser image and using PSP for postwork.  I did this one for a card.

                                              The girl, clothes hair and bike & flowers are Poser 3D models that I put together in Poser and rendered and saved as a .png then I added the background in PSP.   The models and elements to use in the Poser program (or the DAZ Studio similar program which is free) can be an expensive hobby and is addictive and rewarding.  I have been using it for years now.   As I said this image is just a quickie I had to show.



                                              in reply to: Here we are #10618
                                              Jan Wilson
                                                • 52
                                                • Junior

                                                Hi, may name is Jan and I live in NSW Australia.   For many years, I used PhotoImpact as my graphic program but now have moved on to PSP fairly recently.   I got PSP X8, installed it, opened it and got dismayed at where to start – went back to PhotoImpact X3 in which I felt more comfortable.  I finally looked around the Web and found some basic tutorials and opened the program again and “fiddled” around.


                                                One day I discovered Scrapbook Campus, so I registered and did some practicing with the information here.  I am nowhere comfortable in my ability so far, I think I forget more and learn something else but am getting better gradually.

                                                I am not a scrap booker as such but want to learn more.   I use a program called PoserPro 2014 and wish to use PSP more proficiently in postwork for the images I create in Poser and to make textures from templates for some of the models you use in Poser.  I also like my Photography so would like to be more creative in that.

                                                I have just updated PSP to X9 for I was having crashing issues with X8 on my Laptop and so far find it much more stable for me.

                                                So G’day to you all and thanks.



                                              Viewing 22 posts - 31 through 52 (of 52 total)