
Jan Wilson

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  • in reply to: Where in the world are you? #49520
    Jan Wilson
      • 52
      • Junior

      I am in New South Wales, Australia on the South Coast.

      in reply to: BOOTCAMP September 2020 #47637
      Jan Wilson
        • 52
        • Junior

        I had some computer troubles with folders freezing and strange things happening until I rebooted and waited so I could finish my Lesson eleven image.

        I decided to use elements instead of a photo for the main focus (could not decide on a suitable photo as I take mainly birds, animals flowers or landscapes)  The majority of my elements came from who have daily freebies or great deals.

        This has been fun and stirred my creative juices, thank you Carole for your tips in the tutorials.  Everyone has done a great job on their lesson images, I have loved them all.


        in reply to: BOOTCAMP September 2020 #47575
        Jan Wilson
          • 52
          • Junior

          My Project lesson 9.    As I also use a program called PoserPro 11 V3 I had made these images in it, so I decided to showcase them as The Girls of Paris.  Bye the way Poser uses 3D models, so that is what these are.

          I did learn and use those two tricks Carole demonstrated in the Video with the frames and the Pinking of edges.  I was trying to do frames before around photos, but of course it was not this technique, so it did not work out.   Thanks Carole, neat trick, I will use this again.

          Edit to add, that the girl in the sunglasses must have still been a .png so this is what happened with the frame and I liked it, so kept it.

          So ool la la, the girls of Paris


          in reply to: BOOTCAMP September 2020 #47539
          Jan Wilson
            • 52
            • Junior

            Just finished Lesson 7.   My photos taken on overseas trips to the USA and Vietnam. Sydney was home so not a trip.

            I used a background paper I found I had in my collection that had an interesting edge, two Aussie animal .pngs and a fun emoji.   I did not use glitter paper, but used glitter elements instead.   The text saying was another element that I just coloured.

            It is lovely to see the different approaches everyone is making, the individual touch.

            in reply to: BOOTCAMP September 2020 #47425
            Jan Wilson
              • 52
              • Junior

              Waves from Australia to Euka Euka.  I am so glad it is finally Spring also, Cheers, Jan

              in reply to: BOOTCAMP September 2020 #47424
              Jan Wilson
                • 52
                • Junior

                This is my Lesson 5 project.   The coming out of a hard cold winter to more summer season and the promise of better things to come.

                My photo of a beach where I live, not quite full summer season yet when I took the photo.   I used a beach wave background paper.   The extras were from a kit called Clip Art for Summer.  I modified the clipart saying to read Time instead of view.



                in reply to: BOOTCAMP September 2020 #47339
                Jan Wilson
                  • 52
                  • Junior

                  Signs of Spring-Lesson3

                  Here in Australia, Spring is in the air – flowers are starting to bloom and birds are looking to breeding.

                  This is my photo of Australian Rainbow Lorikeets last Spring when they had babies to feed and look after.  We get lots of these colourful birds and I took this on my balcony of the resident pair who usually have two babies.   Jan

                  in reply to: BOOTCAMP September 2020 #47317
                  Jan Wilson
                    • 52
                    • Junior

                    Hi, I am only starting now with the Bootcamp lessons.  Have just done No two with the sandwich plate and table.

                    I made my plate floral and for the coffee cup I filled it with a gradient.   I added the shadows, put a checkered tablecloth on the table and added some flower decorations.  I also recolored the cutlery.

                    I have been using Paintshop Pro for a couple of years now and have learned heaps from Carole (well trying to remember most things).   I do not usually dabble in Scrapbooking, only occasionally but prefer to use my photographs to have PSP make adjustments and that.

                    However I decided to do this Bootcamp for fun and to refresh memory and probably learn something.

                    This is my Table.


                    in reply to: What are you working on (in September 2020)? #47014
                    Jan Wilson
                      • 52
                      • Junior

                      I have used Carole’s new script-Fire in this image.  As I use PoserPro 11, I have used a bird model of a Phoenix by Ken Gilliland.


                      in reply to: September Theme Challenge – TREES #47009
                      Jan Wilson
                        • 52
                        • Junior

                        Hi I have done a template with Trees.  The Kentia Palms which are native to Lord Howe Island, Australia, but cultivated elsewhere for Gardens etc.    Took the photos several years ago on a visit to Lord Howe Island, such a beautiful Island.  Visitors are limited to 400 at a time.

                        Kentia Palms

                        in reply to: Alphabet Game – TREES #46851
                        Jan Wilson
                          • 52
                          • Junior

                          L= Lemon Tree

                          in reply to: All our Australian friends… #37264
                          Jan Wilson
                            • 52
                            • Junior

                            Annie, I doubt there would be an Aussie who would not be moved by this footage.

                            Had an extremely smoke filled day today (Sunday 13th) due to the rain that fell, but only very lightly here.  Other coastal places up and down the coast from Qld to Victoria got more  It pushed the smoke down to the ground and made it a dangerous day to venture outside so staying indoors with windows and doors shut was the only option if one possibly could.  I suffered today from ‘storm asthma’ that had surfaced again days ago during the main fire days brought on by the smoke, ash and strong winds.

                            Milder conditions and indeed a bit of rain has eased the fire situation and hopefully this will last.  Glad you were safe in Bundaberg and you get some rain and lets hope no Cyclones form and head in – thats all that is needed your way.

                            in reply to: All our Australian friends… #37152
                            Jan Wilson
                              • 52
                              • Junior

                              I don’t know whether I can post a YouTube link here.

                              This is a compilation tribute to a song, We Are Australian by various Australian artists of the bushfire images.  It is very touching and brings a tear to our eyes.  Hope you can get to see it to get a sense of the true horror.

                              in reply to: All our Australian friends… #37151
                              Jan Wilson
                                • 52
                                • Junior

                                Hi everyone, just finally saw the Newsletter about this thread.

                                We are safe.  We live on the South Coast of New South Wales, on the coast out of Nowra.  We have had some effects of the fires like fire rages 15Kms from us on 21st December.   The sky turned from Day to Night in the afternoon, burnt leaves and sooty ash rained down with lots of choking smoke.   It was eerie.  We had gotten watch and beware alerts on phone and mobiles that there could be ember attacks and evacuations may be imminent.  It was a very stressing day and the first of several over the next week.

                                Fire fighting planes were continually filling up in the river, swooping down, skimming water and taking off again to fight nearby fires.  The road in or out was closed (only one way in)  It is a coastal village famous for its beaches.  This a day to night photo in our yard.

                                The same thing happened 26th December with another fire 12 Kms away at another location very near Nowra – the fire had jumped the Shoalhaven River and was burning out of control but luckily for us (but not others) the raging winds fanning the fire was not blowing the fire in our direction towards the coast, but it was warned if an expected wind change occurred late afternoon- it would.   The Shoalhaven and other South Coast areas have so much National Forest- it burns quickly and fiercely.  It was a holocaust  because the land in in severe drought, forest etc are tinder dry.  Gale  force winds did not help.

                                Whole towns further down the Coast toward the Victorian border and over the border were devastated by fire, several burnt, homes and livelihoods lost – even several deaths and I think the total is seven so far.  Whole towns were forced to take refuge on beaches.   The problem is it is summer school holiday time and tourists and visitors were in great numbers and as roads were cut or closed, they could not get back home North or South.  The Government ended up evacuating people by Navy boats and helicopters.   Widespread power and communication outages added to the chaos, fuel and food ran short.  It was a complete nightmare to these people and townfolk.

                                Now I hear this weekend it could start all over again as high temperatures and winds may eventuate.

                                It is so sad also when you see the harrowing images of burned wildlife, Koalas, Kangaroos and others.  These fires have been burning right along the East Coast of Australia for weeks.  Also in Victoria, South Australia and even Tasmania.

                                We are Australians, we will survive and rebuild.






                                in reply to: A question about the Text tool PP2020 #36335
                                Jan Wilson
                                  • 52
                                  • Junior

                                  Thanks Carole. that worked.

                                  in reply to: Alphabet Game – SANTA #36279
                                  Jan Wilson
                                    • 52
                                    • Junior

                                    B = Beach.    At least here in Australia

                                    in reply to: Alphabet game – SEWING #26435
                                    Jan Wilson
                                      • 52
                                      • Junior

                                      C = Crosstitch


                                      in reply to: Alphabet Game – CIRCUS #20590
                                      Jan Wilson
                                        • 52
                                        • Junior

                                        K = Keepers as in for Animals

                                        in reply to: Saying Hello from Australia. #19272
                                        Jan Wilson
                                          • 52
                                          • Junior

                                          Cooee Annie – it will be the new Mighty Blues who will win the State of Origin tonight – that is who I will be barracking for.

                                          I live on the South Coast of New South Wales out of Nowra.

                                          Rosemary, hope you are reading these welcomes, come and say G’Day.

                                          in reply to: Saying Hello from Australia. #19175
                                          Jan Wilson
                                            • 52
                                            • Junior

                                            G’Day Rosemary.  Welcome to Scrapbook Campus, you will like it here, so much to learn.  Friendly people and a super teacher.

                                            I am Aussie and have been here now for a while and love all the activities.   Enjoy yourself, Cheers Jan


                                            in reply to: Double Take Challenge 2018 #19162
                                            Jan Wilson
                                              • 52
                                              • Junior

                                              Finally got to finish Day 6.   I have skipped Day 5 for the moment and turned what I was going to use into Day 6.

                                              This is a tribute to a Vietnamese friend.


                                              in reply to: Double Take Challenge 2018 #19034
                                              Jan Wilson
                                                • 52
                                                • Junior

                                                Well I finally had time and caught up – at least to Day 5.   In February 2016 we went to Vietnam and were there for Tet (Chinese New Year).   Fantastic, the people, the colours, the lights and all the flowers, it goes on for about 5 days and is a public holiday for most.

                                                We started in Ho Chi Minh City where we saw all the flower displays being set up and saw the opening night and what a sight that was.  We then went to Hoi An for the actual New Year celebration night and that was WOW also.

                                                My layout is set in Ho Chi Minh showing some sights and the flowers.  I used two night time photos together for the background and Cass’s Scattered Photos Script to scatter the photos, resize and add borders, made life so much easier.

                                                So many new lovely images, I think we are all having fun with this Challenge, thanks Carole.


                                                in reply to: Double Take Challenge 2018 #18986
                                                Jan Wilson
                                                  • 52
                                                  • Junior

                                                  Marlene I actually enjoyed reading the whole poem again, but had to choose only the first verse, it is a lovely poem.   I have been to Singapore myself, years ago now and remembered seeing the Macaws at the Jurong Bird Park and marvelling how they stayed in their open enclosure – I guess they had it too good there.  I loved Singapore, so enjoyed your layout.

                                                  Spent today working on Challenge 3 and I chose to showcase Lord Howe Island, a beautiful Island and part of Australia.  Only 400 tourists are allowed at one time.  Some residents can trace their family history to Fletcher Christian and some others from The Bounty (remember the Movie – Mutiny On The Bounty).  However Norfolk Island was where they mainly settled.


                                                  in reply to: Double Take Challenge 2018 #18973
                                                  Jan Wilson
                                                    • 52
                                                    • Junior

                                                    The second page

                                                    in reply to: Double Take Challenge 2018 #18971
                                                    Jan Wilson
                                                      • 52
                                                      • Junior

                                                      Oops did a whoopsie.


                                                      in reply to: Double Take Challenge 2018 #18968
                                                      Jan Wilson
                                                        • 52
                                                        • Junior

                                                        Having had too many interruptions with Real Life, I finally managed to finish what I started with Day 2.   This is my first Challenge, so no wonder I am slower, but getting better.

                                                        I chose Australian Animals for this, my photos.  The poem is by Dorothea Mackellar (or part thereof), one you learnt at school in my schooldays and I always loved it.

                                                        Everyone has done such good work I see in their challenges.



                                                        in reply to: Double Take Challenge 2018 #18908
                                                        Jan Wilson
                                                          • 52
                                                          • Junior

                                                          Finished my Day 1 Double Take page 2 with my Australian Bird Theme photos.  I have so many photos I have taken over the years of birds I see and have seen around my area, I stuck to the most familiar first.

                                                          Thanks for the comments.  I have looked at your work too and everyone is individually unique – very enjoyable.

                                                          For page two I have some baby Lorikeets who are so sweet when young, some Kookaburra young with a parent or Aunt, and a young Magpie, these babies are the racket makers when they beg for food from their parents.  Enjoy



                                                          in reply to: Double Take Challenge 2018 #18868
                                                          Jan Wilson
                                                            • 52
                                                            • Junior

                                                            I got a bit of a late start to commence the challenge today, but manage to do this much so far.   My theme is Australian Birds of which I have all these and many more at various times of the year visit my balcony, some appear all the time.   Over the years they have become so used to me that I can feed by hand, others are more wary.

                                                            Naturally I have taken lots of photos of the birds, the Kookaburras especially for they sit there and pose as long as there is food.  Several of the cheekier ones even call me to come out.   I only feed them, never handle them and most trust me by now.

                                                            Here is page one so far.  Cheers Jan




                                                            in reply to: Alphabet game – PICNIC #18696
                                                            Jan Wilson
                                                              • 52
                                                              • Junior

                                                              P = pepper (and salt) for a bit of seasoning

                                                              in reply to: What are you working on (in May)? #18691
                                                              Jan Wilson
                                                                • 52
                                                                • Junior

                                                                This is another image I have done for.   Cass’s Neon Script in this with a cut out Wombat.   These are still works in progress deciding on wording and Fonts.  I will take this into ParticleShop and use a Fur Brush to bring out the edge fur.  Cheers..Jan


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