
Theresa Di Cesare

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  • in reply to: Template Workshop 2022 #74611
    Theresa Di Cesare
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      Carole – Thank you. I can’t remember what font I used but the wording has a black outline with a brownish fill. I probably got carried away with the ‘CTRL Y’s’ when drop shadowing everything and probably should have changed the settings for the title. All good stuff to learn.


      Once again, thank you for a great workshop. Really enjoyed it.

      in reply to: Template Workshop 2022 #74578
      Theresa Di Cesare
        • 37
        • Rookie

        Carole – Thank you for this workshop. Have learnt lots of new things – hopefully they’ll stay in my head even though I have written notes for certain things.

        Here is my Template 7 – The other day my granddaughter and I were taking a look at the flowers in my Mum’s garden. She wanted to take some pictures of them and then decided that posing for photo’s was more fun than taking the pictures…. She will be 5 in May and is growing up so fast!!!

        The elements and papers are from Gina Jones ‘February’ Kit. I removed the flower placement holders, 2 of the long thin ones too. I locked the transparency on the 2 remaining placeholders and flood filled them with colours from the papers. Added 2 new ‘rectangle selections’ for extra photos and resized them. Adjusted the colour of the heart stitching with no problem this time around 🙂

        An informative workshop, thank you.

        And thank you to all that have displayed their marvellous creations and those that have given their time to share tips and advice.

        in reply to: Template Workshop 2022 #74552
        Theresa Di Cesare
          • 37
          • Rookie

          Ann – Love your Big Cat pages, WOW 🙂

          Here is my Lesson 6 Page. Really enjoyed this, and I loved working with the textured paper. The elements and papers I used were from Gina Jones ‘February’ Kit. I removed one or 2 of the placeholders. The hue/saturation/lightness, plus brightness and contrast were used to adjust the colours of the elements.




          in reply to: Template Workshop 2022 #74524
          Theresa Di Cesare
            • 37
            • Rookie

            Carole – I just went back onto the pspimage of my template 5, and again ran through the tutorial. I don’t know if it is a glitch on my PSP2022, but doing the select all when the layer of the stitching is highlighted doesn’t flood fill the stitching with a colour – at first it didn’t change colour, nothing happened, and then a 2nd time it flood filled the background of the stitching layer. I locked the transparency on it, and did each action as was on the tutorial. but to no avail.

            I then went back onto it, highlighted the stitching layer in layers, locked the transparency, picked a colour, clicked the flood fill, and then clicked the area inside the stitching, and voila…. the colour changed 🙂 All I did differently was not do the ‘CTRL A’ to select all.

            I have found that sometimes taking a step back from a project for whatever reason is quite beneficial when something is not going quite right – gives you time to find a solution, question whether the actions were done properly or not, or run through things with a clearer head.

            in reply to: Template Workshop 2022 #74433
            Theresa Di Cesare
              • 37
              • Rookie

              After seeing a few other wonderful creations and becoming inspired, and a bit brave I have to say, I altered my original page and moved elements around and used align and distribute to move the photos.   I don’t have any rick rack in my limited supplies, so I locked transparency on it and flood filled with a colour.

              I did have a problem with the ‘select all’ on the stitching to change the colour of it in one hit – I just couldn’t get that to work even though I watched that part of the tutorial half a dozen times or more… In the end I zoomed in and used the adjust – hue, saturation and lightness to change the colour.

              I had a lovely woodland walk yesterday which inspired my page. The spring flowers were beautiful as they were dotted about the ground and in the hedgerow. In the photos, we have Camelia, black hawthorn, gorse and bluebells.


              in reply to: Template Workshop 2022 #74404
              Theresa Di Cesare
                • 37
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                Here is my page for Template 4 – Birds from the Garden…

                One of my ‘favourite waste of times’ is to just sit in the garden and watch the birds flit about between the trees and shrubs. I could literally sit there all day if time allowed.

                In the pictures we have a Robin, a Blue Tit, a very fluffy baby Sparrow/Dunnock (I always get the two confused!) and a baby Blackbird.

                I think I’m finally understanding masks and am making them quicker than I was a couple of days ago. I love the brush effect one, and  I am assuming that was made by the paintbrush, and that all I’d need to do is create my own ‘design’ using the paintbrush options and then create a mask from it??? Is that right??

                I used an embossed paper from Gina Jones February kit from Digital Scrapbook and I adjusted the colour, brightness and contrast. The colour of the border and the text colour are colour dropped from the Sparrow’s head.

                I’m loving seeing the levels of creativity that are being displayed in the forum. Thank you all for sharing them.


                in reply to: Template Workshop 2022 #74096
                Theresa Di Cesare
                  • 37
                  • Rookie

                  I stuck with the open layer script and was impressed – saved time along with the CTRL Y that I’d forgotten about!!!

                  I had a spot of trouble with getting my photo to ‘fit’ on the shape. I did the magic wand to make it only go on the shape but at first the photo had a large chunk missing, as if it was within another mask/shape… I kept at it and finally it went right, but to be honest, I have no idea if I had done anything different but it seemed to have just worked!

                  Here is my Day 3 page – I used various papers from Digital Scrapbook – Gina Jones February Kit. The photo is of crocuses that are in Mums garden.



                  in reply to: Template Workshop 2022 #74009
                  Theresa Di Cesare
                    • 37
                    • Rookie

                    Hello everyone,

                    Here’s my Template 2 page.

                    I’m a huge fan of sunrises and the serenity they bring, and after a few beautiful mornings here in the UK, I’ve been blessed by some stunning sunrises, which boosted my inspiration for this.

                    Had to do a few rewinds on the tutorial regarding the magic wand and which layers to highlight as it wasn’t doing what Carole was doing – took a few tries but got there in the end!

                    The papers I used were from Gina Jones February kit from Digital Scrapbook. And the colour dropper colours for the outer circle, the square frame and the journal shape were from the two pictures. I adjusted the colour slightly on the journal shape, and slightly adjusted one of the papers.

                    in reply to: Template Workshop 2022 #73936
                    Theresa Di Cesare
                      • 37
                      • Rookie

                      Sue and Carole – Thank you for your help. Managed to erase the bottom of the pic that was showing.

                      Here is my template 1 – When my granddaughter comes to stay she always asks to go and see the horses, mule and donkey that have been rescued, and live not too far away from us.

                      The papers I used were from Digital Scrapbook and were from the February kit. I used the hue, lightness and saturation to change the colour of the spots to compliment Isabel’s clothing.




                      in reply to: Template Workshop 2022 #73874
                      Theresa Di Cesare
                        • 37
                        • Rookie

                        Hi all,

                        WOW, so many lovely creations 🙂

                        Really enjoyed Template Lesson 1, until right at the end where I’ve hit a problem. I have the bottom edge of my photo showing on the base of the page. I tried moving it up and down like Carole said near the end of the tutorial, but whichever way I move it, either the pic shows at the top or bottom of the page.

                        As usual, it’s probably something simple that I’m not grasping.

                        Thanking you in advance.


                        in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #73346
                        Theresa Di Cesare
                          • 37
                          • Rookie

                          Julie Magerka – Glad you love the lamb, and thanks.

                          The extra decorative elements on your Roy Orbison page look fab 🙂

                          I have loved doing the Masks Workshop but I too struggled with Lesson 7 and referred back to earlier lessons to remember how to create a mask etc. I hope my notes that I jotted down throughout the lessons will help me with creating more etc. When there are more than one action and instruction to do then I tend to forget all what I’ve learnt 🙂 😉

                          in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #73287
                          Theresa Di Cesare
                            • 37
                            • Rookie

                            Lesson 7 – I had to go back a few lessons to know how to create the mask layer. I thought I’d remember how to do it but nope! Think I might need to go back to all the lessons and have a recap! Definitely going to have a go at more polkadots and other shapes.

                            Anyhow, here are my grandchildren, dressed up in their halloween pyjama’s – The Boo Crew 🙂


                            in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #73248
                            Theresa Di Cesare
                              • 37
                              • Rookie

                              Sue Thomas – Thank you, there is a wealth of knowledge to learn here, and I’m glad to have started on this path 🙂 Much appreciation to you, Carole and everyone else who frequents this forum 🙂


                              Lesson 5 – Lamb!

                              I enjoyed the displacement map, and loved the ‘unchecked’ monochrome effect, but kept it as monochrome for this page. After the hassle of the watercolour brushes not working in PSP2022 the other evening they worked this time!

                              As yet I haven’t seen any lambs in our countryside.. It shouldn’t be long before we start seeing them jumping and bleating around. I could watch them all day 🙂


                              in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #73240
                              Theresa Di Cesare
                                • 37
                                • Rookie

                                Mask Workshop Lesson 5 –

                                Sunrise – I took this photo a few weeks ago whilst having a lovely walk along the beach.

                                Enjoyed making the mask for this, although I must remember to make sure my tool options are reset to default before I do anything – the blend option was on overlay and I couldn’t work out why my ‘cloud’ brush wasn’t doing what it was meant to do – all a learning curve 🙂



                                in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #73238
                                Theresa Di Cesare
                                  • 37
                                  • Rookie

                                  Linda J walker – (#73083) – That’s a beautiful page, lovely colours to accompany the Blue Jay.


                                  Sue Thomas – Thank you for all your tips and advice in the forum. I’ll be taking a leaf out of your book with repetition – practice, practice and practice again. I’ll be going through the videos again and making sure I take notes etc. It’s quite overwhelming at times with all the instructions and the many actions to do – repetition is definitely the key, and personally, a bit of patience too 😉


                                  Carole – (#73150) Thank you for that – save to disk 🙂 I feel I should be experimenting more with the tutorials and pages, and also having a bit more confidence in doing them. Thank you for all you do.


                                  Linda DiGregor (#73170) – Beautiful Robins – your Robins are different to our ones we get in the UK (which are equally beautiful 🙂


                                  I am truly amazed at everyone’s creations on here.

                                  in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #73117
                                  Theresa Di Cesare
                                    • 37
                                    • Rookie

                                    Mask – Lesson 4

                                    Here is my page for Lesson 4. No problems with the .abr brushes in 2018, no crashes thank goodness.

                                    I added a texture weave effect for the background. I think once I get the hang of masks I’ll really love them! I saved it to an alpha channel but maybe should have saved it to disk???


                                    in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #73112
                                    Theresa Di Cesare
                                      • 37
                                      • Rookie

                                      Linda – Thank you – Yes I have PSP 2018 and 2022 – occasionally they both crash on me, but I didn’t know if it was the .abr brushes that I imported over that were the problem. I’m sure I imported them as said in the tutorial and I’m guessing as they show up in my brushes that I’d done it properly and that they’d work. I’ll give them another go and see what happens.

                                      And totally agree about saving, and saving often. I’ve lost countless designs where I’ve got carried away in doing them and not saving as I go….. Sometimes it’s like bashing your head against the keyboard!!!!!


                                      How strange, I’ve just imported them over to 2018 and they work, hmmm!!!

                                      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Theresa Di Cesare. Reason: to add that I tried something else
                                      in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #73105
                                      Theresa Di Cesare
                                        • 37
                                        • Rookie

                                        I seem to have run into a problem. I’m on the Lesson 4 on Masks, and have downloaded and installed the watercolour .abr from the tutorial page. I used the Import – Custom Brush etc, and the watercolour brushes all went into the brushes options when I clicked on it in the tool bar. So far so good – I was very pleased that I managed to do it….

                                        And then….

                                        I was following the brush variance options and clicked on my page with the watercolour brush I’d selected…. and then PSP 2022 closed on me. It has happened 3 times now. Any suggestions? Or has anyone else ran into this problem too?


                                        Thanks in advance 🙂

                                        in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #72900
                                        Theresa Di Cesare
                                          • 37
                                          • Rookie

                                          Pirkko – Aww thank you so much, adorable yes, but I know the mischief they both get up to 🙂

                                          Carole/Cassel – Have just watched the replay, couldn’t watch it live as it was my bedtime in the UK! Very informative, thank you, and hopefully one day I’ll do the membership… I still haven’t started the Basic Course I signed up for, and am halfway through the Mask Workshop, and will begin the Quick Page Workshop when that’s finished. I need more hours in the day LOL!!

                                          It is a lovely community in the forum, just wish time allowed me to interact more as I know I am missing out on the creativeness and valuable knowledge of you all.

                                          Hoping to get Lesson 4 of Masks completed tomorrow.

                                          in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #72760
                                          Theresa Di Cesare
                                            • 37
                                            • Rookie

                                            Carole – thank you 🙂


                                            Lesson 3 – I downloaded the mask from the tutorial page, and I enlarged it a little and also altered the shape slightly using the ‘perspective’ option. The background kaleidoscope is made from a square from the original photo. The orange colour on the font is a colour-drop from my grandson’s top.

                                            My Grandchildren, aged 1 and 4 🙂


                                            in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #72730
                                            Theresa Di Cesare
                                              • 37
                                              • Rookie

                                              Masks Lesson 2

                                              This took me a little while to do, and I think I got there phew!! I took the plaid colours from the leaf of the anemone, but on finishing the page I did wonder if I should have taken the ‘colours/pattern’ from the red and yellow picture. I used the brush to highlight the letters as I also did those in a purple but added a dark green outline.

                                              The plaid was fun to do.

                                              I know I’ve said it before but there are awesome pages being uploaded and I’m enjoying the stories behind them. The pics on this one I’ve done are from my Mum’s garden.



                                              in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #72590
                                              Theresa Di Cesare
                                                • 37
                                                • Rookie

                                                Mask – Lesson 1

                                                After a recent walk along the beach I saw some shells, mostly with holes in them and couldn’t resist in taking a few snaps.

                                                I’m hoping to learn a lot about masks as I don’t 100% understand them – how to use them, how to create them, and where to utilise them, and how to or if you can adjust them etc etc.


                                                in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #72544
                                                Theresa Di Cesare
                                                  • 37
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  Hello Everyone,


                                                  Just had a look at your Mask projects they are fabulous.

                                                  I signed up for the Quick Pages and the Mask Workshop but time hasn’t allowed me to get right into it, but I have just started the first mask project. Hopefully I can finish it this evening and post it on the forum. I can’t believe how far behind I am.

                                                  There really are some lovely creative pages on the forum.

                                                  in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2022 #70669
                                                  Theresa Di Cesare
                                                    • 37
                                                    • Rookie

                                                    Here is my Project 5 – Robin


                                                    We get a little Robin that visits our garden a few times a day. I am sure it’s true what they say, that when a Robin is here, loved ones are near, and I always think of my Nan when I see him in the garden.

                                                    I’d never done a scrapbook layout before doing the bootcamp, and I have to admit, I have enjoyed it thoroughly. It really has been awesome to do, and I’ve loved seeing everyone’s layouts and reading the stories behind a lot of them. I have learnt a lot about PSP too, the CTRL Y, CTRL L, the drop shadow on a different layer, and the selection use with the wording,  all of which I will continue to use for other projects. I have also learnt not to rush – to watch, listen, take each step at a time and not get so excited that I’m actually getting somewhere, and then I miss out something vital LOL!


                                                    Carole/Cassel –  Your knowledge is expanse and you have answered every question that anyone has asked, and you explain things so simply. Thank you for all of the projects and your hard work and dedication. It is all so much appreciated.


                                                    To all on the BootCamp, thank you for the amazing creations that you have shared.




                                                    in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2022 #70447
                                                    Theresa Di Cesare
                                                      • 37
                                                      • Rookie

                                                      Pirkko – That’s really beautiful.


                                                      Sharla  – Thank you. Your water lilies are gorgeous.


                                                      Liz Kershaw – Yes, I’d really love to go back there, I was fascinated by the giraffes 🙂 I’ll definitely continue to use the selections border etc – really handy tips to know.


                                                      There are lovely layouts being made, am enjoying seeing all the different layouts and elements being used. I admit that I am using the patterns and gradients of PSP to make my creations, but I was very glad to be able to download the glittery backgrounds from the previous project.

                                                      in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2022 #70414
                                                      Theresa Di Cesare
                                                        • 37
                                                        • Rookie

                                                        Here is Day 9 – Project 4

                                                        Carole/Cassel – Fab tips with the eraser background effect and the selection borders.. never knew either of those and will definitely experiment more with them.

                                                        The photo’s are mine from when we went to Chester Zoo in 2019. And the rest of the layout are from patterns/gradients (using a green and brown colours) in PSP 2022. The footprints are from the tubes also in PSP 2022.

                                                        Wonderful to see everyone’s layouts on here.


                                                        in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2022 #70353
                                                        Theresa Di Cesare
                                                          • 37
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                                                          Version 2 of Winter.

                                                          I don’t think I’ll ever do a drop shadow again without checking that little box 🙂



                                                          in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2022 #70351
                                                          Theresa Di Cesare
                                                            • 37
                                                            • Rookie

                                                            Carole/Cassel – Ohh, thank you… I did see ‘shadows on a new layer’ but left it unchecked. I did think of cropping the rectangle or redoing it but knew I was missing something regarding the drop shadow and wanted to understand it. I’ll have a go at it shortly.


                                                            in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2022 #70349
                                                            Theresa Di Cesare
                                                              • 37
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                                                              Carole/Cassel – thanks for the advice about doing the drop shadow in black, and I’ll give it a go…. But, is it possible to delete/remove the drop shadow, or is it a case of redoing the ‘rectangle’ and starting that part again to add a fresh drop shadow?


                                                              I’ve opened us the pspimage  of ‘Winter’ and can’t figure out if removing the drop shadow can be done. I’ve tried changing the settings on it, but it just adds another drop shadow onto it. I was hoping there’d be a ‘clear drop shadow’ or something similar to click on to remove it… Have looked in the help section regarding 3D effects to see if that has the answer but I’m not having much joy with that..


                                                              It’s probably something simple, and more than likely something I should know, but  going back to work today after a few days off may have fried my brain a bit LOL 😉

                                                              Any help or thoughts would be much appreciated.

                                                              in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2022 #70320
                                                              Theresa Di Cesare
                                                                • 37
                                                                • Rookie

                                                                Here is my Project 3 – Winter…

                                                                I downloaded the glitters that were on the tutorial page of the video. I adjusted the colour to suit the wintry feel. The snowflakes are a tube from PSP 2022, and I gave them the chisel effect and altered the colour of them. The glitterball was in with the tubes also and I slightly adjusted the colour, but not by much and gave it a drop shadow. I also added a drop shadow to the white background where the photos and the title are.

                                                                Carole/Cassel – thank you for the CTRL Y tip – never knew that!

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