
simon kidd

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  • in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45576
    simon kidd
      • 14
      • Rookie

      Here is project 5 again after a re-start.
      I seem to have issues every time I try and fill text with a pattern from another picture/paper file. (It seems to work fine with a ‘built in’ pattern but not another image), so Ive left that out for now and will return to that another day.

      Ive have really enjoyed this. Scrapbooking is new to me and so I think its a good way to compose small collections of themes and present a picture or topic. Much more interesting than a picture album. Ive learned alot more about PSP. Until recently my use had been pretty limited.
      So thank you.

      in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45564
      simon kidd
        • 14
        • Rookie

        Sadly my PC completely misbehaved on me this evening (a windows update started …)
        I was going so well, but my PSP completely locked up and I couldn’t save anything – file menu broken. Although I thought I had saved 2 previous versions, they seem to have vanished and no temporary file on reloading either  either). The best I could manage was a screen grab at the last minute – so here it is.

        I got the pattern for the text and played with the word wrap and tilted the pictures. The frame I used seemed to have a bit of a bevel on it already and so adding more bevel didnt change it much. I found a free star themed kit on ‘scrapvine’ called all the stars

        I had just added the wrapping text and was about to add some details and some shadows.
        This was a special present as a kit of lots of bits for a special (Im not telling) birthday.

        Replying to myself here – I have got to exactly the same point 6 times now and both PSP2019 and PSP2020 crash on me. If I add a vector layer at the stop of the stack of raster layers and put some text in that is using a pattern from another picture and then add another vector layer and then try to save (with or without text), the file menu does not respond.


        in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45374
        simon kidd
          • 14
          • Rookie


          I went back to the videos to review glitter and busy bees text changes.

          Not sure what I was doing yesterday – seemed to work fine today.


          in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45328
          simon kidd
            • 14
            • Rookie

            Project 4.

            Some pics from a vintage plane meet. I added noise and sepia effects to age my lovely sharp digital camera images 🙂

            Got the hang of the serrated edge after a few trials.
            Not sure Ive got the recoloring the text or using a texture firmly in my head. I think I arrived there more by accident. I tried to select a color from another picture using the dropper tool. The chosen color correctly showed in the materials palette (both foreground and background). Then when I went onto the text tool, the materials pallette reverted to the previous text colors when I selected the text. Maybe I need to watch that part again.


            in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45275
            simon kidd
              • 14
              • Rookie


              Yes thanks, I managed to change the shortcut for ‘select none’ from cntrl D to cntrl Q. Hopefully no more file deleting by mistake.

              I might change it to something else on future. So ok for now.



              in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45240
              simon kidd
                • 14
                • Rookie


                Is there a default setting for the ‘preview on image’ check box? Either on or off.

                I couldn’t find in the menu’s.


                in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45230
                simon kidd
                  • 14
                  • Rookie

                  Thank you for the tip about shortcuts – I would never have found that menu there.
                  Day 5 – multiple photos. No glitter, but I found some wood and got completely lost (in a good way) around the links for papers and various things.

                  This time I ‘cropped’ the images  when they were already in the layers behind the frames as I wasn’t sure how much of the photo I needed ->by selecting the bit of photo I wanted as a rectangle, inverting the selection and then delete (the extra I didn’t need).

                  I had another photo I had that was just some dry spinefex grass so I added that as part of the background since it looked a bit bland on its own.

                  Then I merged the photo with the frame to reduce the number of layers and so the drop shadow didnt drop from the frame onto the photo.

                  At the end I had a  bit of a hiccup when resizing as I did not have the ‘resize all layers’ checked. I chose to flatten it after first saving the layered PSP and then resize & save the .jpg after that.



                  in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45214
                  simon kidd
                    • 14
                    • Rookie

                    Hello – I have a question

                    Is it possible to disable or alter some of the keystrokes in PSP. For example CNTRL-D deselects everything, but in windows it means delete. So if there is a lag between switching windows in windows or are still ‘active’ in file explorer the photo files can get deleted by mistake.

                    in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45088
                    simon kidd
                      • 14
                      • Rookie

                      Day 5

                      2nd project using an old holiday snap and the ‘My Tribe’ from the same site as the link in the video.


                      in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44976
                      simon kidd
                        • 14
                        • Rookie

                        Day 3

                        Sailing … sailing

                        I noticed that the 3d effects need the image in 8 bits so I had to add the drop shadow on the embellishments before copying into my picture.
                        Also I could not crop a picture that was already in a layer, I could only crop the original picture. Resize and rotate the layer- yes, but not crop ?


                        in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44959
                        simon kidd
                          • 14
                          • Rookie

                          Day 2

                          The café had some nice table cloths and made club sandwiches with wholemeal bread and no onion. I got extra meat though.

                          There was also free coffee refils.


                          in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44957
                          simon kidd
                            • 14
                            • Rookie

                            Day 1:

                            Ive tweaked my workspace and background colours back to dark grey and medium gray. I do some night sky pictures and so the darker background helps. I left the learning centre open but squashed up since I always seem to forget which selection tools does what. I expanded the material pallet slightly to get more on.


                            in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44953
                            simon kidd
                              • 14
                              • Rookie

                              One of the quick pages with a butterfly picture and some text.

                              in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44943
                              simon kidd
                                • 14
                                • Rookie


                                Late starting.
                                I have some photos from a family vacation 20 years ago that Ive just finished scanning all the negatives and so hope to be scrapbook -ing these. It seems a nice way to bring together various themes and focus on points of interest.

                                Back soon, regards Simon


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