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  • in reply to: Bootcamp – March 2020 #40223
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      I have put a bit of Kiwi in nonsense into this one and made a floral layer sandwich.

      in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40170
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        Impressive Annie


        in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40146
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          The car the dogs are in is a hot-rod.  My nephew is mad on restoring vehicles.

          in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40022
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            Thanks Carole. I still haven’t quite worked out the reasoning of  the” hide all”…”show all” options on the mask button., like when and why  to use which one.

            in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #39895
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              Thanks for the nice words folks

              in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #39882
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                I needed to keep at the mask thing to get the process fixed in the brain.  I have managed to complete  this project in full at last.  YAY!! These boys have grown from their little puppy days to a pair of handsome lads. I am not sure where I got the words from but the paper and elements were from rush ranch. The boys were sitting pretty waiting for their ride which was not happening lol.

                in reply to: What are you working on in February 2020? #39857
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                  Thanks Annie, actually the dogs were saying why don’t you take me for a decent ride and not just to the gate and back.  They are my nephews Labradors.  Mack and Chevvy, easy to tell he is a car restoration freak.

                  in reply to: What are you working on in February 2020? #39850
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                    Carole I had to delete the black rectangles that were covering the spots where the photos were to go.  The top 2 just slotted in perfectly and the black rectangles disappeared like magic. Thanks for your help.

                    Annie I  was having some issues with google too, everything froze for quite some time.  I did a restart and got a message saying google was having issues.

                    in reply to: What are you working on in February 2020? #39846
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                      When Carole offered this family template as a freebie just before the holidays, I thought that looks like fun, I will have a go at this when I get time. Well………………………….3 nights, untold hours and a day later with I would say, more good luck than good management here it is. I always use the pick tool  for moving with masks and copied photo the photo layer   but always the same thing happened, 2 of the photos would slip into place, but the next 2 they were either behind the mask, on top of the mask or  sitting halfway between.  Only  the dog photos is mine, the others are from facebook feed. I doubt if I will go to  this place again, but I still have some masking to do so will just move on to another project in my usual kiwi way. I would love to see other people’s work with this template.

                      in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39667
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                        I just needed to have another go at getting a better frame and brush work, I used the brush variance and increased the hardness to get a stronger rub out.  I think this was day 2.  I am much happier with the frame just needed some revision on old tasks. I did find when setting the rotation on the brush varience it didn’t appear to rotate.

                        in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39623
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                          Well what can I say, for day 7.  I was following the tut for the spots background and it went wrong but I liked it for this photo so I have used it. The photo was again in my face book feed and what is more precious than a child’s love. The lace’y  mask from my masks in psp. The little owl was masked although it doesn’t look like it is.  So much for being adventurous lol. The oval frame worked in a fashion, but not for the owl, so he went frame- less. The elements were from Brown Owl at scrap twist. The text from my fonts.  I was going to use the one Carole suggested but I need to look into why it didn’t show up in my fonts. I like simple so I can feature the main subject. Quite a challenging week, now I can get some chores done.

                          in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39495
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                            My day 6.  After my massive debar-col yesterday I have gone fairly easy today. I was having issues defining masks brushes and templates, all of which you can mask with in all sorts of different ways. Then I tried text on a curve, then a frame all of which went wrong. But I am not an easy quitter.  I have decided that there are a million ways of getting results from all the tools so getting any kind of satisfying result is a plus. I did enjoy using the e and b shortcuts today. I have used my wedding photo and created my frame.  My mask is from my psp mask selection.  I thought the colour around the black and white photo would be interesting. I feel I have learnt something new and satisfying today at the same time kept it simple.  Every picture tells a story  Thanks Carole.

                            in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39413
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                              Masks are certainly not my favourate place, and I guess there will be another one tomorrow lol.  Eli did enjoy feeding the ducks.  I can tell you where the bread came from  but that is about all  as this is totally different scene to my early beginnings about 8 hours ago. Such a blessing to have it completed.  I might even frame the memory lol.

                              in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39286
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                                Hi All

                                My day 4, I used another photo that was on my f/b feed yesterday.The brush was one I had previously downloaded.  The paper and elements were from rush ranch.

                                in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39218
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                                  Thanks Carole. For my 2nd day, I used one that came with my psp 2020. Yes I was happy with it and loading it from my psp was a lot easier. Because your tutorial for masks is in the 1st project, I have had  lot of to and frowing.  Lots of layer shifting.  If you were here you would probably laugh at me and do it in one click, but as my husband would always say when things were going wrong.  “You won’t give up will you”

                                  in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39183
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                                    Day 3 and still having issues with the masks.  I don’t know why as I have done it a few times now.  At least this one came to me  easier.  The process is quite intense though. Pixel scrapper, what a great site.

                                    in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39123
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                                      I don’t know how far my sense of humour will go with this project Annie.  I couldn’t download the suggested mask as I got a box come up saying this file  doesn’t have an app with it for performing this action, so because I had so many issues with the last flaming masks, I loaded one of my own psp.  The paper is from rush ranch, the elements were from various designers from my stash. This was our last Anniversary as my love passed away 8 weeks later on the anniversary of our first date so we did have 62 yrs in real. The star is bright that shines above me.

                                      in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39119
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                                        Love story and masks are not really a loved up place for me, but with my usual determination I have succeeded in my some what weird fashion.  I was going to use my wedding photos, which had much more love, but when I was looking through my face book feeds this morning I came across this image and it just took my fancy so here it is. I took the flower from House of memories and the paper is a Daudous design.  I hope Day 2 is more compatible for my sense of humour.

                                        in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39033
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                                          I can relate to your problem Peggy.  I had the same mask issues in the double take boot camp, I must have drove Carole mad.  I have yet to do mine so hope I learnt something from that bad time. It’s garden time for me, be back at it tonight.

                                          in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #38967
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                                            Well Carole that is the advantage of living in beautiful New Zealand, we are a day ahead of you lol.

                                            in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #38965
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                                              Hi Carole and friends.  I am early for a change. How could you not love this wee fellow.

                                              in reply to: What are you working on in February 2020? #38923
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                                                Valentine day has passed, but not without a little love.  This is my Grandson on his wedding day

                                                in reply to: What are you working on in February 2020? #38822
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                                                  Thank you Ann, yes George is a rag doll, he is nearly  2. 1/2.  I have 3 moggys the other have rag doll strain, but George is all rag doll. They are really a placid and laid back breed

                                                  in reply to: What are you working on in February 2020? #38793
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                                                    I received this frame as a freebie and I thought it would nice to frame my beautiful George.  I have used papers and elements from KB-Tranquillity which was a freebie I downloaded for one of Carole’s boot camp projects

                                                    in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38513
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                                                      Thanks Diana.

                                                      in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38411
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                                                        Hi Cassel and friends.  And finally here is my Day 7. Concentration, and it all started with peeling the carrots.

                                                        in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38255
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                                                          Hi Cassel and friends.  My Day 6 project. Busy bees. I couldn’t resist using these photos of George when he decided to help with the Christmas decorations and the handles on the bag looped over his head.  I just used a selection of papers and elements for this one.

                                                          in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38206
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                                                            Hi Cassel and friends.  Day 5″ Friendship” I have decided to use all pet photos in this bootcamp.  These lovelies are my 3 boys.George Pete and charli. I actually used a mixture of papers and elements for this project.

                                                            in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38143
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                                                              Hi Cassel and friends, Here is my day 4 in the camp, “Adventure”. This is my friends Main Coon, he is beautiful and this is about as adventurous as he gets as he has a disability.

                                                              I downloaded the freebie dandelion wishes 2, which is an add on from Dandelion wishes that we used last time, and have used all my papers and elements from there.  I did darken some of my papers with the levels tool. I couldn’t get things to sit just right with one photo, so I cheated and it looked much more balanced with two.

                                                              in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38097
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                                                                Hi Cassel, the frame I used in my day 3 project is from 2020 psp frames.  I don’t always remember to choose the ones that are right in front of me but  I thought this one was a good match for the photo.

                                                                I have a big ukulele festival in 10 days, and a big dart championship coming in March so have been spending my time practising for those.  I don’t like getting too far behind with the psp its too hard to catch up. These revision boot camps keep me posted. Thanks to you lovely lady.

                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 181 through 210 (of 252 total)