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v = vellum birthday cards
T = Treats
R = ribbons
I made it through the first book, 25% of the project, started the second and my computer decided it had enough. I think it was tired. I took this as a sign to quit for the day. But I did get a lot of use out of curves and levels before I crashed and burned.
Well, as I look at my scans, I can see that that master class in adjustment layers is going to come in handy. Some of the pages were written in pencil in World War II (!!!)–you can imagine how faded they are, and what a miracle the Levels have turned out to be to bring them into sharper relief.
It is definitely a one-by-one process at this point.
Well, most normal people could outsource this project but my brother has two issues…one is that he doesn’t own a computer, and the other is that he has the tiniest military retirement that you can imagine (cost is a big issue with him, even the most minimal). Since I will work for breakfast, I am cheaper than the alternatives (though, I have to say, he may be getting what he paid for).
The bad news is that there are four books (albeit small ones). The good news is that I have scanned the first book and am slowly slogging through the printing of it.
Thank you for your suggestions. Onward. 🙂
Q = question (just how old are you? You are how old?)
o = oohs (and aahs) as when opening gifts
n = natal day
L = lit (or light) candles
K = Keepsakes
H = happy horoscope
G = gifts
F = flowers
C= Cake and candles (of course)
Thank you. It’s a little thing but it made me feel a little sneaky about coming into the campus….like I was wearing a mask of some sort. Appreciate the easy fix. 🙂
Other programs are definitely buggy, some far worse than PSP. It’s best, I think, to think of programs as works in progress rather than something that ever finished. But, now that I think about it, that’s how I think about life in general. What can be confusing is when a program like PSP seems so reliable in an older version and then becomes quirky in a newer one (the result, no doubt, of trying to add features). It’s hard to figure out if the problem is the program, a result of a malware infection, or a computer issue. It’s all too complicated for me. I just want to open my program, do what I want to do, and not have to deal with problems. But that’s a little too idealistic at this point.
For better or worse, at least you know you’re not alone. 🙂
One thing I suspect is wrong has nothing to do with PSP. There is some program (or combination of programs) that I think is/are memory suckers and PSP stops working when whatever it/they kick in. I don’t know if it is a malware/virus checker, update thingy, or what. I have to close my browser regularly because it has the same problem of simply running out of memory. Now according to the guys who work on my computer, I should have plenty of memory, but something is going on. This is, however, so particular to my equipment that I don’t think it’s worth exploring with Corel.
I’ve already sent a snapshot of the error message I get when I try to save certain files….I don’t think there’s much point in revisiting that problem. I just mentioned it because Lori is having problems with PSPX8 and I wondered if there were any problems she was having that were similar to mine.
Thanks for all the help.
February 20, 2016 at 11:51 am in reply to: Thumbnails not showing image in file explorer PSPX8 #8558I have tried to change the compatible to PSP9 but that hasn’t helped with the saving of my images…it is funny that it is only a problem with PSPX8.
If PSP is crashing when you pick a brush, you may have to reset the program back to its default state. You’ll lose any changes you’ve made but it may help restore some stability: Hold down your “SHIFT” key and double-click the “Paintshop Pro” program. Windows will display a prompt asking if you want to reset the the program to its default state. Click “Yes.”
Good ideas from both of you about the Eyedropper tool. I’ll try to keep them in mind.
I’ve been without access to PSP for over a week thanks to my computer being in the shop (frustrating because they can’t find out what’s wrong with it though clearly something is when I am using it…..maybe it is haunted).
February 19, 2016 at 10:08 pm in reply to: Thumbnails not showing image in file explorer PSPX8 #8553I think there has been an update since it was released….have you gotten that? (There’s a patch dated 12/21/15 at )
Now that you mention it, I find PSP X8 is stubborn about changing the foreground color. I can get it done but it sometimes takes more than one try.
I can’t answer your question but I would like to ask you if you have had any problem saving psp or pspimage in X8? I have but I don’t know if this is just my PSP (a corrupted file?) or if anyone else has had experienced it.
H = Hugs
N = News
M = Memory
G = Giving
L = Lively
D = Dog
J = jeweled
G = Garden
D = Decorative