
Jose Marquez

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  • in reply to: BOOTCAMP – May 2020 #43124
    Jose Marquez
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      Well, thought I would ask for forgiveness….LOL…… the last scrapbook assignment of boot camp. It is Memorial Day in a few days here in America.  I wanted to honor those who have fought for the freedom we have had for years. The pictures are all taken by me as I paid my respect at all the locations. Pic of the flag and pole was taken at Normandy American Memorial in France and same for the burial site with all the crosses.  The lower left pic is from Hawaii in Pearl Harbor (The Arizona Memorial). The lone Rifle/Helmet came from the WWII American Museum. The fighter jets are from a few days ago when the Thunderbirds flew in my city where I live to honor all those who are the first line of CODV-19 virus.

      in reply to: BOOTCAMP – May 2020 #43028
      Jose Marquez
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        • Rookie

        The page today is from a trip to Mexico. Saw some Cliff diving. hands are PS Tubes pointing from the beginning to the end where he lived just fine from the jump. They make a living by diving and then collect a dollar from the tourist. I have a lot going on today so have a good day!

        in reply to: BOOTCAMP – May 2020 #42897
        Jose Marquez
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          • Rookie

          As a guy, glitter is not up my alley so in order to do the class I found some black and white glitter paper for free and downloaded. I can not remember from who so my apologies. I started my background with a transparent layer, added a gradient color, duplicated it and changed the layer to a blended mode of multiply. I then dropped my pictures, arranged them. Then like you did, I put in the glitter paper and duplicated it twice in order to have three of them. I then put one under each picture and adjusted accordingly. Typed Roads Well Travelled, rasterized it, then I added an effect called chiseled. I then went into the Tube and found some glitter which I sprayed around some areas. I really was not happy with so I did another duplicate of the original background and again changed the bending mode to multiply which darkened it more. Still not fully satisfied so I played around with distortion effects until I got the one I liked. Still did not look like a scrapbook and as such went into the Tube section, picked Travel and added a bunch of tubes in several spots on their own layers. Still not happy, I added another layer, poured white paint, did a selection just off the edge and cut out all from the middle to give it a white border. Thought the white was too strong and played with blendings till I got to Difference. Now I was happy….LMAO

          P.S. I see with the white background you have the white part of the border does not come through as it blended in. Ohhhhh well….time to see my NASCAR racing…..have a good day!

          in reply to: BOOTCAMP – May 2020 #42820
          Jose Marquez
            • 7
            • Rookie

            I decided to once again showcase my wife in today’s lesson. First, I got a kit where it was suggested to go. I actually got two…. LOL. I then chose the background from the kit. I then added a larger canvas size by 300 pixels. Changed the color to what you see. I then picked the selection tool and set the size by 25. I drew the selection on the blue portion of the background layer. Picked the chisel tool and put the color on white and transparent. That made the chisel effect you see. I deselected the selection tool. I then picked the three pictures. My pictures are very large from the camera. I do it on purpose as in the past I have messed up pictures by resizing. I resized one to my liking. I made the pictures all the same size by stacking them to size the same, then separating and put in order as seen as they are on separate layers. I picked the PSP frame and made sure that it was set up to do the layer only. I then added the rest of the individual items such as the tag, the travel and adventure lettering. The adventure letter “A” was done separately in order to give it that extra tilt. The plane was a tube from PSP. I picked the text that went on the label for place and date. Picked the color to the blue background. I then put a shadow on all the items I wanted to do. Finally, I added my signature which is a font I had made when I used WordPerfect a long, long, long time ago from a vendor in their magazine. I then rasterized the signature and placed it. Hint, if you sign with a font, it must be rasterized cause if you send the PSP file to someone, it will not show up if they do not have the same font on their computer. That’s it. I think I followed all the rules today….LMAO. A plus was my wife really liked it…LOL

            in reply to: BOOTCAMP – May 2020 #42775
            Jose Marquez
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              • Rookie

              First, I want to ask for forgiveness after the fact, since I did more than requested in the lesson as when I completed it looked boring to me. So here is what I did …. I went to one of your links to get a free kit and did so of a company you gave a thumbs up. Second, I added another picture frame to add another picture from the kit, I erased behind the frame to add a picture there and then realized I did not have to but just left it alone. I changed the color of the kit by picking sepia. I added then the date. I added Paris which was part of the kit. Finally, the boredom hit and copied the pictures from the original file and used the plug in called Pic to Painting to convert to give it some pizzazz. Finally, I do not expect to win or be in the running. Just want to follow your camp to see if I learn additional items and not be cancelled out of class. I have so far so thank you for that. Will try to follow your request in the future.

              in reply to: BOOTCAMP – May 2020 #42683
              Jose Marquez
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                • Rookie

                Took me a while since I was busy today as I am at home in quarantine but doing work…LMAO. That said, I made a table background, created a placemat from the texture that PSP gives us by creating a layer and then selecting an area. I then Put the paint bucket in the middle of the selected area and just clicked it a few times to get it to the level where there was no opacity , gave some shadow as light never hits straight in most cases to plates, cup, utensils sandwich and amenities, plus in my household the silverware never goes straight. Made a napkin, did a little mesh and then added the pig from the tube section. Most of it on their own layer. I took the top bread and duplicated and changed the layer to multiply to give it a darker looking bread. Then I saved it as .jpg so I can upload. Well that is all I can remember……. enjoyed doing the lesson.

                in reply to: BOOTCAMP – May 2020 #42626
                Jose Marquez
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                  • Rookie

                  I have been a Photoshop / ON1 and Paint shop Pro user for a long time but use PSP 2020 the most. I actually started using it when it was called JASC. I find PSP easier to use but I call myself a middle of the road user, software rich / cash poor as I am always upgrading.  I wish I could use the Brush tool on any program but then I get frustrated as I can not draw or use the brushes very well.  I join the class to learn something new and all ready did as I am self taught in the past. I am attaching a picture created during our quarantine from the CODV-19 virus. Not what I would call scrapbooking but have done and tried different stuff from the last few years and here is the latest.

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