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  • in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39080
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      Hi Y’all, Late getting started. Getting ready for Mardi Gras here and have guests arriving on Saturday. They will be staying till Wednesday so don’t know how much I’ll get done. It’s great to see the regulars and awesome to see newbies. Everyone’s pages look wonderful. At the moment I’m trying to install Ultimate over 2020 and having issues.

      COLLEEN: Don’t give up! There’s lots of help and Cassel and the regulars here are all very supportive and full of knowledge.

      So Happy Mardi Gras everyone. Can’t wait to get started.

      in reply to: DIAMOND Scrap Challenge – April 2019 #27929
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        Hi Cassel! Nice to be with y’all again! I know I may have registered late, but I am missing the first day’s email. The lesson looks interesting from checking out the forum. If it’s not too much trouble could you send that email to me again? I would appreciate it.

        in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2019 #26127
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          Day 7. Didn’t have a gold pattern for my lettering. Use the wood. But I’ll figure something out to get gold pattern.  Won’t give up.

          Thanks Cassel! I’ve learned so much.

          Thanks All of You! I’ve enjoyed the journey with you all.

          in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2019 #26096
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            OK I’m on day 6. but first a few shout outs.

            ….Love the title of Bokeh page and you made day 7 simply beautiful. @ANNIE…Day 6 Great bokeh background for the beauatiful Blue Couple.

            …love lettering in Canada mask. I must try that one day.

            @CRISTINA…TY and I can’t wait to see your stuff.

            @SHANNON – Love me some family history! Great job and love you green plaid. I struggled with mine, kept getting not so great surprises.

            THOMAS – WoW Sue, the flowers love you too! Gorgeous!

            Now Day 6 is my 3 year old granddaughter. Pictures taken for family Christmas card near their home in Memphis, TN. The mask and snowflake are some photoshop brushes I had.  This exercise has been fun and @CASSEL, your background is so soft. Love it

            in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2019 #26033
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              And here is Day 5, I think it’s day 5. Who cares. Having fun. Learning tons. You guys are great! Want to see more beginner stuff. What?  This has been beginner stuff? @Cassel, you are indeed what we beginners and intermediates need, not too hard, not too easy. All you guys understand the learning process. And some of you even have the same software I run, you know the one that gives you trouble sometime.

              Day 5 is one of the many cats we have had. I just love this shot. The bkgrd is some watercolor pages I downloaded but cannot remember from where. Maybe Creative Fabrica. Not sure. But it is a great site for fonts, artwork, etc.

              in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2019 #26031
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                When I went back to my PSP my last page was up. Had to do more. Here’s the second rendition.

                in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2019 #26029
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                  @Sue Thomas. You know I love your nature shots. I love your sparrow page because you did some paper punch in your corners. Really achieved a paper project. You know you can just keep on posting your work even after the study. I would come to look.

                  in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2019 #26027
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                    OK, day 4 . Brush I had. Brush I had already for Photoshop. Whoo, whoo. I got lots of Photoshop brushes. Thanks Cassel!!!! The pic of one of my masks from my Mardi Gras Tree last year. Fixin to put it up again. Movin on to 5.

                    @Barbara. Tks for Kudos. Always nice to hear. I am so enjoying work.

                    @Annie. only style I got is my style! haha. TKS. Am learning from you and others everyday. Can’t wait to see more of your stuff. There’s a couple of other players I look forward to seeing each time.

                    LOVE these flexible hours.

                    in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2019 #25983
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                      Ok people, been busy, so here’s day 3. I had trouble with this one. Then tonight I just said, well you know. Everyone’s work is amazing. You inspire me. Here’s to visiting friends at Mardi Gras.

                      in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2019 #25861
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                        Day 2. My grandson. got a lot of catching up to do. Doin great everybody.

                        in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2019 #25802
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                          I’m a little late, but here is day 1. Learning already. Thanks Cassel!. Everyone’s work looks awesome. So glad to see familiar names. @Sue-am so enjoying another round of your photography and scrapbook pages. @Barbara Hall-I too live in South Louisiana. Happy Mardi Gras!

                          in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #25068
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                            AUS, I must return the compliment!. Miss Kitty is 21?!?! WOW. She is a beauty. Also love, love, love your frame and bow.

                            SUE THOMAS, really wish I could see more of your beautiful  photos of wildlife. Your photo of the snowy owl was awesome, that’s a difficult photo to get, not only with the owl itself but the white background can pose problems. Seems scrapbooking is a great way to show off you photography skills. Loved all of your work.

                            SHANNON COOPER, Loved seeing your quilts. They were beautiful. As a quilter myself, I can sure appreciated your work.


                            ALICIA, Your pages of NOLA were great! Hits close to home as I have some of the same places depicted in my photos!

                            I have enjoyed this so much! You people are awesome! Gonna miss y’all. Maybe the next bootcamp?

                            CASSEL, Can’t thank you enough for your time, patience and effort. You made learning a pleasure.

                            in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #25016
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                              I almost day six tutorial. I’m glad I read the other posts talking about the eraser! So here it is. This has been so helpful to me with this software. All the participants have been so great with your notes and creativity. It’s been awesome.

                              This photo is one of my daughter at the beach on a camping trip years ago on Grand Isle, LA south of New Orleans. Long before I had a digital camera. Still one of my favorites. She now has a little girl of her own about the same age that I featured on my last scrapbook page. It’s the looking at the pictures, new and old, that has scrapbooking, paper or digital, one of my favorite hobbies. Sewing for them and others though is at the top. Loved doing this but I got a baby quilt to make for my niece. Can’t wait for the next one. THANKS CASSEL!

                              in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24846
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                                Day 7,  guess my PSP figured out I’m not giving up. I’ve learned a great deal about PSP. Thanks Cassel for such great instruction. I promise to practice on many more pages. Will be checking out the campus and Discovery center for more. I want more. I want more. LOL..

                                This picture is of my beautiful granddaughter, age 3, in September of 2018.

                                Thanks to everyone for the questions from which I have also gained knowledge and your inspiration from your awesome pages. Loved looking at you beautiful photos. Seems many of you are well traveled. Also so glad to have met so many people with the same crafts and hobbies as me. It’s been a pleasure!

                                in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24785
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                                  New Day, same PSP acting up. Took me 2 hrs to save as jpeg. Could not get file menu to drop. Kept freezing the program.

                                  Anyway here it is. Chipper and Maddux were our American Standard Boxers. Sadly they are gone now and a little piece of my heart with them.

                                  in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24708
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                                    Hi Cassel, I’ve been searching my email and cannot find Day 5 of the bootcamp. Last one I got was adventure.  Has today’s been sent? If so, I did not get.  Please resend to me and am sorry to put you through the trouble. Have been enjoying this and seeing everyone’s beautiful pages. Everyone seems so nice and creative. Thanks so much for the time you have dedicated to helping others. I know I appreciate you sharing your knowledge to help me.

                                    in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24653
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                                      Day 4

                                      Using the kit you provided. Lucky to get this done as my program is acting a little crazy. It froze and luckily it keeps the project that had to be shut down without saving. I’m learning though. Sad to say I am missing my Photoshop a little.

                                      in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24612
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                                        Day 3

                                        First of all, Nana Ray, I love your title “Dream a Little Dream”! Also, Alicia, I hope you enjoyed your trip to New Orleans. We also went and spent a few days there with my godchild from New Mexico this summer.

                                        I’m late posting as I was on MeMe duty yesterday. A 2 1/2 year old sure can take it out of an old lady.

                                        When I saw the owl in the kit it reminded me of pictures I took of the babies at our property in 2006. The mother came there for many years and used my husband’s deer stand as a nursery. They weren’t too pleased with my camera but I tried not to disturb them. I just wanted to document their growth. As you can see, they sure could make a mess.

                                        in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24489
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                                          Hey Sheila, Good idea to move the spoon to the cup and saucer.

                                          in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24485
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                                            Thanks Cassel. I got hungry. Until tomorrow have to work on my quilt.

                                            in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24451
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                                              Hi Cassel, I closed out the program and reopened. It seems to work now. Who knew. Thanks for your time. Until tomorrow…

                                              in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24450
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                                                Yes mam. I have an image open and it is set to tabbed mode. I can change the workspace color but not the background. Whatever my workspace color is that is what my background changes to. I have sent Corel tech support an email and am awaiting their reply. Just my luck. I thank you so very much for your consideration on this and your quick reply. I tried to do a snipit, but cannot keep the User Interface dropdown open and grab the picture to show you. Hopefully Corel will be able to help. Just thought I had a setting check (or unchecked) that was preventing a two color setup. Thanks again and am looking forward to tomorrow.

                                                in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24447
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                                                  Hi everyone.  I am Rhonda from a small town south of New Orleans, LA called Gray. I think I will enjoy conversing with you all as I am the only person I know locally that does digital scrapbooking. But I’m a homebody and not very sociable except with my church. I used Jasc back in the day, before scrapbooking, but only played with the elements I could not do in Photoshop. When I started embroidering, I began using Bernina software. When I got my new laptop I had to get new embroidery software and it uses Corel Draw. In searching for tutorials for it I ran across PSP2019. Now I need to learn from the start. While trying to set up my workspace, I tried to change the color of the background. It will not change. It only takes on the color of the workspace. As far as the pallettes I autohide everything but my layers. I keep all of the tool bars visible. I can’t seem to find a setting that is preventing my background from changing. Although this does not stop me from working, I would like them to be different. This is the first forum I have ever posted on so your patience would be appreciated. Can’t wait for the next day of bootcamp even though I can’t get through the first. HAHA

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