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  • in reply to: November SKETCH Challenge #49286
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      I had a go at this, as well. Mack and Ethelynne Tucker … were my grandparents of sorts. They weren’t really my grandparents, but don’t ever try to tell them or me that. My grandparents all died when I was very young so I was very fortunate to have them. When THEY were young, they were quite the live wires. Loved parties and socializing. They were some of the first to have cars in our town. He went on to own his own Packard Garage in Portland, Maine. Much that I have I owe to them. Sadly, he died when I was 17, but I had her well into my married life as she lived to 103. :o)

      in reply to: Alphabet Game – DRINKS #48796
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        in reply to: Up-to-Date Challenge 2021 #48510
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          Hi Susan! Yea for us Floridians! I have yet to go to Stump Pass but it is very very close by. I am sitting in Cape Haze. I keep saying I am going there, but haven’t as yet. The pictures I posted – one was a long shot of Venice Beach … and the other was when my sister Linda and my friend Mary were here we paid the 6 bucks and rode across the bridge to Boca Grande. Loads of pretty white sand beaches here though. Do you look for shark teeth at Stump Pass? I heard they can be found there. The picture you included should be on one of your calendars! It’s gorgeous with that sky!

          in reply to: Up-to-Date Challenge 2021 #48422
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            Absolutely wonderful work shared by EVERYONE! I am having to play catch up after a few days not feeling well. I’d name you all with your works, but what is the point of that when you ALL did wonderful calendars! And loads of variation which is what I like. Cassel always delivers us the tools and the “know-how” … and then sits back to see what we do with it. I played with all the different things she showed us … not particularly worrying about themes or WHAT was on the calendar so much as HOW to do it .. placement, pic tool, etc. etc. I did manage to get one made with two of my most favorite people … my sister and my best friend, who are no longer with us. Kind of made me sad to work on it … so I think I will make happier calendars now. I can always make a better attempt AFTER I know HOW to do it. Will try and catch up on some more after a nap. :o(

            in reply to: Up-to-Date Challenge 2021 #48237
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              I’m not going to have a theme to my calendar. Just each month will be something different to look at. :o) Jan I chose where I live. And for February I chose space … because I like it. Would have gone to the moon myself if I could have.

              in reply to: Up-to-Date Challenge 2021 #48069
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                Hello all you gals up above ^^^^ I, too, have registered and have never done this one before so will be fun to see what the pro’s do. They are always fun anyway. The contributions are always so diverse. 🙂 Sue, what do we look for in photo’s … is there a clue we should know beforehand? LOL We’ll figure it out, I guess.

                in reply to: October SONG Challenge – Shania Twain #48034
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                  I went literal with the song … because I still love it even though it was a hit sooooo many years ago. Whose bed have your boots been under? I used the Vector Tube script to make the large stars, comic line script to change the photos and then changed them even more with Filter Forge.

                  in reply to: October Theme Challenge – LIGHTS #47898
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                    My Grandparents used to read this poem to me when I was young.  I STILL remember how much terror it instilled in me.  My grandfather died when I was eight, but I remember him reading this … and then he would sing me songs to make me feel better before sleeping.  Little Orphant Annie by James Whitcomb Riley.  I was playing with a whole bunch of yes, you guessed it, dingbat fonts after Carole’s class.  This one was from Vintage Frames.

                    in reply to: What are you working on (in September 2020)? #47426
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                      Royanne ~ Absolutely lovely. Awesome memories and a great celebration of her life with you and your family. There are some animals that we love but they remain animals — and some animals that we love and they rise to family status. Sure sounds like that was the case there.

                      in reply to: What are you working on (in September 2020)? #47413
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                        Wow … some stunning works to look at and loads of techniques discussed for us to learn and try!  I have loved them all – truly each and every one!  I can’t wait now to get back home to my real computer and play with some fresh ideas.  Working on this little laptop with very little on it is a challenge.  LOL. While I have really enjoyed the summer here, it’s already getting pretty chilly!  Trees are splotchy with color.  I just hope the hurricanes could be D O N E!  Again, thanks all for sharing your projects.

                        in reply to: September SKETCH Challenge #47411
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                          I did the given one … so trying again with one I made. I took the pictures used – Portland HeadLight in Cape Elizabeth, ME. It seems like all our pretty birds have left for the winter season … and mostly what we have left are crows – which I love -seagulls, blue jays and a ton of birds of prey. I used crows. I guess I don’t mind crows and them being so rowdy and noisy because I am up anyway. They are very smart! Probably someone wanting to sleep in would not be so enthusiastic over them. LOL

                          in reply to: September RANDOM Challenge – Speech bubbles #47382
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                            I recently had my “lower forty” cleared … mostly under apple trees.  Look who absolutely love it!  I know she see’s me through the kitchen window as I am taking this shot, but she knows I won’t hurt her.  She and her baby have owned my yard since Baby was born.  I had a little fun with the photo.

                            in reply to: What are you working on (in September 2020)? #47280
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                              My company all went back to Vermont and finally I had  a little time to play on the computer.  I tried the September Sketch Challenge  this morning.  I don’t think my effort came out all that well … so I decided to do another and make my own.   Am uploading both because it’s always fun to at least try, right?  Have you EVER had it happen that you go off to look for something that you want to use and you just happen upon stuff you just HAVE TO HAVE?  Well, that’s what happened to my first one.  LOL  I happened upon a site with all kinds of free scripts.  Naturally, you must download them, right?  So I used a few in the first attempt to see if they worked and I think that’s where you go wrong.  Don’t deviate from your initial plan.  Anyway, I had fun.  I do think the second one came out better as I stuck to my plan.  Have a good day, everyone!

                              in reply to: September Theme Challenge – TREES #46861
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                                Hi Corrie … I have NEVER seen an American Crayfish … nevermind one out for a walkabout!  LOL  It sort of looks like a mini lobster, huh?  Are they in fresh water or salt water there?  I hope your hand heals quickly … and you can get back to what you do very well.  Make lovely stuff to look at!  Take care and be careful with that hand!

                                in reply to: September Theme Challenge – TREES #46854
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                                  Thank you, Sandra. It is peaceful here on a dirt road. This morning there was no fog, but right outside the window, not even three/four feet from it, was a Mama Deer and her baby. Baby still has some spots. Ran and got my camera AGAIN! My house is in the middle of an ancient apple orchard and apples are starting to fall. Lots for them to eat. 🙂 I see them two maybe three times during the day … sometimes even in the back yard just beyond the pergola where they like to hang out. I can see them from my kitchen window and I think Mom knows I am watching as she looks right at me, too. Plenty of natural stuff to eat there. I usually get the wild turkeys, too. It was a flock of seven and it has grown to about 14 in a matter of a couple weeks. Not sure where they are getting the new clan members?? But they are fun to watch, even if they do clean house on all the birds seed.

                                  in reply to: September Theme Challenge – TREES #46847
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                                    Hello everyone … Nice to see such wonderful works here. I’ve been away a while – summer company. Not much time to play on the computer. Glad to see everyone’s art. :o) I am a very early riser. My favorite time of day – to wake with the birds and listen. This was yesterday morning at 5:49am. Fog bank on the other side of the thin strip of woods in front of my house. Beyond those woods are farm fields and as you can see they were very foggy. Looked pretty so I ran to get my camera. Wasn’t quite dawn yet, so I didn’t really think it would come out … the sky was an eerie color – like you would see in a jigsaw puzzle. I didn’t really do much to it … was pretty just left simple.

                                    in reply to: Story Time Challenge 2020 #46476
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                                      This one was an easy one for me. Something we have done all our lives and everyone looks forward to getting the box at some point. May be some treasure you pull out of it … or maybe not that time. You just never know what you might find. We get to pass along useful things … not really junk … and it eventually finds a new home somewhere besides the dump. Once it leaves your house, you never refer to it as yours again – no matter who has it – because it is not yours now. You won’t believe how many of us kids had our “first apartment” furnished by “late cellar”, “early attic” AND the “BOX PASSING THROUGH.”

                                      in reply to: Story Time Challenge 2020 #46404
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                                        Fears … well, as an adult I am fairly fearless. But I still have very clear memories of when it was made abundantly clear that teenagers do not always make great decisions! My Mom learned that lesson the hard way!

                                        in reply to: Story Time Challenge 2020 #46334
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                                          When I turned sixteen, my Mom and I got lobster licenses and we went together. She made me drive the boat and she pulled the traps. Wasn’t how I thought that should go, but that’s what she decided so that was that. My cousin also went with her Mom and it was the same scenario. I guess Mom’s know best. I have always loved lobster and there is nothing like one pulled right from the water. Oddly, my husband was allergic to all shellfish, so I rarely ate any at home after I got married. Now when I get home from being away – that’s one of the first things I want! They are even better when corn season kicks in! Still prefer to eat them outside though as it does sometimes make a mess. LOL

                                          in reply to: Story Time Challenge 2020 #46262
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                                            Oops … the graphic didn’t go … so trying again. Bad day at bedrock here … think I will call it a day early.

                                            in reply to: Story Time Challenge 2020 #46260
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                                              No … sports was not in the cards for me. I am dynamite on sports games on Playstation or xbox though. Does that count? It’s okay, I can live with it.

                                              in reply to: Story Time Challenge 2020 #46215
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                                                Everyone’s stories are awesome. Mine seems pretty boring comparatively. I had a pretty small time, small town childhood. By the time we moved to Maine, both of my Grandmothers had passed, so it was pretty much all the Aunts and Uncles that ruled around here. I had 40 of them … and pretty much all local. No wonder there were so many cousins around!

                                                in reply to: Story Time Challenge 2020 #46140
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                                                  Day 2 ~ My Dad retired from the Navy when I was only 12, (I think I was unexpected, LOL) and we moved to Maine permanently. It was actually put to a family vote … my parents both voted for Florida and all four kids voted for Maine. So they came here until I graduated from high school and then THEY hit the road in an RV and eventually moved to Florida where they stayed. My brother and sisters all remained in the north even though we sort of scattered. One to Vermont, one to Rhode Island and my brother and I stayed put in Maine. Growing up, when we went to western New York to see my grandparents there, my grandfather was a train enthusiast … and was so pleased to have grandchildren there that he didn’t get to see too often, he would take us on train rides. Usually they were just for the day. My grandparents in Maine had oodles of grandchildren as my Mom was one of 11 children, but they were equally enthusiastic when we would come. Against my Grandmother’s grain, she did allow us to play with stuff that she normally would have drawn the line at. Because my brother and I lived in the south, we were not allowed to play with snakes. When we would get to Maine that was the biggest deal to us … we would collect snakes by the pailful. They also owned a beach out front and we would use those same pails to collect crabs – no rock left unturned. Great memories of both places. 🙂

                                                  in reply to: Story Time Challenge 2020 #46111
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                                                    Well, I did two because I worked on the first one … but really didn’t think much about talking about my name. Maybe it would explain it more by where we lived. Cuba. My dad was already there and I was the fourth child … three girls and one boy. My Mom asked him what he wanted for names and he said Marita Ray if it was a girl. His name was Raymond, so they attached the Ray for that. I thought I might mention that he also got a grandchild with the middle name Ray AND a great grandchild with Ray. So it carried on. :o)

                                                    in reply to: What are you working on (in August 2020)? #46003
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                                                      About five years ago, I had a little woodchuck move in under one of my front decks. I went to the lawn and garden center to see how to get rid of him (without killing him). He said they don’t like stinky stuff in their living space and to go to the Dollar Store and buy a whole bunch of the foulest smelling car fresheners you can find and hang them above where he lives. It’s only a one step deck … so I hung them down the cracks in the deck. The next morning I took a look and he had put them all on top of the deck. So I rehung them and put tacks in the hangers. He chewed the hangers off and put them all in a pile outside the deck. He won. He stayed … and five years later he is still there. His “doorway” under is only about two feet over from my entryway in. We’ve made peace with each other except I don’t plant flowers anywhere near him anymore as he just eats them right down to the ground. I have plenty of hosta around and he eats that – but that’s okay, you just can’t kill that stuff. He eats a lot of grass, too, and I’ve plenty of that. Last year a red fox tippy toed and was sneaking up on him and got darn close, but I just couldn’t let him get him. I opened the door and hollered at the fox and that woodchuck took after the fox and chased him pretty near 200 feet! I guess the fox learned a valuable lesson that day, too. Don’t mess with a woodchuck. When I come outside if he is eating close by … he just GLARES at me and then runs to his entrance in. I snapped these pics of him yesterday. They were from inside the glass doors so they aren’t all that good, but if I went out he would have just run away. This is his glare.

                                                      in reply to: Alphabet game – PAPER #45980
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                                                        U for Us Weekly (magazine) … all the gossip about stars that you don’t need to know and probably would be happier if you did’t. LOL

                                                        in reply to: Story Time Challenge 2020 #45882
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                                                          Hello Monique, Corrie, Shirley and Bonnie … Good day to you all.  I, too, am looking forward to this challenge.  They are always fun, you get to learn a thing or twelve and see other peoples stories.  What not fun about that?  Looking forward to seeing all of yours along with all that will join us!

                                                          in reply to: Alphabet game – PAPER #45801
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                                                            Black Beauty

                                                            by Anna Sewell

                                                            in reply to: July Random Challenge – CLUSTER TEMPLATE #45555
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                                                              Okay … I played with it … but mine didn’t end up looking anything like the template.  Two of the most fun things I have learned while with the campus is to use the pick tool a whole lot more … and use shapes.  It’s okay to go your own way.  So the stuff she gave us is in there, it just doesn’t look the same.  But I had fun playing!

                                                              in reply to: July PHOTO SWITCH Challenge #45362
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                                                                Thank you, Bonnie!  I love it!  :o)  I don’t know why, but I don’t hanker to go on one … but I love watching them go by in the season.  Especially at night when they are all lit up and look like a birthday cake on the water.  LOL  Thanks again, you did an awesome job!

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