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  • in reply to: March PHOTO SWITCH – Challenge #40792
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      • Enthusiast

      I would like to try at this challenge, too. We need another PostPerson! :o)

      Poster #3

      in reply to: Bootcamp – March 2020 #40789
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        Wow, James, those trees are gorgeous even in cut state. How inventive of them to make what would have been a loss (of the trees) into something still quite striking and beautiful for a park! Love it!

        in reply to: Bootcamp – March 2020 #40788
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          • Enthusiast

          Thank you Trish. The clouds were kind of plain so I selected a bit of it with freehand with a fairly good sized feather so it wouldn’t end abruptly and used artistic effects with halftone in round right in the psp effects. Thanks for noticing! 🙂

          in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40760
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            • Enthusiast

            Thank you, Annie. You always say the most encouraging things and I sure appreciate it. Henri was one of triplets, he had a sister and a brother. Their mother (which I helped raise, too) made her den six feet off the end of my deck. I know she did this on purpose as she knew I would help her. She only had three working legs. I set up little feeding stations on my deck for them along with everything else I fed. One night I had 29 raccoons, a deer, two gray fox and a skunk all eating peaceably on my deck. The skunk was the only ornery one and I would open the kitchen window and holler at her to settle down and she did. You could never tell me they didn’t know they had a good thing going on. Even the skunk brought her young by one day – full sun – and lined them up on the top stair and made noises for me to come look. I did … and then she marched them away single file. Was one of the cutest things I’ll ever remember.

            in reply to: Bootcamp – March 2020 #40759
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              I wasn’t happy with the Busy Bee one … so went back this morning to re-tweak it.  Am sending it anyway even though I’m not totally happy with it.  I did take the picture myself – it’s actually a panoramic that I just used bits and pieces of.  I was happy to have found it as I didn’t have much for large pictures here.

              in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40713
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                Been playing with Cassel’s class … and learned a few things so far, but it was late and my mind was turning to mush.  Will have to try again  when I am a wee bit more vibrant!  I guess the only good thing we can say about this “hunkering down” – is we have plenty of time to learn stuff.  I made some oddball shapes … managed to even change the lines … but didn’t have the script tool to add tubes.  Found it this morning on her site … YEA!  Will go back and try again later.   Had lots of fun with it anyway.  Made one of Henri, one of three kits I helped Mama raise the first summer they were born.  I named them and fed them and they even knew their names.  They followed me around like puppies.  But I know not to trust them ever again after the first snowfall.  He still knew his name though … because look at that stare when I called out to him, he stopped in his tracks and looked right at me.  He also ran up to the deck to get a customary treat, which I gave him without going near.  I was pleased to see he was as leery as me … but he still  kind of met me half way.  Well, that’s as far as I got before my eyes were too bleary to work right.  My pillow was calling!

                in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40618
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                  • Enthusiast

                  I went back to play with Cassel’s vases again. Was trying to get a two-toned swirl vase (sort of like one I own). In bigger form it looked great, but small, not so much. They are great fun to play with and fill.

                  in reply to: Bootcamp – March 2020 #40564
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                    I took this photo when it was passing by my house. I bet we wont see many of those for quite a while! I used the kit that was given … with the addition of a few more nautical things I could scrape up. Probably wouldn’t have been my best choices of color composition on a nautical post. But it was a good learner. I was having a fight with my little blue line up thingys. The text inside the rectangle was a great thing to learn. I didn’t put any outline around the title text at first … but it looked rather dull, so went back and gave it a little outline. Thank you Cassel … we learned a lot.

                    in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40489
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                      • Enthusiast

                      I still don’t have any BIG pictures to play with here … so my sister will send me some. She’s our “Cecil B. DeMille” of the family. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have been playing with layering and tugboats. I have always loved tug boats. On one of her posts, don’t recall which one, Cassel mentioned the plug-in Filter Forge, so I went to look. It was indeed on sale … and the rest is history. I’ve been playing with it deciding aspects of it I liked or not. I absolutely loved the Tricolor filter. Believe it or not … kind of hard to even see the tugs in the pic … but they started out color photos. Of course, for real, Moran would be black and red I guess – but we’re just playing here. You can get lost in Filter Forge for a whole day, I think. A cool new toy to experiment with while we are all “hunkering down” as they say.

                      in reply to: Bootcamp – March 2020 #40297
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                        • Enthusiast

                        Congratulations, Cassel, on being a grandmother! Always a wonderful blessing.

                        in reply to: Bootcamp – March 2020 #40202
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                          • Enthusiast

                          I did my sandwich … I have to say that is the absolute best way to introduce layers. What a great analogy! Never thought of it as a sandwich before … but it made it easy to think about. I made my sandwich with a little dollop of mayonnaise and put it on some blue willow ’cause that’s what MOM gave us. Then I was all over the place playing with other things and found the netting one!! Fantastic! My netting didn’t come out all that great for first time around … but I am sure it will be better next time. I will choose better colors. Am sending it though because it was just darn fun. Used the netting on the camping one, but I should have made it bigger as when you reduce it down it’s hard to see. Oh well, live and LEARN!

                          in reply to: Bootcamp – March 2020 #40140
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                            • Enthusiast

                            Hi Annie … and Cassel!  I’m going to give it a go, too.  There’s always some little tip or trick to learn and besides that … it’s fun to see what people make – where they go with their ideas.  It’s often very diverse and that’s just the way it should be!  Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

                            in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40030
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                              • Enthusiast

                              I had a bunch of things to do today … but still found time to play! As I said, I am not a scrapbook person, but as long as I have been doing psp – it’s amazing to learn new tricks. I went back and played with that plaid again. Well, many times actually, and remembered Cassel telling us you could keep it open and apply different colors underneath. Loads of fun and using the same plaid – getting a zillion different looks! I tried out all kinds of them. LOL I do remember her saying it was addictive. Yes, ma’am, it is! Not sure why I never thought of doing that before. Go figure. Thank you to everyone who said nice things regarding my attempts. Appreciate it. I, too, snagged one of those glitters and played with it. Mostly today I was playing with plaids and blurs. The plaids below were the same plaid … just different colors underneath. Then tried some blurry backgrounds. Just generally having fun. Was trying to figure out how to make the blurs more variegated.

                              in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #39957
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                                • Enthusiast

                                I am not a scrapbooker … but I’ve been having fun learning some of the things you can do. Made a Spidey page for my nephew who is a fan of all things Spidey. Found the Spiderman Font on the internet for free. 🙂

                                in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #39920
                                  • 335
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  I haven’t really been working on anything important for a couple weeks … as I have moved into a new house. Loads to do! Today I had to hook up a bunch of security cameras. Doesn’t leave a lot of time to play on the computer. 🙁 But I did put together a page of some friends that were coming to visit from Maine … and then late this afternoon they called to say they have put off the trip for fear of travel with caronavirus popping up all over. Not to worry, I will see them this summer.

                                  in reply to: March Theme Challenge – EMOJI #39918
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                                    • Enthusiast

                                    I don’t really have any emoji’s so had to go find some. Found a couple of cuties. Just put a lot of color around them because they’re pretty happy all by themselves.

                                    in reply to: March Theme Challenge – EMOJI #39878
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                                      • Enthusiast

                                      OMGosh … I want a little emoji box like the above! Cute! I found some emojis online and made a little encouragement frame.

                                      in reply to: February RANDOM Challenge – Initials #39777
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                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Just playing with letters again. I gave this Maine Motto about a dozen different looks before I said … move on. I collected the photos of Portland and Old Orchard Beach … but I actually took the one of the seagulls through the window of my sunroom.

                                        in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39631
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                                          • Enthusiast

                                          And yes … I made a plaid. Kind of a muted one to start, but it worked. I’ll use more colors next time – now that I know how to do it. 🙂

                                          in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39627
                                            • 335
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            Went back and dug out those bokehs again … better attempt I think this time.

                                            in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39597
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                                              • Enthusiast

                                              I played with polka dots … and doubled mine up … and it came out looking like little space invaders.  I could have just taken on layer off and it would be dots, but I kind of liked them so left them.  Reminds me of the old days.  I did not use wire as this project didn’t seem like it needed wire … but going to play with wire on something else.  Inbetween times, I have been playing with the vases with the tips Cassel sent to make them seem more “rounded” … and I also went back to day number 2 and made a plaid!  Crammed a lot in today!  LOL  I am at a different house today with different computer and supplies so will only send the polka dot for now.  When I get home I’ll send a plaid.  It was easy, just like she said.  I just wasn’t grasping it all on the first go round.  Sometimes I think I do a lot better if the tv is OFF and the door is closed!  No distractions.

                                              in reply to: February RANDOM Challenge – Initials #39503
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                                                • Enthusiast

                                                I know a lot of hoopla happens around Fashion Week … last week in NYC … Personally, I could not tell you who they are or what they showed last week. Sometimes I do like to watch them come down the runway as many times they are in the most preposterous outfits you ever want to see. I often wonder … do people really wear them? I’ve never seen them around here and I certainly have never seen anyone actually strut along like that with flip flops!

                                                in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39481
                                                  • 335
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  Gerry … That is awesome. You are very lucky to have photos going back so far. Even if they do have a crumple or two in them. I like to say they’ve earned those crumples from being around so long. Sort of like facial wrinkles – I’ve earned every one of them from life’s experiences! LOL I hope someone was smart enough to write on the back of those pictures who everyone is as it’s so easy to not know who folks are as time/decades go by. Even grands and great-grands would have a clue if it said on the back.

                                                  in reply to: February RANDOM Challenge – Initials #39480
                                                    • 335
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    Mine’s silly … but FUN!

                                                    in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39440
                                                      • 335
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      Back at it. I experimented with leaving the bg white … don’t like it as it really faded out the bokeh effect. Maybe I didn’t have enough color in them to begin with. Fun to play with though. Was trying to utilize them without making my paper look polka dotted. Guess you have to find a happy medium!

                                                      in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39421
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                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        Getting mine done early today as I have chores to do around town. Thank you for the tips on collecting stuff, Barbara. I plan to make time for a “browsing excursion” later today! Thank you, too, Cassel, for all the tips and tricks. Jumping on some of those! I think I was a little timid on the bokeh additions … so added some after the fact, as well. It kinda worked. Thank you, too, Annie for your nice and encouraging words. It’s all about learning and having fun, right? Lots of awesome ones to look at here. Everyone has lovely works. I think it’s most interesting how we all kind of take a different approach. That’s what art is all about.

                                                        in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39356
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                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          You are so right. It is addicting. 🙂 One more.

                                                          in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39336
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                                                            • Enthusiast

                                                            Trying things a little on the darker side. Just exploring with what we’ve learned. But I really need to go get some work done. Too easy to sit here and play.

                                                            in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39329
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                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              Fun to learn stuff while I am hiding out from the snow down here in Florida. I found this one a little easier – getting to utilize what was day 4 – plus additions. I can plainly tell I am going to have to buy a few scrap sets to get up and going with embellishments, etc. Is there a secret to great clarity with resizing down to 600? If so, I need to know it. LOL

                                                              in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39288
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                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                I am 1600 miles away from home for the winter.  Don’t have any photos here of family … but while I like it here, I miss my home.  Can’t wait for spring so I can go back.

                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 301 through 330 (of 335 total)