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  • in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42061
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      Trying a more colorful and upbeat approach. I’m hoping that one day soon we can all safely be more mobile again.

      in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42049
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        Day 5 .. Another great project – had a quick go at it. Super impressed with everyone’s tries. Fun to look at. Glad to see so many participating, too! Lots of ideas to contemplate when you look at others. 🙂

        in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #41970
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          Fun again … when I first put in the letters, it used the same variegated bg I used for under all the dogs – greens and pink –
          but when they converted to all on their own layers all I got was a tiny little stripe on the first two letters. I played and played with it trying it over but with the same result. So what you see if what you get. Thank you, Carole, for the text on a path info. I could have used it earlier, for sure, as I watched about five hours of old YouTube webinars. A great resource – especially with not a whole lot else to do while in the house. Saw a few of yours, too! :o)

          in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #41918
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            Fun Challenge … Love seeing what everyone is doing. They are all so individual and great!

            in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #41829
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              Well, I posted mine once – but it didn’t show up. Going to try again and naturally it will show up twice. Ha ha I bought a house and recently moved … but it’s kind of hard to get settled in when you can’t go anywhere! Not complaining mind you as I would much rather be safe than sorry. I can’t believe the work of some of the newer folks. Truly awesome and I know you put in a lot of time getting those results. Very impressive! Love it!

              in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #41728
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                I used some of my favorite prints of Edward Hopper.

                in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #41635
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                  Keeping mine simple today, too … only because I have a ton of work to do. I’m sure she will dream up something hard later on this week. LOL

                  in reply to: Alphabet Game – MOVIES #41607
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                    T = The Terminator … The Terminator is a 1984 American science fiction film directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), whose son will one day become a savior against machines in a post-apocalyptic future.

                    in reply to: What are you working on (in April 2020)? #41557
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                      Hi Bonnie … No, I don’t live there. I love it there, too! I live just outside of Portland when I get there. Mostly, I am in Florida for a long fall/winter season. This year, well, it’s unusual circumstances, right? Not sure when I will get home – I just know it has to be a lot safer to travel than it is now. Until then, family will have to “hold the fort”. 🙂

                      in reply to: What are you working on (in April 2020)? #41533
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                        Hi everyone … Have loved seeing alllllllll of your work. I hope everyone is better by now and praying we ALL stay safe. Been busy with projects lately, but had time to play today. Probably going to be a long time before it’s safe to go home … so only going there in my mind for now. Let’s all hope it will be safe to move around freely again one day relatively soon.

                        in reply to: What are you working on (in April 2020)? #41334
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                          It was a slow Easter day here in Florida … so I bought a few of Cassel’s toys to play with and try to learn. Made the frame below just as an exercise to try out a few of the things. The paper for the frame I used her Basic Stitches and that was the letter x that I turned sideways after filling up a big paper … her bows of course, the trim around the frame was her gradient maker which worked like a charm – loads of fun there. The Alpha Beads were another of her scripts which were simple and fast! I got the marble beads, but no luck there, think I might need a little help with that one. Also got the acrylic styles and played with that. Learned a lot and sadly, still have a lot to learn! LOL But it certainly made the time pass on an otherwise altogether too quiet day. Sure did like those Alpha Beads … going to have to make a lot of words just to keep on hand.

                          in reply to: What are you working on (in April 2020)? #41216
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                            Isn’t it great when you learn a few new things? Makes me feel like my day wasn’t altogether wasted sitting around the house. Yeah, there is plenty to do here … but maybe not fun stuff. The vector classes were both fun and packed with tips. The trick is to get them ingrained in the brain for use later. So that’s where I’ve been the last few days … It was great to learn how to save them, store them for reuse, etc. Of course you have to get to the caliber of proficient to even make one suitable enough to want to save it! LOL I played with making a whole bunch of them … and eventually they started coming out better and better just because I learned how to work the “handles” and kind of anticipated the look I wanted and how to achieve it. I won’t bore you any further, but just to say I did have fun playing with what we learned. I filled a couple simple ones and had fun there, too. I am not much of a scrapbook person, but I do like to play with psp. Even made a simple movie one to go along with this months theme. Yes, I know Rio is from another movie, but you know those Disney characters probably all know one another. Haha

                            in reply to: April SONG Challenge – Kenny #41117
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                              Starting out before he was country … the years of psychedelic art and aspirations, mushrooms and unfortunately, drugs. 1967. Smash hit and long on the charts. Kenny Rogers and the First Edition. A novel sound and parent hated lyrics. It was all new back then … and soooooo tame by today’s standards. Awww … look how young he was.

                              in reply to: April Theme Challenge – MOVIES #41106
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                                I can’t help it … I loved it as a kid. Then loved watching it with the kids … then grandkids! Now I will put it in and while I might not watch it, I sing along with whatever I’m doing. It still makes me happy and I still feel like there is some truth to … There’s no place like home …

                                in reply to: Alphabet Game – MOVIES #41083
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                                  in reply to: March Random Challenge – LISTS #41035
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                                    Annie … Gorgeous! I think you might change your mind pretty quick on that “White Christmas” dream … unless you had a sure fire way out! LOL It’s pretty … but it’s COLD! Many a time I had to go out in it and use a snow roof rake to clear out water heater vents, furnace vents … or just relieve the pressure off the roof. Might be just as good to just look at it in a photo and turn on a fan! Ha Ha Love that caravan pic. I think people are very courageous to live in such small environments. Good thing about it is they are portable! Get tired of your view – just move to another!

                                    in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #41007
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                                      Thank you for the tips, Cassel. I’m going to set it up right here … but I can foresee a bit of frustration coming on! LOL Now might be just the right time as we are already frustrated. Be a good diversion. Thanks again.

                                      in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40971
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                                        Thank you for everyone’s kind words. I love your puffin, Annie. We have puffins in Maine. People think they are a big bird but in reality they are pretty small. They are also protected. You aren’t even allowed to go on the island where they are. They are out on Matinicus Rock. Everyone’s work has been lovely and I like looking at them and snagging some ideas of something to check out or try later on – or look for in one of Cassel’s classes. I don’t have anything to share this afternoon but I did have a couple of questions. I wondered if you all would share. I recently bought a Wacom tablet and while I have had it a little while, right after I got it my life got busy with having to move and I packed it back up in the box and haven’t tackled it as yet. I would like to know if any of you work on a tablet and where, if any you know about, would be a good resource to learn to use it … well, other than just trial and error. When I first got it I set it all up, but it seemed very overwhelming. Then I had to move and had no time to learn. Now that I am in my own house, I have the time – well, extra time now that we all have nowhere to go … so I set it back up and want to try again. Anybody got any good tips on them? Also, Dorothy, I lived in Norfolk three times as my Dad was career Navy. I still have plenty of family there and my nephew is a tug boat Captain there and he took me out to spend the day on his tug one day when we were visiting. It was a long work day but I had a blast! Trish, I loved your pop art. Great one as it had a renaissance vibe going on. I love all the scrapbook ones, too … I am just not good at that. Trying, but just not something I ever did. Lynda, love your Arizona graphics. They are a real storyboard of your adventure. You ladies are turning out some great uses on that Photosplash Script. All very unique. Sue’s canadian goose looks just like he is splashing that water off! Thanks for any info you can offer.

                                        in reply to: March Random Challenge – LISTS #40952
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                                          You know how you always thought you had PLENTY of time to go to all the places in the world you wanted to see. Well, I still have that list, but now am not very anxious to go there, that’s for sure. I think visiting via Google will do it for me. I’m not sure I will ever feel like long plane rides again! So mine is a virtual Bucket List. 🙂

                                          in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40941
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                                            I tried making lace today .. oh my gosh, I got laughing at how long it took me. Again, I wasn’t after content so much as getting the process down. My lace looks a little loopy but it’s done. What a neat trick at the end to make it round. Loved it. When Cassel does it, it looks so easy. NOT! Eventually, I was successful.

                                            in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40923
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                                              Oh yeah … I remember now … one other thing was PUT THE TEXT inside the selection box. 🙂 And just like she showed, I had
                                              it all ready to go typed out on something else. I guess my noggin’ hasn’t turned to total mush yet. LOL

                                              in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40922
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                                                Hi everyone … I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. And I hope you all have food. 🙁 I would bring it to you myself if I could. I have been playing this morning as all the chores are done. I am after “getting the process down” and not so much on content with this one. So … I followed Shirley’s suggestion and went to unsplash. Wow – enough there to keep you busy forever! And large ones, too! So I found a lovely one of an owl. Then I wanted to practice all the things Cassel has taught us … so I changed the image to not really a cartoon look but pretty close by using the add remove noise, edge preserve, edge effects find all and then adjust and then the blend. Tried a slew of them until I got the ones I liked. Made a couple textured overlays, used the stitch brush that I made watching her class … I don’t know what else because I didn’t write them down. But a whole bunch of stuff I gleaned off of her classes went into the tag just so I could use them. That’s the only way I will remember them … is TO DO THEM. I would suggest if anyone, like me, who doesn’t have a lot of big pictures, which I don’t – try out Shirley’s suggestion. You can get lost just looking there. 🙂 Have a good weekend everyone.

                                                in reply to: March PHOTO SWITCH – Challenge #40876
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                                                  Hello Shirley


                                                  I absolutely love what you made from my photo send!  Gorgeous.  I recognize all those spots.  Been there many times.  While it’s a beautiful place, it’s a little crowded with visitors and reflects it in the prices, too.  Many Mainer’s leave it for the tourists to enjoy.  We know the more hidden or isolated places in the State we keep for ourselves. 🙂  I hope more people do the photo trade as it isn’t hard and I love seeing what everyone does.  Thank you for being my partner!

                                                  in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40862
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                                                    Okay … that’s all the waterworks I’ll share. But I did work on one of my photos, too. Portland Headlight is across the bay from my house. So naturally, I have a lot of pictures of that. I tried Cassel’s watercolor tricks on it. Looked pretty good.

                                                    in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40860
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                                                      It brings home that this is not just a problem that concerns su locally … it’s everywhere and we have to work hard to win. This couple was married for a jillion (yes, a jillion) years … but he can’t be with her. That’s not a staged act … that’s love. Social distancing isn’t stopping them.

                                                      in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40857
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                                                        Touching hands through the glass and talking on the phone. Somehow, it’s probably not enough, but it’s something.

                                                        in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40854
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                                                          I don’t know if any of you subscribe to BaBa Mail … but today’s issue had one of the most heartwarming stories with pictures of folks at different places in the world experiencing first hand social distancing. It was soooo moving I found I had a couple of tears in my eyes. Grandparents looking through a window to see their first grandchild for the first time, a couple obviously missing each other as they both work in the line of fire in differing ways… a married couple who she is in a nursing home on lockdown so he is outside her window. I mean really … there isn’t anyone in the world that could have looked at those shots and not felt something in their heart. I saved them … and because I have so few photos here, that is what I played with today following Cassel’s free class. I’m going to share just a few … hope you don’t mind.

                                                          in reply to: March PHOTO SWITCH – Challenge #40832
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                                                            I took some liberties with your picture, Shirley. I am an ocean, boater, fisherwoman at heart So, that’s what you got. Fishing theme. :o) I would sit on a boat and fish every day all day if I could. I don’t keep them. I haul them in and let them go. It’s just the sport of it. (Probably not from the fish’s point of view!) BTY … I was wrong, it’s Queenstown that I watch. We can watch the boat that takes tourists out … and then come back. It’s far off in the distance, but very recognizable. The mountains in that scene behind the water … well, it’s just stunning scenery. Have a good night everyone. I played a great deal of the day with Cassel’s free class instruction today and did some of the Cartoon, Watercolor, etc etc while of course the laundry sat on the machine. Guess I have to go pay attention to chores now. 🙁 This social distancing is giving me a little too much free time to play on the computer! I sure hope it’s working though. Only three known cases in my county of Florida.

                                                            in reply to: March PHOTO SWITCH – Challenge #40827
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                                                              It’s gorgeous, Shirley! Will be fun, for sure, to play with that! :o)

                                                              in reply to: March PHOTO SWITCH – Challenge #40823
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                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                Hi Shirley!

                                                                Looks like it’s YOU and Me! :o)

                                                                Sending my photo. It was taken at the Bar Harbor Inn in Maine on the last trip before my husband passed. It brings me a lot of joy to remember that trip. I wish it was bigger for you … but at least it’s colorful! NZ was on Earthcam and I used to watch a harbor — I think it’s was in Queensland. I loved that view on Earthcam. Is that anywhere near you?

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