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  • in reply to: I should remember how to do this, but I don’t #81067
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      • Junior

      Yay Carole!  (except I don’t need it anymore!)  But if you do, just make sure that one of the choices includes the stripes on the paper being 1/2 the size of the original.  But you could do what? 4 choices? That would make a nice, useful script!!!

      Otherwise we can all go in and do Rotating Mirror, rotate right 90 degrees, Rotating Mirror again, and done. (On both rotations, Rotation Mirror 90 degrees, Wrap) —> This yields a full size page, with identical strips as the master image.  They are not the smaller stripes.

      To get smaller stripes, go back to Rene’s paste 4x and put each in its own quadrant (no rotating necessary) using Sue’s snap to guides. THEN merge. Now do the Rotating Mirror, rotate right 90 degrees, Rotating Mirror again.





      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Suzy.
      in reply to: I should remember how to do this, but I don’t #81043
        • 199
        • Junior

        Yes, Sue, that’s really great.

        I’m looking for a slightly different pattern as shown in Mary’s #80959 Reply or my #80926 Reply.  It looks like arrows all pointing in for lack of better description as opposed to a square middle of yours where the arrows point out.  (not a great description, but take a look)

        Maybe if you mirrored the two panels on the right and switched them with the left side it would all point in?  I’m probably over complicating it.





        in reply to: Q&A – August 14 #81016
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          • Junior

          Thanks for posting that, Susan. I just LOVE that LO!!  Maybe it’s not something that can really be done post-production, but I can’t help but think there is a way to lighten up a photo  afterwards, maybe by diminishing the contrast or something. ?  I was hoping Cassel would know, or might recognize it.


          in reply to: I should remember how to do this, but I don’t #80987
            • 199
            • Junior

            Perfect, Mary!  Yes, Rene’s way is perfect as long as the stripes are all the same thickness.

            It needs a different method if the stripes have different thicknesses, or are different in any way except color – one more step, I guess you’d say. The last step is to merge the layers and do the Mirror rotate, 90 degrees.

            I changed horses mid-stream and accidentally chose a stripe with different thicknesses, well, it wasn’t an accident, I just didn’t notice and didn’t know it would end up being important.

            I recorded a script to do all this, and I was moving right along, with GUIDES and everything!!!  But I don’t know where the script text went!  I started, did my thing,  and then stopped it. I went to look at the script to admire my handiwork and all that came up was the last script I used, which was one of Carole’s!  Clearly I am not yet ready for Prime Time!




            in reply to: Q&A – August 14 #80955
              • 199
              • Junior

              Carole, thank you or a great Q&A session tonight!

              Ann, I do not have any of those scripts for HK Black and White, HK Coler, Low Key, et al!!!!  I’m guessing you have them from a previous PSP version?

              So bummed!



              in reply to: I should remember how to do this, but I don’t #80941
                • 199
                • Junior

                Okay, so I’m editing this because I got my threads mixed up. I clicked a link from email and thought I knew what he topic was.

                And then I got my designers mixed up at Pixel scrapper. I just meant they all came from Marissa’s Store, my bad. Here’s the link for the above To be honest I just picked one I thought was namby-pamby (for non-native English speakers, it means “meh” or “dull and boring”.  LOL!)

                But The ORIGINAL from the OTHER Thread came from here.

                I would link to the kit, but I’m not sure i can do that here, so I’ll add the preview pic. :))

                See how it isn’t exactly 45 degrees?  My first attempt was to make it a 45 degree stripe – DISASTER!


                • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Suzy.
                • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Suzy.
                in reply to: I should remember how to do this, but I don’t #80926
                  • 199
                  • Junior

                  The first photo is what I came up with using Rene’s directions. It doesn’t quite match up


                  The second photo is what I came up with starting over and then somewhere in there using Rotating Mirror, Wrap, 90 degrees.  Don’t know whether I could replicate it, or not, tho LOL!


                  If anybody wants one of these full size, let me know.  The original came from Marisa Lehin @ pixelscrapper, CU, so it’s been changed enough to be passed around without violating the TOU.


                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Suzy.
                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Suzy.
                  in reply to: I should remember how to do this, but I don’t #80918
                    • 199
                    • Junior

                    Pirkko, What would happen if you merged the quadrants in Reply #80691  and then cut in half vertically and reversed right side and left side?

                    in reply to: I should remember how to do this, but I don’t #80915
                      • 199
                      • Junior


                      These look useful, but they are both “pointing” out, not in. Rene’s test1 (Reply #80734) is the only one that is exactly as the example. I find it interesting that there can be so many variations for essentially the same thing, and that I only want one of them, LOL! I’m not usually so picky!  And she’s right on the resizing.  The paper in this kit is so bland, but when it is resized down and with the piecing I think it has more personality.



                      in reply to: I should remember how to do this, but I don’t #80738
                        • 199
                        • Junior

                        That is perfect, Rene!!  I have an image of how I tried that – more or less – but I’m embarrassed to post it.  So I won’t.

                        Once you get the hard part finished — the resizing and lining up — After getting all layers in place,

                         I did an Image Flip Horizontal on the top right and bottom left quadrants. Middle line up.

                        I think that’s where the Rotating Mirror comes in. But really, after you do all the hard part, what’s a little flip, right?

                        Thank you so much for doing this!  I need to put it in a document.



                        in reply to: I should remember how to do this, but I don’t #80692
                          • 199
                          • Junior

                          You’re both right, I’m sure, except I can”t get the “arrows” to point in on all 4 sides.   Mine looks like Pirkko’s.  (And I’m sure it’s the Rotating Mirror, which is actually what I meant when I said Kaleidoscope, but now I’m also pretty sure there are 4 layers and you remove 3/4 of a layer from each layer. This from memory, though, of a long time ago.)

                          Our power went out so it will have to wait for the morning now. I’m on an iPad, so I can send this, but not test any more ideas.



                          • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Suzy.
                          in reply to: PSP 2023 #80575
                            • 199
                            • Junior

                            Rounded corner, mostly the selection tool, so I guess thanks my fault, but the real culprit (today) was the eraser tool.  All I know is the jaggies are still there in 2022 and it’s driving me crazy!


                            …..and you know what else is driving me crazy? It (2022] can’t read the webp pages. This girl isn’t selling any more, but I wanted to save the templates as little pictures to remind me to copy them ..

                            I can’t just copy because PSP won’t read the darn files! I have to do a million steps to save them. Can 2023 read these files?

                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Suzy.
                            in reply to: Q&A – August 14 #80527
                              • 199
                              • Junior

                              Do you think everybody knows how to make one of these?  Is there a chance you could make a script to do all the punching out and folding and shadowing?  Then we could just place them (them meaning footballs, butterflies, lightening bugs, soccer balls, any preset shape) flying around?  I would like to do this, but it looks like a lot of busy work.



                              in reply to: Q&A – August 14 #80521
                                • 199
                                • Junior

                                LOL! This is the person who thought the Q&A was tonight instead of next week, so don’t fault yourself!  I was always going to ask what happened to Labs in modules 1-4, but I forgot, so it’s as much my fault as anybody’s….

                                I like the jazzy look of the Lab, so I  will usually be watching those videos, even if they are the same! 🙂

                                in reply to: Q&A – August 14 #80504
                                  • 199
                                  • Junior

                                  What? It’s not today? It is on my calendar for today, OOOPS!  Tom is happy. He is getting fed on schedule. Honestly, my dog isn’t as bad as he is! *****see last sentence.

                                  Okay, then, New topic: I just figured out, literally just now, that the  “tutorial – previews” page (some are Element Creation) page is The Lab videos in a different guise. I didn’t recognize it because the first few I saw were not in the Lab modules I had seen.  They were probably the Lab Modules 1-4. So Rene, if you see this, I thought it was a random thing, where some overlapped the Lab and some were different. And some were totally different topics. I needed to cross reference so I didn’t duplicate my video time.

                                  new Topic: I can’t remember who posted about “High Key”, but can we learn how to do that? The pics are just brighter and fresher looking. Contemporary.

                                  I will have more of these questions, I am looking around today (I thought I was waiting until 5 when the program started.)  and ****I just figured out, literally, that the Master class is in an hour, so we *do* have a class, just not the Q&A. Tom has a hangdog expression.


                                  in reply to: August RANDOM Challenge (2022) #80497
                                    • 199
                                    • Junior

                                    Pirkko, That handkerchief is amazing!!! Really truly exceptional! (I have tried this in the past and there is always a big black dog hair or something disgusting on it! LOL!)

                                    in reply to: Planning for Q&A #80487
                                      • 199
                                      • Junior

                                      I just reminded my husband that I had one of these sessions today. “Oh, great.”, he says. Apparently the man doesn’t like having his dinner put off by even 15 minutes-1/2 hour.
                                      I’m posting this because it was funny. Do NOT reschedule anything because he wants to eat! LOL!

                                      in reply to: Q&A – August 14 #80486
                                        • 199
                                        • Junior

                                        It’s probably too late, but this question probably doesn’t require a whole Q&A session, anyway. On this class, where you get pretty far into it (the olives on the checkerboard, around 13:00) why didn’t you use the scallop-shortcut thing where you click one circle, then hold down the shift key and click across to the other side? It would have been so much faster, except maybe you can’t?


                                        in reply to: New display for The Lab #80433
                                          • 199
                                          • Junior

                                          Oh, Okay, Rene. It’s the cross referencing between the lab and Master classes that has me stymied, but I’ll figure it out – or else download every cotton pikken thing, LOL!






                                          in reply to: New display for The Lab #80419
                                            • 199
                                            • Junior

                                            Rene, You said you had a cheat sheet cross referencing the Master Classes with the Labs — would you be willing to share your work with me?  I find it difficult to sit thru 60 minutes of tutorials in the Master Classes and have hardly done any of them.  I wouldn’t mind seeing which ones I am totally lacking, though.

                                            “Also, did a cross reference to the tutorials and a listing of the Master Classes so I could document which ones I watched and/or downloaded the information.”

                                            in reply to: PSP 2023 #80381
                                              • 199
                                              • Junior


                                              Have they fixed the bug you talk about in this message?

                                              And are the rounded corner shapes still pixelated? Have they improved any at all?

                                              in reply to: Q&A – August 14 #80371
                                                • 199
                                                • Junior

                                                Oh, one more thing. I have a LOT of photoshop abr brushes and now that I have a newer version of PSP, I can use them!  HOWEVER, I do not need them all loaded all the time. I also like to have things organized, so that all animals are together or all tickets are together – -stuff like that, or evenall of them bought at one time in one collection.  Is there an easy way to load and unload groups of them?  Maybe by directory or folder on my harddrive?

                                                in reply to: Q&A – August 14 #80364
                                                  • 199
                                                  • Junior

                                                  I am in the Lab, and I forget which ones, but on one module, you spend about 1/2 of the time getting the guides every 50 px.  I am wondering if we can write a script that will do that automatically?

                                                  New Topic: in the materials palette, there are three color boxes that seem to do the same thing. Usually one box is white and one is black. But there are three, and each one appears to have a “switch” arrow. I wondered when you use which one and how you flip between them? I’m wondering why they are all there to be honest. I have a screen shot, but I can’t post it .



                                                  in reply to: Master classes for 2022 #78827
                                                    • 199
                                                    • Junior

                                                    Hey again,

                                                    There is something called a .png optimizer…. it’s under File–> export.

                                                    At the bottom, there appears to be a way you can make the white background of a photo transparent, just by clicking that last radio button…does this work?  Instead of tedious extraction?  “areas that match this color”


                                                    Here is the popup.


                                                    and here is the image I want with a transparent bg. in .png format.


                                                    in reply to: New display for The Lab #79531
                                                      • 199
                                                      • Junior

                                                      Holy Cow! That was awfully fast! Did you write a script for it? 🙂

                                                      Great job!

                                                      Kind of related — well it happened in the Lab, so sort of related, I got an error message I didn’t understand while downloading Lab 10/10 — I got the pop up message twice. But I don’t know what they’re talking about lepopup.js



                                                      • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Suzy.
                                                      in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – July 2022 #79516
                                                        • 199
                                                        • Junior

                                                        Ann and Carole, thank you — I didn’t know either thing,,,,Ann I never noticed these triangles before! Never even saw them!

                                                        in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – July 2022 #79515
                                                          • 199
                                                          • Junior

                                                          Very nice, everybody!!


                                                          in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – July 2022 #79500
                                                            • 199
                                                            • Junior

                                                            How do people know if we have one day or two days on these projects?

                                                            I am having a lot of trouble!   My papers do not go together at all! I keep switching kits, and yuck…yuck..yuck!

                                                            I added a duplicate of my vector title so I could do the extra stuff to it…I think it was bevel, but NOW I DON’T REMEMBER because it’s taken me so long to get to it! LOL!   I do not have the “vector” or “raster” words on my layers palette like you do Carole! So how do I know which is which?  (Why is no one else having trouble with anything? Surely one person out of the 75 in this class is pulling out his or her hair to match mine!?)

                                                            I’m going to reboot and come back.



                                                            in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – July 2022 #79319
                                                              • 199
                                                              • Junior

                                                              Hi, Cassel,

                                                              It is the “Hawaii for Dummies ” book. But the pic was taken in my kitchen as she was reading about Hawaii…with my old hat on her head, LOL!   I forgot the fifth heart, though, the one that was to go under the photo.  I might go back and put it on there because it’s missing something.



                                                              in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – July 2022 #79166
                                                                • 199
                                                                • Junior

                                                                Yes, you are both right, Ann and Carole. I used the picture of the mountain in the icons above the message — that’s what I’ve always used!

                                                                Here is my homework. I wasn’t able to listen to the entire lesson, so I sort of guessed on some of it by looking at the end.

                                                                A free kit from Lynn Grieveson at The-LilyPad for getting on her mailing list. The offer is still good.

                                                                Carole, no, no saucer. It looked like a mug to me with that heavy handle, not a tea cup.


                                                                • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Suzy.
                                                                • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Suzy.
                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 121 through 150 (of 199 total)