
Leslie Gifford Cook

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  • in reply to: Greeting Card Workshop (2022) #86680
    Leslie Gifford Cook
      • 39
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      A little late, but here is my Card #2.  A Birthday Card for my husband who loves flowers.

      in reply to: Greeting Card Workshop (2022) #86667
      Leslie Gifford Cook
        • 39
        • Rookie

        Hi everyone.  I have to circle back and do Day 2, but here is my Day 3 creation.  Thanks Cassel for the new info.

        I found a background with candy canes and used one size on the front of the card along with other Christmas features and used a slightly larger size, arranged differently for the back.

        in reply to: Greeting Card Workshop (2022) #86462
        Leslie Gifford Cook
          • 39
          • Rookie

          I took the card template and added a notice for a Craft show I’m in this weekend.  I plan to print a 3X4 copy for the back of my nametag.  Thanks

          in reply to: TREASURE HUNT – 2022 #82708
          Leslie Gifford Cook
            • 39
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            In search of another hint for #12.  I’m just not getting it with “half hour to do” and “spooky video”.


            Found it – Moving on to putting the puzzle together and sending to Carole.

            in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51887
            Leslie Gifford Cook
              • 39
              • Rookie

              Hi everyone,

              Here is my 5th project.  It was lots of fun because it seemed to bring a lot of features together.  I did struggle with it because my laptop seemed to have slowed down quite a bit.  I thought I had figured out why, but I’m not sure.  In the end it just took longer to finish the project.  I did not copy my text into the text selection box I typed it and it created only a Vector layer so when I saved it as a jpg the text was tiny and up in the corner.  Once I copied the layer and converted it I was able to resize it and put it back in the white area beside the picture of the woodpecker.  Easy fix once you know what is happening.

              Cassel – In answer to your question above regarding milkweed – I had to check with my husband, but it should propagate by spreading seeds.   As long as they didn’t all fly away to another’s garden you should see them come back this year.

              in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51823
              Leslie Gifford Cook
                • 39
                • Rookie

                Here is my Project 4 – His and Her Flowers

                Just to be clear, the two on the left are from my husband’s garden (black bees), the intarsia on the right is my kind of flower (yellow bees).

                I think I’m finally getting the hang of the Text tool and I learned a lot about the Magic wand in making the white frames.  I had the tolerance set too high in the beginning and I was getting a blotchy edge.  Once I lowered it to zero, it covered all of the picture in a nice crisp white edge.

                in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51821
                Leslie Gifford Cook
                  • 39
                  • Rookie


                  Catching up on Cassel’s comments from earlier posts.

                  1 – Adventure – I’ve added greater drop shadow to the house element.   Also put it on a separate layer in case I need to make further adjustments.  See below.

                  2 – Project 3 – Butterfly Garden – Since I found the History palette I was able to make the changes to the drop shadow without putting them on a separate layer.  Going back in I don’t have the option to view/change the shadows now so I will use “separate layer” in the future.  Also, a Butterfly Garden is one that is intended to attract Butterflies so it has flowers they like such as Butterfly Weed (Milkweed); Echinacea (Cone Flower) and Rudbeckia (Black Eyed Susan).  In my husband’s case, he is also trying to find plants/flowers that are deer resistant. Finally, I mislabelled the flower on the left, it should read Hyacinth, not Iris.

                  in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51683
                  Leslie Gifford Cook
                    • 39
                    • Rookie

                    Here is my third project – My husband’s Butterfly garden at the lake.  While I’m busy with my woodturning at the cottage he is busy creating beautiful flower gardens.  The three pictures below are of one of his gardens (centre) and two of the flowers from last summer (left – Iris), right (allium).  The papers and elements all came from Pixel Scrapper (over the past year).  I didn’t have a poem to add so I’ve not yet used the import text feature, but did use the History Palette to remove some of the drop shadows and replace them with thicker, blurrier (not sure if that is a word) versions on the flowers and the coloured butterflies.  I didn’t add drop shadow to the lace butterfly on the dark background because it darkened it too much, but used a blurier version on the lace-on-green butterfly.  I like the different effects that the changes made and the opportunity to selectively remove some effects with the History palette.  Looking forward to Project 4.

                    in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51561
                    Leslie Gifford Cook
                      • 39
                      • Rookie

                      Here is my second project.  Got this picture of a Woodpecker building a house last summer and thought it would be good for this.  There is no “ink” writing on this project so all of the pieces have drop shadow to give that 3d effect.

                      Looking forward to seeing everyone’s projects.

                      in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51559
                      Leslie Gifford Cook
                        • 39
                        • Rookie


                        You caught me.  I did forget the drop shadow on the picture.  I’ve added it and reposted the project here.


                        in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51486
                        Leslie Gifford Cook
                          • 39
                          • Rookie

                          Just catching up from yesterday so kept this one simple.  The picture is of a Loon at our cottage, right in close to the dock.  I found a picture of a sailboat and used that to make the whole thing look nautical.  I added the drop shadow to the text and the boats to give them some depth.  Looking forward to seeing what others come up with.

                          in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51482
                          Leslie Gifford Cook
                            • 39
                            • Rookie

                            A little late in posting this.  Spent most of yesterday fixing an HP/Adobe Flash issue.  All better now, on with the Bootcamp.  I almost forgot the table cloth, but saw some of the previous entries and went back and grabbed a background from one of my Freebies from Pixel Scrapper.  I changed the sandwich to Roast Beef (you can see just a sliver at the bottom) and removed the onions and tomatoes, added some Mayo (that’s it on the left side), kept the lettuce and pickles. (I’m with Clarine, you gotta have pickles).  Now on to Day 3.

                            in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51393
                            Leslie Gifford Cook
                              • 39
                              • Rookie

                              Here is a picture of the picture I plan to use as well as my workspace preferences.  I like to keep the Organizer open at the bottom, as well as the Navigation (list of files) on the left.  I am lucky to have a large screen so that still leaves me quite a bit of space for the pictures.  I’ll be working with the Loon picture on the right which was taken from the one on the left, but with the vertical branch removed.  (Found the Magic Fill function during the Basic course.)  Looking forward to Day 2.

                              in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51387
                              Leslie Gifford Cook
                                • 39
                                • Rookie

                                Hello everyone,

                                I’m back for round 2 of the Bootcamp.  I’ve upgraded to 2021 and am still learning the basics as well as a few more advanced features.  I made calendars for everyone for Christmas and am hoping to be more creative after this and the Basic course I’m also completing.  I too have unchecked the Tabbed Documents (once I found it with the help of the Basic course.  It is a lot easier to keep track of the pictures when you can see them and not have to remember all of the file names.  Off we go…..

                                in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42255
                                Leslie Gifford Cook
                                  • 39
                                  • Rookie

                                  HI all,

                                  I’m definitely late with this one, but I wanted to show that I actually figured it out.  Here is my Day 7 submission.  A shot of the fall colours and how I cut them out with the letters.  I didn’t do much to the template except use the colours from the picture to bring it all together.

                                  Thanks Carole for all of your wonderful instruction.

                                  in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42194
                                  Leslie Gifford Cook
                                    • 39
                                    • Rookie

                                    Not sure if anyone is still watching since it’s Day 8…

                                    Here is my Day 6 submission.  I kept it very basic to show the “rope” effect.  The picture is of my sewing workspace in my basement.  The table is supposed to be a pool table…who knew???

                                    in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42129
                                    Leslie Gifford Cook
                                      • 39
                                      • Rookie

                                      Good morning,

                                      Was sewing and turning over the past few days.  Just getting caught up with Day 5,6,7.  Here is my Day 5 attempt at moving and changing the letters.  I really like this feature.  This picture shows the 25 masks I finished yesterday.  I’m up to 136 and my group has donated over 1400 to the local hospital, clinics and correctional facilities, not to mention how many were made for family members.

                                      in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #41914
                                      Leslie Gifford Cook
                                        • 39
                                        • Rookie

                                        Almost caught up.  Here is my Day 3 submission.  I really like the wordwrap.  As you can see, I’ve reverted to my woodturning pictures.  Tomorrow I’ll be back at the sewing machine and likely have more shots of masks. lol

                                        in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #41908
                                        Leslie Gifford Cook
                                          • 39
                                          • Rookie

                                          Hi everyone,

                                          I used a couple of pictures of a segmented bowl/box that I was working on at this time last year for my Day 2 submission.  I hope you like it.

                                          in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #41880
                                          Leslie Gifford Cook
                                            • 39
                                            • Rookie

                                            Hi everyone,

                                            I’m a little late in getting started, but when you see my picture I think you will understand.  Usually I would be posting pictures of my woodturnings, but right now the lathe has taken a back seat to the sewing machine.  In the attached picture, the gown was made a few weeks ago, but about 50 of the masks were made this week.  It’s been a busy week.  Still playing with the fill options, but here is my first attempt.

                                            in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39661
                                            Leslie Gifford Cook
                                              • 39
                                              • Rookie

                                              Well, I made it to Day 7 (a little late).  I wasn’t able to master the wire effect, but I did have some fun with the polka dots.  The colours seemed to work with a picture of my mother’s china (Wedgewood) so here it is.  Thanks Cassel for all of the information and thanks everyone for the inspirations.


                                              in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39505
                                              Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                • 39
                                                • Rookie

                                                Wow, I still have to refer to  my notes to create a Mask, but with the notes it’s getting easier.  I was able to make a 4-object mask this time and used the colours from other Niagara pictures to create the background.  The colours are a little bold, but right now it’s all about the process. Hope you like my pics from the Butterfly museum at Niagara Falls.

                                                PS I really like the keyboard shortcuts, but I’m not sure I will remember them for long. lol

                                                in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39354
                                                Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                  • 39
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  Well here is Day 5.  A little plain because I’m at the cottage and working on a single, laptop screen, rather than my big monitor on the desk, but I think I’ve tried all the new tricks.  Now to try the text on a curve.  Thanks to Sue and Cassel for the instructions.

                                                  in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39263
                                                  Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                    • 39
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                                                    Wow, with all the downloads and installs I know I never would have figured this out from any manual.  Thanks for the great instructions Cassel.  And thanks to the other participants for their great inspirations.  Here is my Day 4 Mask, still pretty basic, but I added a frame from Bootcamp and coloured the text based on the butterfly wings.  My cold is almost gone so the brain is starting to work again.

                                                    I’m trying to create a circle logo with writing around the border.  I saw a post today that had a similar text art, but I’m not sure where it came from.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

                                                    in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39166
                                                    Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                      • 39
                                                      • Rookie

                                                      Well, here is my attempt at a plaid background.  I thought I’d try to recreate my Grandmother’s “McArthur” plaid/tartan.  I need to spend much more time on it, but I think I’m on the way.  The yellow should be consistent all the way around and the grey should be a combination of grey and black.

                                                      in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39164
                                                      Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                        • 39
                                                        • Rookie

                                                        Here is my day 3 post.  In keeping with the Niagara Falls theme it is a picture of the falls from our restaurant at night.  The Kaleidoscope was created from part of a picture of all of us on the boat (earlier in the day) with our red raincoats on.  It’s a little busy, but it shows the kaleidoscope effect so I’m keeping it for now.

                                                        Now I’ll try to create the plaid pattern from yesterday (day 2).

                                                        in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39160
                                                        Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                          • 39
                                                          • Rookie

                                                          Day 1 Repost – I updated the Text to indicate where we were (as if it was not obvious). lol

                                                          in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #39085
                                                          Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                            • 39
                                                            • Rookie

                                                            Hi all,

                                                            I’m a little late getting Day 1 posted and starting on Day 2.  I’m fighting a cold so my brain is not working well.  I managed to figure out the Masks, but I can’t remember how to access the text to update it.  When I click on the Text layer and then the Text tool I end up creating a new raster layer instead of editing the “titre ou petit texte ici”.  Would love a reminder about Text.  Thanks.  Also, my husband is camera shy so my pictures will be of places we travelled to together – This one is Niagara Falls.


                                                            in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2020 #38902
                                                            Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                              • 39
                                                              • Rookie

                                                              Hi all,

                                                              I’m a beginner with “Masks”.  I’ve taken the bootcamp course and am using PSP to help showcase my woodturning products.  I’m also the newly appointed Editor of our Artisans Centre newsletter.  Many of the techniques in Scrapbooking are helping me in these two areas.  Looking forward to this challenge.

                                                              in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38038
                                                              Leslie Gifford Cook
                                                                • 39
                                                                • Rookie

                                                                Fellow Bootcampers -I really liked this set of tutorials.  I’ve had the software for over 4 years and never learned how to use it.  I’m sure there are many things to still learn, but now I can get started and do what I have wanted to do all along.  Thanks Cassel for these videos and your great ideas.  As for what I learned – all of it.  I couldn’t quite get my head around the layers piece; was having trouble with the text functionality (not sure I’m clicking on the “accept” button); I like the drop shadowing……  all of it.

                                                                I have pictures from two recent trips (over the past two years) that I have yet to do anything with.  Now I have my projects set out for me.  I also want to create a pictorial inventory of my turned wood products.  I expect there will be at least two versions – “inventory” pics and “items for sale” pics.  Now I can make them look much more professional.

                                                                Thanks Cassel


                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 1 through 30 (of 39 total)