
laurie solaas

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  • in reply to: Basic Study Group – March 2021 #54432
    laurie solaas
      • 147
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      Thanks, Bertha! I contemplating creating a hard copy “font book” for myself. Just so I can see available fonts at a glance in a hurry. Your idea with word is great!

      in reply to: Basic Study Group – March 2021 #54400
      laurie solaas
        • 147
        • Junior

        Is there any way to make the font examples in the font dropdown menu bigger? I work on a laptop and the font examples are too little to see what the font really looks like without actually selecting it and applying it to the image.

        Thanks! -Laurie

        in reply to: Basic Study Group – March 2021 #54396
        laurie solaas
          • 147
          • Junior

          I finished my design for Model 2. I didn’t have an alphabet that would work, so I used one of the fonts instead. This is my favorite picture of me as a little girl standing in front of my grandmother’s house.

          in reply to: March Theme Challenge – SELF-CARE #54383
          laurie solaas
            • 147
            • Junior

            Beautiful and well done Minka!

            in reply to: Basic Study Group – March 2021 #54247
            laurie solaas
              • 147
              • Junior

              Ok, now I feel silly! I checked it and those dots slid just fine. I don’t use a mouse as me sometimes the finger pad gets a little finicky on my laptop. Sorry.

              in reply to: Basic Study Group – March 2021 #54246
              laurie solaas
                • 147
                • Junior

                I clicked on brightness/contrast. The scrolled son to levels and clicker there. I dont have sliding triangles on the line at the bottom. I will do a screen shot on my computer.

                in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2021)? #54241
                laurie solaas
                  • 147
                  • Junior

                  Here is my Design from the Basic Scrap course and how I tweaked it a little in a second design. In the original, I loved the layout, but the colors of the kit were so different than the colors in my images. in the second design, I changed the color of the letters and some of the stripe to reflect more of the colors in my photos.  Are there any other simple changes that would possibly tweak the background paper color to a different hue?

                  in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2021)? #54235
                  laurie solaas
                    • 147
                    • Junior

                    Lynda and Minka, Thanks! It was fun to create.

                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by laurie solaas.
                    in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2021)? #54230
                    laurie solaas
                      • 147
                      • Junior

                      I am working on the first lesson in Basic Scrap Course. I applied what I learned in the first lesson of the Basic Course, and what I learned in the Love Challenge to create this image. My paper and WordArt were downloaded from Pixel scrapper. We love going to the beach! I think we have gone almost every year since of grandkids were really little. Now the oldest is almost 17!

                      in reply to: Basic Study Group – March 2021 #54224
                      laurie solaas
                        • 147
                        • Junior

                        Here is my completed module 1. I couldn’t figure out how to adjust the Levels in Brightness and Contrast. I don’t seem to have sliding triangles,  just black dots on a line, and then three boxes with numbers below that. I am using PSP 2020. I completed another one using a different paper that I will upload the Showcase.

                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by laurie solaas.
                        in reply to: March Theme Challenge – SELF-CARE #54186
                        laurie solaas
                          • 147
                          • Junior

                          I love being outdoors in nature, and just being in nature heals my soul. I love seeing all of the wonderful things that God has made. I down-loaded the quote and background paper from Pixel Scrapper.

                          in reply to: Basic Study Group – March 2021 #54120
                          laurie solaas
                            • 147
                            • Junior

                            It would have helped if I had really read the whole email before asking my question. Here is my workspace.

                            in reply to: Basic Study Group – March 2021 #54117
                            laurie solaas
                              • 147
                              • Junior

                              How do you do a screenshot on a laptop??

                              in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53379
                              laurie solaas
                                • 147
                                • Junior

                                Day 7- I enjoyed learning another new way to create a mask and background paper. I struggled with creating a custom color font. I never figured it out. So, I went with white. I thought it would add more balance to my image if I could stroke the outside of my scalloped photo with white. But, I don’t know how to do that either. So instead, I create a duplicate image shape, flooded it with white, made it a little bigger, and offset it just a little behind my photo. I have learned a lot during this challenge process, and I have enjoyed seeing everyone’s work.

                                in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53327
                                laurie solaas
                                  • 147
                                  • Junior

                                  Day 6- I didn’t know that you could create so many awesome backgrounds with PSP. Thanks, Carole for teaching us.  I wanted to think a little outside of the box with this one about what love is. Relaxing and spending time with others, or even some much needed me-time shows love.

                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by laurie solaas.
                                  in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53113
                                  laurie solaas
                                    • 147
                                    • Junior

                                    Annie Tobin your swan image pulls together in a really nice overall design. I love how the blue elements add balance, and the poem is very sweet. I also love  the richness of the green color.

                                    in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53079
                                    laurie solaas
                                      • 147
                                      • Junior

                                      Thank you!

                                      in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53076
                                      laurie solaas
                                        • 147
                                        • Junior

                                        How do I comment on somebody’s post? See above post.  I am lost..

                                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by laurie solaas.
                                        in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53075
                                        laurie solaas
                                          • 147
                                          • Junior

                                          Minka this is strikingly beautiful! I love the color overlay on the face and the big star. It’s one of my favorites!

                                          in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53074
                                          laurie solaas
                                            • 147
                                            • Junior

                                            Whoot! I finished two challenges in one day! This is a picture of two of my grandkids (my granddaughters) having fun together. I love them bunches, and the girls have always been good friends.

                                            in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53041
                                            laurie solaas
                                              • 147
                                              • Junior

                                              Day 4- It was fun to create my own mask. The projects always take me a while because I have so much to learn about the whole program. Carole thank you for the extra tutorial on how to install brushes. It was very helpful because I did not have a clue! I look forward to taking the basic scrapbook class.  P.S.- On my Day 3 challenge the words were actually written on the plate by our server at the restaurant. I just had to take a picture, because it was so beautifully done!

                                              in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #52980
                                              laurie solaas
                                                • 147
                                                • Junior

                                                So many beautiful designs! I especially love itsanewdawn, Londyn, and love-2-resized! You guys inspire me!

                                                in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #52967
                                                laurie solaas
                                                  • 147
                                                  • Junior

                                                  Using masks has become easier now! Thanks Cassel! Creating a kaleidoscope background was interesting and fun. I created the project two different ways.

                                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by laurie solaas.
                                                  in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #52883
                                                  laurie solaas
                                                    • 147
                                                    • Junior

                                                    Thank you, Annie!

                                                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by laurie solaas.
                                                    in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #52870
                                                    laurie solaas
                                                      • 147
                                                      • Junior

                                                      I was telling my mom that I thought my image needed a border, and she showed me how. Yeah Mary Lou!

                                                      in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #52864
                                                      laurie solaas
                                                        • 147
                                                        • Junior

                                                        I really struggled with Day 2. My plaid turned out really tiny. I couldn’t figure out how to make it bigger. I also struggled with the text on this one and also with moving raster layers. But, I learned a lot.

                                                        in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #52799
                                                        laurie solaas
                                                          • 147
                                                          • Junior

                                                          This was my first time using Masks and one of the first times I have used Paint Shop Pro. Thanks for teaching me. -Laurie

                                                        Viewing 27 posts - 121 through 147 (of 147 total)

                                                        Join us for our next live Master Class, on September 1st