
Inam Majid

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  • in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38344
    Inam Majid
      • 16
      • Rookie

      I did it again!

      It looks like I sent the congratulations by email and NOT here.

      So —- I’m resending it here:

      I would like to congratulate Carole for the amazingly efficient way in which she conducted this whole programme. I’m sure everybody else, who attended, would also like to extend their congratulations. Thank you Carole.Congratulations, also, to the three winners. Lucky you.


      in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38171
      Inam Majid
        • 16
        • Rookie

        Re: Reply # 38167

        Carole, you did it again!

        The way you explained it this time, it was so intuitive, logical and easy. Thank you so much.

        NOW, to tell everybody what I have learnt:

        (1)    How to edit my text, including changing colours and font of individual letters.

        (2)   How cool CTRL Y is.

        (3)   With so many layers floating about, it’s best to NAME them as you create them.

        (4)   What a fantastic instructor Carole is. Don’t ever hesitate to ask her anything you can’t figure out.


        in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38163
        Inam Majid
          • 16
          • Rookie

          Re: Reply reference # 38139

          Hi Carole,

          To make a very long story short:

          I followed your directions; created a rectangular selection on the left side of, what I call, the cork board; activated the TEXT icon, dragged it to the North West corner of the selection rectangle, saw the T turn into a [T]; I copied my text from WORD, clicked in the “selection”, saw the [T], clicked on EDIT and saw that the “paste as new layer” and some other options were dimmed out!

          I got small square window on the screen. The title read: Meta Picture Import. The window was divided into two columns. The left column titled Original Size Width in Pixels and the right titled Import Size Width in Pixels. The left side gave the width and height (of the selection rectangle, I presume) and the right gave you the option to change them. Below and outside the columns was a “check box” saying Maintain Original Aspect Ratio and right at the bottom OK and Cancel buttons.

          I clicked on the OK and what I got was a VERY small copy of my text, right in the centre of the screen, outside the selection area.

          I checked to see if I was on the right layer, I was!

          Eventually, after many different tries, I decided to try just plain old “cut and paste”. I copied the text from word, took it to my selection rectangle and right clicked the mouse to paste. Well, that worked, except that although it was contained in the left and right boundaries of the selection, it carried on out of the bottom, until it was all copied. All I had to do then was reduce the size of the text to make it fit INSIDE the selection area!

          I wish I knew how to take a screen shot. That would have made it easies to explain.

          I hope you can see where I’m going wrong.

          Thank you for trying to help me.


          in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #38094
          Inam Majid
            • 16
            • Rookie

            Hello All,

            I, finally, managed to finish day 7!

            I had no end of trouble with the wraparound text. Still haven’t got it right.

            Didn’t enjoy this assignment at all. I hope all of you had an easier time.

            But it’s done. So here it is.

            For Carole: thank you so much for all your help and for putting up with us.

            in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37913
            Inam Majid
              • 16
              • Rookie

              Hello Carole,

              Even at my age (I will be 87 in two weeks) I learnt a few new things. All thanks to your patience and dedication in the way you have been teaching us.

              Since you asked for ONE thing, I have to say, “EDITING TEXT”. Until now I couldn’t make corrections to any text. I would delete it all and start all over again – a royal pain. You showed me how easy it is: just select it and do whatever you want with it!

              Having said all that, I do have a question: Will we be able to ask for your help when this session is over? If so, how can we contact you? Your “Contact me” tab doesn’t seem to work for me.


              in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37847
              Inam Majid
                • 16
                • Rookie

                Hello Carole,

                Here’s my effort for Day 6. AND it’s still fun.

                in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37831
                Inam Majid
                  • 16
                  • Rookie

                  It looks like my submission of the corrected version of day 5 went astray. So here it is, again:

                  Inam-ul Majid <>
                  Mon, Jan 20, 10:11 AM (23 hours ago)

                  to Scrapbook, bcc: me

                  Hi Carole,Mia Culpa. I completely forgot the drop shadows for Day5.
                  Here they are cum umbratio!

                  in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37735
                  Inam Majid
                    • 16
                    • Rookie

                    Hello Carole,

                    Here’s my effort for “Day 5”.

                    Thank you for your help. It IS appreciated.

                    in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37717
                    Inam Majid
                      • 16
                      • Rookie

                      Hi Carole,


                      I can’t find the “download” button for today’s mini download. I think it is hidden behind somewhere.


                      PS Just in case you need my email:

                      in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37665
                      Inam Majid
                        • 16
                        • Rookie

                        Hi Carole,

                        This is fun!

                        I’ve redone it with smaller beads and some other slight changes.

                        Thank you so much for introducing me to something new that I can spend my winter months doing.

                        in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37622
                        Inam Majid
                          • 16
                          • Rookie

                          I’ve tried to make a Cover Page with today’s assignment while keeping the theme of The Fourth Generation, which you will see in one of the following pages.

                          Do you think it’s too fussy?

                          in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37511
                          Inam Majid
                            • 16
                            • Rookie

                            Hello All,

                            Here’s my effort for today’s (day 3) assignment!

                            in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37440
                            Inam Majid
                              • 16
                              • Rookie

                              I just read that you might be coming to Ottawa.

                              Oh Yes! It would be lovely to see you in person. Just e-mail me when you’re coming.



                              in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37419
                              Inam Majid
                                • 16
                                • Rookie

                                Hello Again,

                                I thought I had sent in my “Day 2” effort. I can’t see it anywhere. So, I’m sending it again.

                                As I said earlier, I’m right handed – so I turned the cup round a bit!

                                See you tomorrow.


                                in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37415
                                Inam Majid
                                  • 16
                                  • Rookie

                                  Hello All,

                                  Here’s my sandwich on the table.

                                  Just for fun: I’m right-handed, so I turned the cup around a bit! Makes it easier to pick up (Ha!).

                                  See you tomorrow,



                                  in reply to: Bootcamp – January 2020 #37349
                                  Inam Majid
                                    • 16
                                    • Rookie

                                    Hello Cassel,

                                    I am Inam Majid and I live in Ottawa. I have been using, not seriously but just for fun, PSP for some time. I have never done any scrapbooking. I am currently using PSP 2018.

                                    Here’s my picture for the day.

                                  Viewing 16 posts - 1 through 16 (of 16 total)