
Fay Burnett

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  • in reply to: What are you working on (in July 2020)? #45670
    Fay Burnett
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      Karon, I REALLY like the two layouts – Time and GypsyPetePaul. ?


      in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45639
      Fay Burnett
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        Thank you, Brad.  ?

        in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45600
        Fay Burnett
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          Well I’ve finally finished all the Projects.  I’m still having a little trouble using the Text tool but I know it’s because I forget to use the “Apply” action.  I know it was present in PSP 15 but I never used it and never had problems.  I took this Bootcamp to help me switch from PSP 15 to PSP 19 and I will be able now to do just that so it has been a great success for me.  I got tired of scrapping the scenic photos so did something different for Project 5.  All the papers and elements are from my kit “Brand New” which I’m still working on.  The fonts I used are Heartland Regular and Lucida.

          I see a lot of beautiful layouts have been created, especially for this last project which just proves how much we have all learned.  Thank you Carole.

          in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45453
          Fay Burnett
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            Here’s my Project 4.  Used the colour change of letters in the title.  All papers and elements are my own design.


            in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45390
            Fay Burnett
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              Carole … Yes, there is a definite legibility problem with the text but what I did to try and correct this was not done using a drop shadow.  I duplicated the text layer, moved the duplicated layer below the original, used the Hue/Saturation/Lightness adjustment to make the text white (-100 saturation, +100 Lightness).  I then tried two further adjustments … (1) moved the white text a few pixels to the right and a few pixels down, (2) using a second copy of the original white text, I did a Gaussian blur of 3.  I kept viewing the results of first one and then the other.  I eventually settled on (1) but was not satisfied even with that.  The real problem is the background which has a slight embossing effect and blurring this would have made a big difference in the clarity of the text.  I should have played around more with that and perhaps changed the font for the text.  I just wasn’t feeling up to playing around with it.  It’s always easier to use non-patterned papers but I so love designing and using patterned papers that it often makes problems with journaling that I wouldn’t otherwise have. ?


              in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45386
              Fay Burnett
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                Carole … Yes, there is a definite legibility problem with the text but what I did to try and correct this was not done using a drop shadow.  I duplicated the text layer, moved the duplicated layer below the original, used the Hue/Saturation/Lightness adjustment to make the text white (-100 saturation, +100 Lightness).  I then tried two further adjustments … (1) moved the white text a few pixels to the right and a few pixels down, (2) using a second copy of the original white text, I did a Gaussian blur of 3.  I kept viewing the results of first one and then the other.  I eventually settled on (1) but was not satisfied even with that.  The real problem is the background which has a slight embossing effect and blurring this would have made a big difference in the clarity of the text with no need of a drop shadow, etc. which I would not normally use for such journaling.  I should have played around more with that and perhaps changed the font for the text.  I just wasn’t feeling up to playing around with it.  It’s always easier to use non-patterned papers but I so love designing and using patterned papers that it often makes problems with journaling that I wouldn’t otherwise have. ?


                in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45358
                Fay Burnett
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                  Susan, thank you.  ?  As far as I know there is no path Effects > Photo > 3D.  Under Effects you can select Photo or 3D Effects but there is no 3D under Photo Effects in PSP 2019.  I don’t know about PSP 2020 and perhaps that is the version you are using.  There is an Instant Effects palette.  Is that what you mean?  Anyway, Carole will help you.  I think when Carole refers to “videos to watch” she means the instruction videos for each lesson which sometimes must be watched several times.

                  in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45338
                  Fay Burnett
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                    I’ve finally finished Project 3.  Sorry, I couldn’t use glitter in this layout.  I tried but it just didn’t look right.  ?


                    in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45300
                    Fay Burnett
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                      Sorry, I’ve fallen a bit behind.  I’ve been unwell for a couple of days but I hope to have Project 3 finished tomorrow.  ?

                      in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45253
                      Fay Burnett
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                        Ann, the layout is great and, of course, Sonia Anne is a little dolly.  ?


                        in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45225
                        Fay Burnett
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                          Carole, OK adding the raster layer makes perfect sense in this case.  Actually I have had the problem you are avoiding by adding the raster layer.  This old brain has only two gears these days – slow and slower – so I didn’t make the connection.  ?


                          in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45220
                          Fay Burnett
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                            Clarification of “Copy-Paste”  …

                            Carole, about 16 or 17 minutes into the video (you had just finished adding the title FRIENDSHIP) you said “… with the Text tool active …” and added a new raster layer to the layer palette then copied the quote/poem attributed to Albert Camus from Notepad.  You then returned to PSP and pasted the poem into more or less the area where you wanted the poem to be.  You then were able to edit the text to your satisfaction.  I’m not sure about the reason for adding a new raster layer prior to doing the copy-paste as I assume anything added to the layout using the Text tool would create its own vector layer.  Anyway, you must have a good reason so I’ll check it out.  I REALLY like this and it will be a process I’ll use frequently.  Thank you!

                            in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45101
                            Fay Burnett
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                              Monique, I Love the layout and the story behind the photo as well.  ?


                              in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45098
                              Fay Burnett
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                                I just want to mention, before I forget, that I found two procedures in the Day 7 (Friends) video very informative.  The first was how you, Carole, used the Guides for uniform placement and sizing.  The second was the “copy and paste” procedure you used within the engaged Text tool.  Maybe this is only possible starting with PSP19 or perhaps I never thought to try it in PSP15.  In any case, it’s very efficient and a time saver.  I need to watch that part of the video again.  ?


                                in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45089
                                Fay Burnett
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                                  Very nice.  I love the combination of patterned papers.  ?


                                  in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45061
                                  Fay Burnett
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                                    Nicely done, Robert.  I like your theme, also!


                                    in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45046
                                    Fay Burnett
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                                      Ann, Sonia Anne is a sweetie and I love the layout especially the dragonfly!  ?

                                      in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45034
                                      Fay Burnett
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                                        Henry, I really like this layout but it’s what you’ve told us about Nelson that makes it so special.  Would you consider adding the story to your layout?  I know it’s said that “a picture is worth a thousand words” but sometimes the words are necessary to add meaning and purpose to a layout.  I know that you have not included journaling here because it’s not part of our assignment but for your own album it would be a wonderful addition for those who see it in the future, especially family members.  ?


                                        in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #45006
                                        Fay Burnett
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                                          Thanks Carole, and Ben, I do understand the purpose of both Auto-Save and Auto-Preserve.  I have my own pattern of saving whether I’m designing or doing a layout.  The auto process messes that up completely.  I’ve disabled Auto-save in every version of PSP I’ve used with no dire results.  In PSP 19 I couldn’t find the Auto-Save until you, Carole, pointed me in the right direction.  In every other PSP I’ve used it was under General Preferences so, stupid old woman that I am, I didn’t think to look on the same menu where General Preferences is listed.  Anyway, all is well and thank you both.  ?

                                          in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44997
                                          Fay Burnett
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                                            I have three photos for Dickson Falls to use in the album I’m doing.  Since I didn’t want to do a third page on Dickson Falls, I used both photos in this layout.  Carole, in the video, you mentioned the compression value setting when saving a jpg file.  This was interesting.  I guess I probably was aware of it at one time but this was a good reminder.  I do have a question for you, however.  I’m using PSP19 and am slowly becoming comfortable with it BUT, it’s driving me nuts auto-saving.  I disabled the Auto-Preserve and thought that would fix it but there must be something else I need to do.  Any thoughts?

                                            I’ve decided I don’t like that pinky colour I picked up from one of the photos, so I’ve made a change.

                                            in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44993
                                            Fay Burnett
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                                              Lynn, I love the way the end of the lion’s tail extends over the elephant photo!


                                              in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44989
                                              Fay Burnett
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                                                Hang in there, Susan, it will get easier.  Your sandwich looks good to me.  ?


                                                in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44910
                                                Fay Burnett
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                                                  Henry, it looks great and the size here in the forum is controlled by the site system but if you click on the image you’ll see the larger display.  I always do that because it gives you a better idea of what the layout looks like.  ?


                                                  in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44901
                                                  Fay Burnett
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                                                    Robert, I believe a scrapbook page has three components – photos, artistic enhancement and words.  The amount of artistic enhancement is obviously the choice of the page designer BUT it certainly can be overdone to the point that the most important part of the page, the photos, is overshadowed.  I also believe that without words, the page becomes just an embellished photo album and without photos it’s just a page in an art journal.    ?


                                                    in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44879
                                                    Fay Burnett
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                                                      Margaret, I like your layout very much; especially the background paper, and the children are so cute.  ?

                                                      in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44877
                                                      Fay Burnett
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                                                        Second attempt for this post …

                                                        Carole, I mentioned that I had learned something new while watching the video for Day 2 and you asked me exactly what.  I have been using PSP since Jasc’s Version 8 and I was surprised to see you “click, drag, and drop” from the layer palette to the working image.  If I can learn something like that on Day 2, I can hardly wait to see what else is in store for my knowledge base of PSP.

                                                        Now, Day 3.  I see some very nice layouts already posted so it looks like we’re paying attention.  ?

                                                        All the papers and elements used in my layout were designed by me.  Some of you may notice that I’ve used CC’s Seed Beads picture tubes to create the “scatter.”  The fonts I used are Alpha Dance for the title and Dancing Script for the journaling.


                                                        in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44872
                                                        Fay Burnett
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                                                          Carole, you asked what I had learned while watching the video for Day 2.  I was surprised to see you “click, drag, and drop” images from the layer palette to the working image.  I doubt that I will ever use it but am pleased to know it can be done.  I’ve been using PSP since Jasc’s Version 8 so since I’ve learned something new on the second day of this bootcamp I’m thinking there are many more interesting things in store.

                                                          Now for the Day 3 Assignment … I see some very interesting layouts posted so it looks like we’re all paying attention!  ?  All the papers and elements used in this layout are my own design.  Please note that I used Cassel’s Seed Beads picture tubes to create the “scatter” and the fonts used are Alpha Dance for the title and Dancing Script for the journaling.

                                                          in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44811
                                                          Fay Burnett
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                                                            Even after all the years that I have used PSP, I learned something new in Day 2.  For that alone, I’m glad I decided to do this Bootcamp.  ?  I was tempted to add something to my lunch image but resisted the temptation.

                                                            in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44766
                                                            Fay Burnett
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                                                              My son loves to hike and has spent a considerable amount of time travelling to different parts of the world for this purpose … New Zealand, Argentina, Peru … just to name a few of the more exotic areas.  Because of COVID-19 he is, more or less, confined to New Brunswick.  He has made several trips to areas in the Fundy National Park and from the pictures, I’ve told him that New Brunswick is just as beautiful as any of the far-flung places he has visited.  I will be scrapping some of the pictures he has taken on weekend hikes around the province.  This is Dickson Falls in Funday National Park.
                                                              <p style=”text-align: center;”></p>

                                                              in reply to: BOOTCAMP July 2020 #44764
                                                              Fay Burnett
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                                                                Although I originally intended to do this Bootcamp with PSP19, I decided to try 2020.  As far as my personal customization is concerned, I have always used the EDIT module as my go to section of PSP.  I like the Complete format minus the Learning Centre and the Navigator.  The one thing I’ve always had trouble with is setting different colours for the Workspace and the Background.  In PSP15 I use a Light Grey workspace with a Dark Grey background but that was set through just choosing Light Grey for the workspace.  I’m assuming that the background colour could not be changed in PSP15.  I can’t manage to set that combination in PSP19 nor can I do it in PSP2020.  Whatever I choose for the workspace repeats for the background and can’t be changed.  I’m sure I’m doing something wrong but as I only had the choice of changing the colour for the workspace area in PSP15, I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.


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