
Ann Siegert

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  • in reply to: Something special, just for you #71043
    Ann Siegert
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      It sounds wonderful to me and that it will cover all sorts of good topics.  I look forward to participating.

      in reply to: Bootcamp – July 2021 #60444
      Ann Siegert
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        Will try to resize and resubmit.  Sorry about that.  Please just delete them.



        in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – July 2019 #32083
        Ann Siegert
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          I use the black background and my pallets are tool, materials and layers.  Only use organization when dealing with large numbers of pictures in a group.  I use tabbed pictures.  My resolution is 300 dpi.  Have been using PSP for years and love Cassel’s instructions.  Am a Diamond member for several years now.  Working in this bootcamp because I ALWAYS learn something new when following Cassel.

          Ann S. from Texas

          in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2019)? #27225
          Ann Siegert
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            I have a goal this year of getting all of my old photos finally digitally scrapped.  The background here is that I had paper scrapped about 1000 pages through the years.  They covered time starting a little before my husband was born through about 2003.  I was still working on paper scrapping when my daughter turned to digital scrapping.  So, my first digital scrapbook covered most of 2011.  Since then I have tried to keep current and go back and digitally scrap the gap between the end of 2003 and the end of 2010.  It has been a huge goal but I am closing in on it with only about 4 years left to get done.  My current workflow is to open pages, “drop” pictures on them, write in a text date, and save in a psp form rather than jpeg.  When I have close to 111 pages to print as a Shutterfly book, I then actually finish them.  So I only have things to show as I am finishing a book but I do steadily peck away at this goal.  I love digital scrapping and Cassel’s Campus.  She is so kind to assist whenever I get stumped and my pages have more variation since I joined the Campus.

            in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #25051
            Ann Siegert
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              I should add that I have also thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the various ways other participants used this information.  And I should probably amend my previous statement and say that I have learned (and relearned) so many different things that I can’t even put a number on it.  Thanks again.  Now off to review some of those other great videos you have produced…..


              in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #25047
              Ann Siegert
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                This is my last homework project.  Cassel, I have thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and learning at least a half dozen more things while watching you.  I must go back and review my videos downloaded during the years I have been a Diamond member.  You have enriched my digital scrapbooking world by at least a hundred fold.  I LOVE your website and all the hard work you put in teaching everyone about Corel PaintShop Pro.   Again, thank you.

                in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24904
                Ann Siegert
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                  I couldn’t figure out how to use the glitter tiles.  Help?  Probably have to put them in the tubes?  Or just have them active on my workspace (which I just heard today on the green page that you had on your workspace, diminished.  You made the title page out of a green paper that was on your workspace.   Hope I understood that correctly as that would be too cool.


                  in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24790
                  Ann Siegert
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                    Here is my 4th work project.  I enjoyed learning how to change the colors of the title letters but chose not to change the font.  I used a circle eraser to make the curvy edge on the white strip.  This gave me shapes more like waves than half circle edges.  So I used a different shape that gave me the rounded edges I was looking for, but then had to erase the left over white areas.  I am sure Cassel would have done it a different way, but I got to where I wanted to go, haha.  The added elements came from my purchased elements but I am sorry that I do not keep a record of where they were purchased as I never intend to use any of my purchased supplies commercially.  My scrapping is purely for my enjoyment.  Cassel:  I am thoroughly enjoying this workshop.  I hope that it won’t be the last one we do.  Oh, I accidentally deleted my 4th day email and would like to go back and rewatch that video.  If you have a moment could you email it to me again.  I’m sorry to ask you to do that and if you don’t have time I will certainly understand.

                    in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24747
                    Ann Siegert
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                      Here is my homework for day 5.  Couldn’t figure out how to use the glitter tubes you supplied so opened a glitter page from my many, many supplies and recolored it to gold to make the background behind the 3 pictures.  I liked using the 3 pictures in a row, – something I haven’t done before.  Also had trouble getting the pictures to snap to the guides so just used the guides to resize the photos.  Actually, my program was sort of acting up in the it didn’t want me to use the arrow to move things and so I had to resort to the move tool (which I haven’t ever really used).  I closed the program and reopened it and still had the same issue.  So I closed it again.  After this submission is posted I will go back and reopen it again to see if it straightened out.  Learning good things in the workshop.  Thanks, Cassel.


                      in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24610
                      Ann Siegert
                        • 15
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                        Here is my second project for the scrapbook workshop.  I remembered on this one to add the drop shadow to the Title but did not do that on my first project.  I opened papers that I already had and did not use a kit.  I recolored two of the papers to better go with the colors in my pictures.  I use the “change color” a lot in my scrapping.  Because I wanted to use 3 photos I did not add any elements.  The page with the title, 2 color strips, and notations pretty much filled the page.  I do have elements of flyfishing nets and rods, etc., but they did not fit well on this page.  Thanks for these “homework” assignments.  I always remember new things better if I actually use them quickly, as in the free rotate of the small text.

                        in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24602
                        Ann Siegert
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                          Here is today’s project for the bootcamp.  Even though I have been digitally scrapping for a while now (thanks to Cassel) I knew that I would pick up things, bits and pieces, watching these videos and then doing the projects.  Had to go back and view again as I missed a couple of things that Cassel does differently than I do.  GREAT INFORMATION.  Thanks.

                          in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24440
                          Ann Siegert
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                            Ann in Texas here.  Resized several fairly recent scrapbook pages to share.  One is a remake of a page from about 15 years ago.  I do LOVE digital scrapping.  I think one great thing about digitizing the old photos is the ability that Corel PaintShop Pro gives us to make those old faded, orange, too dark photos into something much better than the original photo.  And then printing them in books takes up so much less space than traditionally scrapped pages.  (That is probably my main reason to do all of this.  Paper scrapping takes too much space before, during and after the scrapping is done.  Printed books give us over 100 pages in less than an inch of bookshelf space.)

                            in reply to: Scrap Bootcamp – January 2019 #24432
                            Ann Siegert
                              • 15
                              • Rookie

                              Hi, everyone,

                              My name is Ann and I am from Texas.  I love digital scrapbooking.  I did traditional paper scrapping for many years and recently digitized my 1000 plus pages to print in books.  I started digital scrapping in 2011 and my goal this year is to close the gap between 2003 (last of paper scrapping) and 2011 (first of digital scrapping).  I am fortunate in that I have a daughter that digitally scraps and since we vacation a lot together we share our digital pages (so I actually have to make fewer pages myself, haha).  Like someone else said, I like to watch Cassel in all of her videos as something like a basic setup of the workspace sometimes jogs a cog about something I might want to change.  I actually prefer the black workspace for some reason.  Otherwise, my workspace is set up very much like Cassel’s.  Looking forward to this learning experience and hope to share with you and see some of your work.

                              in reply to: Alphabet Game – CIRCUS #20691
                              Ann Siegert
                                • 15
                                • Rookie

                                p – peanuts

                                in reply to: New logo for the Campus – your opinion #7566
                                Ann Siegert
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                                  • Rookie

                                  1 is my very favorite…like the script, the fact that it looks like a scrapbook to me and I would be able to guess what the logo was for just by looking at it.  I think a logo should give the viewer an idea of what it stands for.


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