
Dorothy Donn

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  • in reply to: Alphabet Game – OUTER SPACE #43500
    Dorothy Donn
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      B = Brown dwarf – A cold and dark star too small to initiate nuclear reactions that generate heat and light.

      in reply to: Alphabet Game – OUTER SPACE #43480
      Dorothy Donn
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        R = Red dwarf – Smaller star with a low mass, cooler, and less luminous than the sun.

        in reply to: Alphabet Game – OUTER SPACE #43474
        Dorothy Donn
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          M – Mare The dark and smooth area on the surface of the moon or on a planet.

          in reply to: Alphabet Game – OUTER SPACE #43452
          Dorothy Donn
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            h = Halley’s Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P/Halley, is a short-period comet visible from Earth every 75–76 years. Halley is the only known short-period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked-eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime.

            in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #43390
            Dorothy Donn
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              X =  X-Ray Flare Class
              In solar-terrestrial terms, rank of a flare based on its X-ray energy output. Flares are classified by the order of magnitude of the peak burst intensity (I) measured at the earth in the 1 to 8 angstrom band as follows:





              in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2020)? #43370
              Dorothy Donn
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                I have been  hiding out in the Lab, so not much to post here,  but I so enjoy tippy-toeing  in to see what ya’ll have been doing.  Needless to say I am never disappointed with the view in here. 🙂

                Here is a sample of what I have been doing.  Sort of part of my lifetime.

                in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #43298
                Dorothy Donn
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                  Q + Quantitative Precipitation Forecast
                  A spatial and temporal precipitation forecast that will predict the potential amount of future precipitation for a specified region, or area.

                  in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2020)? #42843
                  Dorothy Donn
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                    Back Door in the mountains in oval ran thru PTP

                    in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2020)? #42796
                    Dorothy Donn
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                      Random Challenge Generator #2

                      I really bit off a bit more than I could chew. This took me longer than any other project BUT it was good I made myself stick with it  because I learned a lot of new things I had never known about and I hope I got it all done correctly.

                      Your challenge:
                      Number of photos: 1
                      Title & Text: Kidnap Alpha-
                      Paper Use: Folded Edge
                      Embellishment 1: Bar Code
                      Featured Shape: Hexagon
                      Embellishment 2: Stain
                      Color Combination: Brown
                      Embellishment 3: Admission Ticket

                      in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #42792
                      Dorothy Donn
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                        H = Haboob

                        in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #42728
                        Dorothy Donn
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                          E = El Niño – a warming of the ocean current along the coasts of Peru and Ecuador that is generally associated with dramatic changes in the weather patterns of the region; a major El Niño event generally occurs every 3 to 7 years and is associated with changes in the weather patterns worldwide

                          in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #42576
                          Dorothy Donn
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                            Z = Z-R Relationship – a mathematical equation that converts radar-measured reflectivity to an estimated rainfall rate.

                            in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #42529
                            Dorothy Donn
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                              Q -= QPF (quantitative precipitation forecast, or how much rain they think we’ll get over a certain time period)

                              in reply to: May Theme Challenge – RAIN #42485
                              Dorothy Donn
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                                Trish:  It seems we are going to be puddle hopping here around 5pm but at my age it will  not be as much fun.  I love te picture you used too.

                                Michele: What a delightful view. I  love the little gal and your description made me want to try a ‘brella circle but I got to dizzy to finish. lol

                                Annie: I love all things oriental! That font is great too. Thanks for your description of what all went into your project. I have no idea how ya’ll do that.  I never can keep track of what I am using or doing when I am inside PSP.  I guess I am just way to impulsive.

                                in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #42484
                                Dorothy Donn
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                                  N = Nor’easter

                                  in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2020)? #42483
                                  Dorothy Donn
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                                    RE: Pic to Painting Plugin

                                    I found a fix online that might help you with pic to painting plugin.

                                    1) Place your curser on preview style.  You should see a yellow box appear around it

                                    2) Tab once to reset. You should see a yellow box around it.

                                    3) Tab once to Adjust Strength. You should see a yellow box on the far right edge on it.

                                    4) Tab once to confirm painting.  Hit enter Only  and wait for the render to appear.

                                    I tried this myself  using the Tokyo selection and it works fine for me now.  Good luck with yours. 🙂




                                    in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2020)? #42471
                                    Dorothy Donn
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                                      Random Challenge Generator  My First Try

                                      My Challenge:
                                      Paper Pattern: Camouflage
                                      Featured Shape: Heart
                                      Color Combination: Black and White
                                      Embellishment 3: Metallic Element

                                      It was kinda hard when first hit with camouflage and black and white color combo. It took me awhile to figure it out.

                                      I have to admit I did swipe some of my husband’s  Army Day stuff.

                                      I hope ya’ll like what I ended up with tonight.

                                      in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #42463
                                      Dorothy Donn
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                                        J = JET STREAM: Relatively strong winds concentrated within a narrow band in the atmosphere.

                                        in reply to: May Theme Challenge – RAIN #42423
                                        Dorothy Donn
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                                          Memories of a rainy night in Georgia.

                                          in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #42421
                                          Dorothy Donn
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                                            H= Hurricane

                                            in reply to: May Theme Challenge – RAIN #42413
                                            Dorothy Donn
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                                              It sure is raining here as well as there.

                                              in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2020)? #42297
                                              Dorothy Donn
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                                                Trish: What wonderful beauty to start the merry month of May.  I love them all!

                                                Those gold trimmed papers are right up my alley too. Nicely done on all three.

                                                in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2020)? #42296
                                                Dorothy Donn
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                                                  Cassel sent this Quick Page I think it was last November when I was afraid of templates.  This is a page for my honey about his family. It has his sister and sister-in- law who have both passed away a few years ago. I used the Cassel Brad Factory  which matched the page perfectly. That sure saved me some time too.  I highly recommend it to all.

                                                  in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #42294
                                                  Dorothy Donn
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                                                    A – Airplane trip to Seattle where it always seems to rain.

                                                    in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42234
                                                    Dorothy Donn
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                                                      As I said I only got thru pages 1 to 6 and truly enjoyed the trip.

                                                      Jnet, Lydia, Sue,Jackie,Minka (congrats on the new house), Isabel,Marie Claire (we share the same middle name),Royanne. Bonnie,Alicia, Annie (glad you aare doing better my friend),Shirley, Gerry (such attractive great nieces and nephews), Jeanny, Trish, Mars (I like golf too), Lynda, Royanne (What an apple picker you have:),Corrie (I love those cherry trees and this year they had a great bloomimg here), Alicia (Did you get to AZ when all the cactus were in bloom?), Jackie (Great tribute to your momma),Vicki (You made the coffee when I made the tea <grins>),Rita, (nice work on Greece), Shelia (Great pictures of Stonehedge), Euka, Leslie(Thank you for making masks and gowns), Bihg hugs foryou all for great works!!

                                                      in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42233
                                                      Dorothy Donn
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                                                        I reckin I am difernt and try not to look at others work until the challenge is over. I started back on page one and made it through page six tonight. I am so impressed by what I have seen. Both the newbies and the old timers have outdone themselves in my minds eye.

                                                        You have all taken me to fantstic places and shown me things I never knew before. I have used an online translator and found some of you live in places my honey talks about, e.g. near Wiesbaden. He was stationed in Germany twice and often talked to me about the castle in the middle of the Rhine River. He said it was like a toll gate is  here in the States to collect the taxes from the grape growers who floated their goods to market. I had him take a peek and he said. “that’s it”!

                                                        in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42205
                                                        Dorothy Donn
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                                                          I decided to try one more time on this day 7.  What I did was make the title part on a separate  image instead on top of the template. It does not look as distorted to me now. I feel much better about this challenge 🙂

                                                          It has been fun and at times a bit hard because a lot was o things I had not known before. I thank you, Cassel for that!

                                                          in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42186
                                                          Dorothy Donn
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                                                            This was an uphill battle fighting the text tool all the way through it.  I did not end up following instructions,  but did the best I could to achieve the end result.

                                                            in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42121
                                                            Dorothy Donn
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                                                              Thank you for the template Cassel.  It sure saved me some time tonight. The bundle you used was one I got today. Really some neat things in that bundle. I did have some trouble. Even with glasses and a magnifying glass I could not make out the font you used in this project. I thought you said Gill something. I did a search for it as I liked how it worked for you.
                                                              I found two fonts and I wonder if they are the same as yours ?

                                                              The Ones I found are Gil Sans and the other is Gill Sans Ultra Bold.   Was I any where close to yours?

                                                              in reply to: Alphabet Game – MOVIES #42078
                                                              Dorothy Donn
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                                                                I = Inglourious Basterds

                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 61 through 90 (of 202 total)