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  • in reply to: September RANDOM Challenge – 5+5+5 #65233
      • 1558
      • Superfan

      Anne, that is really a fun layout!

      Sue, lovely layouts…The 5x5x5 one is beautiful!

      in reply to: September 2021 – BINGO game #65232
        • 1558
        • Superfan

        I am not creating layouts right now, but I like to come by here and there to see what you all are doing. 🙂

        Minka, very nice and creative layout… I hope you are feeling much better now after being involved in a car accident. <3

        Sue, another great layout and photos, as always… I love the bead colors.

        in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #65231
          • 1558
          • Superfan

          Here is lesson 7, challenge #1

          My doubt is:  although I set the foreground to null, changed the Execution mode to Silent, and got the correct answer in the SOP (none), still, an image was created with the foreground material (gradient), and not transparent as I expected.

          What did I miss?


          in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #65229
            • 1558
            • Superfan

            I have been working on lesson 7… There were many error messages; I was already afraid of running the scripts and getting the red message :D… Sometimes I forgot a comma, a quote, or wrote with uppercase instead of lowercase, and so on… Sometimes the error message said line x and was the line before… So, I was back and forth with lessons 6 and 7 to find the mistakes…But, all of this helped me to solidify the knowledge of the lessons.

            Here is lesson 7, challenge#2.


            in reply to: September 2021 – BINGO game #65058
              • 1558
              • Superfan

              Sue, thank you! <3

              Corrie, nice result!… Issues with scripts and programs, PSP included, can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the cause… I am starting to learn to script and can see the complexity of it… I can only imagine one of Carole’s scripts, which are way more complex than the ones I am creating.

              Pirkko, nice layout! I like the cat behind the photo. 🙂

              in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64971
                • 1558
                • Superfan

                I tested it again and had mixed responses, depending on the image used.

                I opened one image (fire) that I had resized to 300px first and then saved. It worked when I chose it as a pattern in both versions.

                I opened one image (concrete-cement) 599x398px, and PSP2022 showed an error and then froze (like Cyndi had in PSP2020)… In PSPX8, the program shuts down.

                I will send the links to the videos and my script. It may be a bug; with your better knowledge of scripts, you can decypher the issue.

                I will move on to Lesson 7 🙂

                • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Cristina.
                in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64970
                  • 1558
                  • Superfan

                  Carole, it happens when I run the script with an image on the workspace.

                  I have to say that I am creating my scripts from scratch, following Suz’s Lesson06, so only today did I see Suz’s Test06 Text Editor with all the blob of characters.

                  My script runs without a problem, and only when I open an image on the workspace, select it in the Materials Palette>Pattern, and run the script again, is when the laptop shuts down.

                  I will record a video in Loom, so you can better understand what happens in different versions. Also, what happened when I ran first her script and then mine…

                  in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64968
                    • 1558
                    • Superfan

                    Cyndi, at least, now I know that is not only with me and with this laptop… I am testing again and have different results.

                    in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64909
                      • 1558
                      • Superfan

                      Hello dear Annie, 🙂

                      I also think that the more we practice, the better it is, and everything becomes familiar.

                      Wow, you really got the blob of characters! I will try it again and see if I also get that response and not have the program shut down… Maybe try in a different laptop, because with this one, although newer, I have so many issues that everybody else doesn’t have.

                      So, back to work, and let’s continue having fun, my friend!… At least for now 😀

                      in reply to: September 2021 – BINGO game #64847
                        • 1558
                        • Superfan

                        I also like the Bingo Challenge and all the other challenges too, just I haven’t been creative lately, so I have paused creating layouts for the time being to return more energized. 🙂

                        Sue, your work is outstanding; each one is better than the previous one, if possible… Photos, details, techniques…That is a piece of art!



                        in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64841
                          • 1558
                          • Superfan

                          Last week, I started with Lesson 5 and could not finish it, the Debugging…

                          So, the last few days, I recapped lesson 4, finished lessons 5, 6 and started lesson 7… Had tons of errors: indent, missing signs, you name it… Even showing the line, it was not always easy to find it, especially the indent ones…

                          Until today, I could not use the tab, as I see Carole doing in the video… I mentioned it right from the beginning, and my way around was to go to column 1, very left, and count the spaces from there… If you have 20 spaces in many lines is a drag.

                          Luckily, today, I remembered, Carole showed in one of her videos how to change a setting in the Script File… Go to   Settings > Preferences > Language and mark the  Replace by Space box… So that did the trick, and now I can work faster and have fewer indent errors…

                          In Lesson 6, Practice Activities, Challenge#1, Suz says to be ready for some startling result… Boy, was she right…I sure had one, but not the one I was supposed to have, as she explains in Lesson 7… I didn’t get the blob of characters in the SOP… The program just shut down!

                          I tried with different saved patterns with versions X18 and 2019… Both have the same result… I haven’t tried the newer versions yet.

                          So, just to say, I am still here, working and having fun … at least, when I don’t get so many errors. 😀

                          Tomorrow, I will go over lessons 5 (Debugging) and six and see if  I finish lesson 7.

                          Yesterday and this morning, I had so many errors with the Debugging that when I had the script running successfully, I moved on and started Lesson 6.

                          Carole, your videos and explanations are a big help!


                          in reply to: September FREEBIE Challenge #64557
                            • 1558
                            • Superfan

                            Corrie, very nice layout, and I also like how you did the background… I love the quote: “Expect nothing, appreciate everything.”… My motto in life.

                            Marie-Claire, very nice layout, and I also like the colors…I like very much how you created the background, never tried this technique… I’ll take note of this technique. 🙂 … I don’t see anything wrong with the frame; what is different when you resize to 600?

                            Sheila, I have known Kristin Aagard Designs for many years, downloaded many freebies, kits, and Norton Antivirus has never had a problem with the site… Now, her work can be found at a very known site, The Lilypad.

                            • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Cristina.
                            in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64405
                              • 1558
                              • Superfan

                              Carole, for me it is ok to postpone lesson 7 until next week. It will give time for whoever has been having other issues besides the course to catch up.

                              I will review Lesson 5 today and start Lesson 6… But this will also give me time to go back and review some commands… I told Annie about a #print command that doesn’t exist. 🙁 … So, I definitely need to review the lessons. 😀

                              in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64374
                                • 1558
                                • Superfan

                                Thank you, Carole! I do hope not to find anything else; I just want to continue my lessons without “findings.” 🙂

                                in reply to: The BIG 10 Showoff #64352
                                  • 1558
                                  • Superfan

                                  Nadine, I love your style, playing with overlays, which creates a great result… I have to play more with this technique. 🙂

                                  Your story touches every heart. Best wishes. <3

                                  in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64344
                                    • 1558
                                    • Superfan

                                    Carole, thank you for the response… At least, I know it doesn’t happen only with me as it does so many times… So, I will ignore this for now and move on. 🙂 … This weekend I was not able to finish lesson 5.

                                    Update1: This is the response I get after running the script In PSP 2019, the same as X8… I haven’t tried in 2021 and 2022,

                                    Update2: According to Suz Shook on page 12, this is the answer we should get with TEST3a script.

                                    “If you don’t have Eye Candy on your system, all you’ll see in the SOP is:

                                        Executing RunScript

                                    But the point is, the script does not fail!”

                                    It is different with TEST3b script.

                                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Cristina.
                                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Cristina.
                                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Cristina.
                                    in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64342
                                      • 1558
                                      • Superfan

                                      Annie, I forgot to mention that the system ignores everything after the pound sign #.

                                      in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64341
                                        • 1558
                                        • Superfan

                                        Carole, I know that you’ve been too busy with the “Big 10 Event“, and what a great event it was!

                                        When you have time, please see if there is an explanation about my issue above…When I open the Suz Shook Text Editor TEST3a script, it shows errors in lines that don’t exist.

                                        in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #64340
                                          • 1558
                                          • Superfan

                                          Annie, the command is incomplete if it is supposed to be a comment for yourself; it is missing the pound sign (#) and the quotes (” “).

                                          It should be #print “the 0 means select the current document”

                                          The print command without the quotes is for print statements (variables) and other things I am still going to learn: debugging. 🙂

                                          in reply to: The BIG 10 Showoff #64170
                                            • 1558
                                            • Superfan

                                            I couldn’t be here for the last few days, and again it is a joy to browse each entry… I have to repeat myself,  Everyone here, at all levels, is creating inspirational and great work.

                                            Val, thank you so much! You are so kind. <3

                                            Sue, my friend, your work is outstanding, and you know I am a big fan… I could name this or that layout, but it would take too long!… You are for sure a source of inspiration for many and me included. 🙂

                                            in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #63994
                                              • 1558
                                              • Superfan

                                              Carole, this is about Lesson 5 – debugging exercise – using Suz Shook TEST03a.PSPSCRIPT.

                                              I open an image and run the script… It works as described… no problems.

                                              Only when I click on the EDIT SELECTED SCRIPT  that I get an error message. And it mentions lines that are not there.

                                              I wonder if anybody else experienced the same.


                                              in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #63990
                                                • 1558
                                                • Superfan

                                                Lynn, I don’t know if it is the same problem, but I was having this issue and getting the same error message in the SOP.

                                                After many trials and errors, I noticed that after the ENTER, I had to take extra steps… Note that I am working with Version X8, which is the oldest I have on this laptop.

                                                Now, my steps for the Print Command are:

                                                1. print “text” ENTER

                                                2. BACKSPACE 4 times until you get to the far left (column 1) and from there again 4 spaces.

                                                3. print “text”…

                                                Since I started to use this method, I don’t have the error anymore.

                                                Hope it helps.

                                                in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #63874
                                                  • 1558
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Carole, after trial and error, I think I found a way for the print command to work every time… This has been bugging me for a few days… It would work for one comment and not for the other… Always the indent error, although it was done correctly.

                                                  This is how I do it now:

                                                  After pressing the Enter key, I use the backspace untill column 1… From there, four spaces… Using the enter key will take me to the same spot, but somehow, at least in PSPX8, the system sometimes recognizes it as correct and other times not… So for right now, I will leave at that.

                                                  I didn’t try this in other versions yet, but I will… I want to finish Lesson 5 first.

                                                  By the way, when are we going to start Lesson 2? 🙂

                                                  in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #63868
                                                    • 1558
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Hi Annie, like you, I don’t intend to be creating scripts left and right; Carole does that much better 🙂 …But I really like to learn new things, and so far I am having fun… Well, at least when the program doesn’t act up. Lol.

                                                    in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #63772
                                                      • 1558
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      I will try this again, but only later… Now, I am going to have dinner. 🙂



                                                      in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #63770
                                                        • 1558
                                                        • Superfan
                                                        in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #63768
                                                          • 1558
                                                          • Superfan
                                                          in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #63765
                                                            • 1558
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            I will create another script in a different version to see if it behaves the same way.

                                                            in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #63764
                                                              • 1558
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              No, I didn’t use the tab… I read Suz Shook advising not to use it, so I never do.

                                                              This is strange, isn’t it?

                                                              I’ve been on it for a few days… I cannot pinpoint why sometimes it works, and other times it doesn’t. 🙁

                                                              in reply to: Scripting Study Group – 2021 #63762
                                                                • 1558
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Carole, as I said yesterday, sometimes the command doesn’t work.

                                                                This happens often… it says: “IndentationError: unexpected indent.

                                                                The print command starts after 4 spaces from the very left. // After print one space and double or single quotes.

                                                                Can you see anything wrong with the text editor?

                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 181 through 210 (of 1,558 total)