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  • in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #52182
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      ANN:  Oh my.  I giggled out loud at your Adam photo.  Too cute.

      Carole:  I found the suggestions you offered on where to find the Hue Map helpful.  Thanks!!  And also found the pic-to-painting tab under AI style.  I don’t have the photography workspace.  I think I did when I first downloaded the 2021 version, but don’t know where it is now.  I’ll keep playing around and one day I might just find where it is lurking.  And could you put me on the list to send the Magic wand PDF file too?  Thanks

      in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #52109
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        Thank you Carole, I will check it out.  Sliders make way more sense to my brain.  🙂

        in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #52101
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          ANN:  Very cool Bootcamp memory page.  Very clever indeed.  And thanks for the tip on hitting those control buttons.  I was always trying to hit both keys at the very same time.  Ha, the times I missed is when it finally attached.  🙂

          Annie:  You sure live in a beautiful world.   Loved all your projects.

          Carole: Thank you also for responding.  Can I ask two totally different questions?   On is about the Hue Map with color sliders.  Does PSP have that?  I’ve seen lightroom tutorials that use the sliders to calm down or saturate one color at time.  I have not found it in PSP, but I could be looking in all the wrong places.   Also, can I find Pic to Painting plugin anywhere or is that a special purchase type thing.  I am using the 2019 version and also the 2021 version.

          Thanks for helping.  I appreciate that!!!

          in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #52022
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            Okay, I think I am going to embarrass myself here but I need to know.   When you hit Crtl + C to copy a layer, do you hit first the Ctrl  key separately and then the C separately, or both at the very same time.  I hit them both at the same time.  is that my issue as to why I can’t ever get it to work?

            in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51915
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              Carole, I still had trouble with the Ctrl+c and Ctrl+L.  I tried your hints but I still had issues.  I would say that 90% of the time using those short cuts did not work on the first time.  I must have something else holding up the commands.  Any other idea on what I can try?  I appreciate you.  Thanks much!

              in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51892
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                Congrats everyone for finishing up Bootcamp.  I know I have learned tons and  no doubt so did all of you.  I have enjoyed immensely everyone’s creations.  And I want to give all of you a big thank you for the encouraging words and helpful hints.  And to Miss Carole, I bow down to you for all that you have taught us in just a few days.  It’s so exciting to finally know how to use some functions in PSP.  And guess what?  I finally got a kit to download and as you can see I had fun using it. (A different web browser did the trick.)

                I decided to do this last project in honor of my sister Nettie.  Knowing I love to take pics of eagles, she took me on one last road trip to a park known for eagle watching.  Several months later, during her last breaths on this earth I told her “Soar with the eagles Baby Sister.”  So now, whenever I see an eagle, of course my dear sweet Nettie pops into my mind and my heart.

                in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51812
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                  Annie:  Wow, beautiful!!

                  Mary:  I feel your pain.  I am right there with you in the same boat.  But, every project gets easier and it looks like you are getting the hang of it.  Your project turned out beautifully.  GOOD JOB!!!

                  What I learned from Bootcamp:   EVERYTHING!!!   I am getting used to the shortcuts.  That helps.  But I am having issues with it.  When I do ctrl+c then go to the photo I need to paste it on and hit  ctrl+L many times it does not paste. I find myself hitting the ctrl+L several times and all that does is add another raster layer of the last layer I did.  I basically have to delete the extra layers, go back to the pic I wanted to copy and start again.  I should only have to do the ctrl+c  one time and then click on the photo I want to paste it to and then hit ctrl+L one time.  What am I doing wrong that it doesn’t cooperate on the first try?

                  The other thing I appreciated learning that was major for me is the whole layer thing.   I didn’t know a thing about it. Now I do.  (huge smiley face!!)

                  Bootcamp has been frustrating, overwhelming, satisfying, exciting, and wonderful.  I am truly enjoying it!!

                  Today is a baby day.  I get to hang out with my newest grandson.  Have a peaceful day everyone.


                  in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51787
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                    I need help.  I am trying to resize to the 600×600, but when I do a photo in my layout goes really small.  So I clicked on a different photo in my layout and hit save and then that photo goes small.  What can I do to stop that?  Yes Carole, checking that box did the trick.  Thank you. 

                    This project is all about our 2.5 year old grandson enjoying a busy day at the lake.  He and Grandpa took a break after hauling wood.  Then a little casting practice and finally and most fun of all….throwing stones into the lake.

                    I keeping trying to download the fun kits but I  still can’t get it to work. So, again, I use what I have on my computer.  I found the little turtle and shells on the internet.

                    I love the fun idea on how to frame each photo and the fancy cut paper edges.  So cool!!!

                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Clarine.
                    in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51696
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                      I am doing the Happy Dance!!!!  I finished.

                      I find the hardest thing doing these projects is NOT having the fun little extras in a tidy little folder for easy grabbing– (sad face.)  It is a huge time eater just looking for all the things needed.

                      For instance: Instead of using stripped paper as Carole did, I hunted thru lots of pics on my computer and finally found a macro shot of a peacock feather. I found the star and glitter splatter and the gold thingy searching the internet and copy and pasting.  Then  I had to dig deep in my photo files to find 3 different pics of my kids with several years between.  They have always been a happy bunch and such good buds.  How do I print this project as it turned out pretty special.

                      in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51642
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                        Thank you Annie and Ann for your kinds words of encouragement..  I sure appreciate that.  It sure is fun to see all the creations from each lesson.   I am totally not a creative person.  It takes me along time to come up with ideas for a project.  Getting to see what others have done helps a lot.  Until tomorrow….

                        in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51568
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                          This is all you get today.  I spent hours and hours AND HOURS on this.  I started over (meaning shutting down PSP and starting fresh) at least half dozen times.    Got to this point and got the drop shadow on the photo.  Tried on the stripe. Nope. Tried on the lettering.  Nope.. Even clicking on each layer.  I give up.  I am going out to shovel snow to get my frustrations out.  Oh, I did download a few of the free Pixel Scrapper, MrOverlay and Inkydeals.  They are stuck in a zipped folder that I cannot unzip.

                          Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


                          REDO  (happy face!!)   I think I figured out why I was having so much trouble yesterday.  I was going way faster than my computer could keep up, so when I hit the drop shadow I expected the effect to hit immediately and when it didn’t of course I clicked on it again, and again and when that didn’t help I just was so frustrated by then I walked away.  Today the computer cooperated so much better and look at the results.  I am a happy camper cuz not only did I finish the assignment, I did it without any instructions.  Things are sinking in.  I appreciate all the kind words and encouragement. Thank You.  So, I still can’t open the zip files where all the fun stuff is hiding.  I actually created all the extra stuff I used to create my masterpiece.  I am indeed proud of what I did.  I have come along way.  Thank you Carole for your patient, slow and precise instructions.  You rock at teaching!!!

                          • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Clarine. Reason: Try Try again!!
                          in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51484
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                            “Good job Clarine!!”  I don’t have kits, or any fun fancy stuff to use so I took one of the snow scene photos from my adventures out the other day and opaqued it down to use as my background.  Then I went to another photo to find the blue strip.  (It is the sky.)     I found a frost covered tree from yet another photo and used the selection tool to get just the tree and finally one other photo was used to select a little tree branch to use as a “bobble” to finish off my scrapbook page.   Generic?? totally!!!  But, that’s what I had to choose from on my computer.     I had trouble getting the photo of the house bigger.  Even when I changed the resize numbers it did not change.  I should have started completely over maybe, but I just kept moving along, step by step.

                            in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51451
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                              I am holding my breath that my Table and Sandwich upload properly.  Bam, and there it is.  🙂   I removed completely all of the onions–YUK.  I moved the tomatoes to the little saucer plate as I am not a fan of those either.  But, I did however add lots of pickles.   Gotta have pickles.  I learned how to put the blue table cloth under it all from Mary’s question above and Carole’s response.  Thank you for the bonus lesson.  🙂     Ann, I love your creative tables/sandwiches.  Good job!!!

                              • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Clarine.
                              in reply to: BOOTCAMP January 2021 #51413
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                                I like my editing back ground the medium gray. I haven’t changed the toolbars or palettes just yet as I am not even to the Beginner group yet.  ?   I hope to catch up using this Bootcamp.  It is the perfect place for me to be, and I bow down to Miss Carole for being so patient with me.    I will be working on a Winter Wonderland series.  Here in MN we get beautiful snow covered trees sometimes.   I spend hours tromping thru the woods and parks in my area taking hundreds of photos.  This one is of my friends house.  She didn’t know I drove by and snapped a photo of her house.  I had it printed and sent to her by mail.  .

                                • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Clarine.
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