
anne velemirovich

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 17 posts - 1 through 17 (of 17 total)
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  • in reply to: Where in the world are you? #49406
    anne velemirovich
      • 17
      • Rookie

      Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

      in reply to: Alphabet Game – MOVIES #41057
      anne velemirovich
        • 17
        • Rookie

        C= Caddy Shack

        in reply to: Are you safe? #34384
        anne velemirovich
          • 17
          • Rookie

          We are fine here in Halifax, amongst the lucky ones.  Lost power for about 12 hours, no damage in the garden other than the petunias who really got battered down.  A lot of farmers have had damage to their crops, corn flattening, apples off the trees and trees down.  One apple farmer says they will be making a lot of vinegar instead of selling fresh fruit.  The best news is no fatalities nor injuries in news reports.

          in reply to: November Theme Challenge – VINTAGE #22491
          anne velemirovich
            • 17
            • Rookie

            The central photo is of my great grandparents, born approximately 1854-56. The small black and white of 2 walking is of my grandparents, she is the daughter of the central people. The young woman is my mother, no idea how old she was at the time. The wedding is my mother and father in 1937, hardly vintage but a follow through of the part of the family. Our son is working on a video presentation of old family for my husband and I, voices over and so on. I spent many hours pouring over photos, scanning and post processing until I was nearly cross-eyed! 🙂 It will be lovely to see when he is finished though. Thanks for looking.

            in reply to: What are you working on (in September)? #21423
            anne velemirovich
              • 17
              • Rookie

              Lovely Michelle……I’ll get to the new PSP version eventually, this new effect looks interesting.


              in reply to: What are you working on (in September)? #21422
              anne velemirovich
                • 17
                • Rookie

                A sort of combination of Grandparents and Schools.  We came upon this photo during a house move in the summer.  What a change in dresses from then to the girls now, ours were so prim and plain.  Look at the way the girls on the front row have their ankles crossed, the photographer must have told them to do that.  I’m up second row from the back, no ankle crossing problems up there!

                in reply to: September Tut/Tech Challenge – Double-exposure #21399
                anne velemirovich
                  • 17
                  • Rookie

                  My try at Double exposure.  The colours didn’t work well with Lighten so kept clicking and kind of like this one with Difference.  Maybe because Hallowe’en is coming!

                  in reply to: September Tut/Tech Challenge – Double-exposure #21397
                  anne velemirovich
                    • 17
                    • Rookie

                    Great images ladies!

                    in reply to: Alphabet game – BIRDS #17982
                    anne velemirovich
                      • 17
                      • Rookie

                      <b><span style=”font-size: xx-small;”>Xinjiang Ground-jay</span></b><span style=”display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: transparent; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px;”>, China!</span><b></b><i></i><u></u>

                      Learning something new all the time :), a bird starting the “x”


                      in reply to: Alphabet game – BIRDS #17886
                      anne velemirovich
                        • 17
                        • Rookie


                        in reply to: Alphabet Game – RECIPES #16803
                        anne velemirovich
                          • 17
                          • Rookie

                          Tomato soup!


                          in reply to: Alphabet Game – RECIPES #16718
                          anne velemirovich
                            • 17
                            • Rookie



                            in reply to: Alphabet game – COMMUNICATION #14800
                            anne velemirovich
                              • 17
                              • Rookie

                              I  =  Instagram

                              in reply to: Alphabet Game – BUILDING #14734
                              anne velemirovich
                                • 17
                                • Rookie

                                How about a Yard faucet for watering plants? 😀

                                in reply to: What did you do (in August)? #14506
                                anne velemirovich
                                  • 17
                                  • Rookie

                                  Thank you April and Cristina!  It was a fun little project, always nice looking back at photos of the young ones 🙂  Great work from you two and others on this site.


                                  in reply to: What did you do (in August)? #14449
                                  anne velemirovich
                                    • 17
                                    • Rookie

                                    Our two younger grandsons love playing sports.  This summer we have been to football games and baseball games, loads of fun.  We visited OakLawn Farm Zoo in the Annapolis Valley, the two little people were there with us approximately 20 years ago, the place hasn’t changed, the same little mound is right there, happy memories 🙂

                                    in reply to: Alphabet Game – BUILDING #14397
                                    anne velemirovich
                                      • 17
                                      • Rookie

                                      J  =  Jigsaw

                                    Viewing 17 posts - 1 through 17 (of 17 total)