
What’s in a name?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Lobby Chit Chat What’s in a name?

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  • #68976
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      For 2022, I plan to make a few changes in our activities. Right now, we have CHALLENGES in the forum (those threads for the Theme challenge, the Word challenge, the Color challenge, etc.) However, we also have our Love Story, Up-to-Date, Magazine that are also called “challenges”. I would like to find a different name for those activities that involve material and tutorials.

      I think the Bootcamp will stay, as a name, but how about the others? What name could you think of that would convey the idea of a “short course/training” but that won’t sound like too much work to scare newcomers?

      Let’s list ideas. One idea might trigger another one.

        • 335
        • Enthusiast

        I don’t think you have to be too worried about people being scared off.  They would probably be here even snooping around because they already have an interest in the creative vibe.  Everyone starts at the beginning in this stuff … no need to fear it as it comes even faster when you have friends to share it with.  I will start off with a few suggestions as I know it will snowball with a whole bunch after a bit.  LOL  Just the way it goes here – loads of creative people.  How about “The Love Story Layout” … “The Calendar Collective” … “The Easy Magazine Make Up”.  Just a start.

          • 2522
          • Superfan

          Yes Minka, that is what I want: ideas!

          Ann Seeber
            • 1372
            • Superfan

            Carole Cassel: You could call them Seminars: Love Story Seminar, Magazine Layout Seminar, etc. An alternate might be Workshops: Love Story Workshop, Magazine Design Workshop, etc.

              • 335
              • Enthusiast

              How about “Love Story Retold” … Magazine Maker … Up to Date Digitized ,,, Magazine Mogul (afterall you ARE the Editor in Chief of your own piece)  Up to Date Pictorial …  Love Story Illustrated (that ought to bring in some curious people! )  Magazine Digest … Up to Date Datebook … Love Story Studio … Love Story-Line … Love Story Pictured … Magazine Creative …okay okay … I’ll stop now.

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