
What Is Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What Is Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

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  • #17007
    DeLoris Musick
      • 264
      • Enthusiast

      Thank you Carole for the email on the Chinese Zodiac!  It will be fun if people say what they are.

      I am a Tiger.  Tigers are sooo stubborn that centuries ago if a Chinese mother that was born in the year of the Tiger had a daughter that was also born in the year of the Tider, the mother would drown the baby!  Well, guess what?  My oldest daughter was born in the year of the Tiger as well!  We use to butt heads a lot when she was younger.  Now that she is 43 and I am 67, we get along much better now!

      Years ago, my ex husband and I were out to dinner.  We were talking to a couple next to us and she asked me my birth date.  I told her and she said Yeah!  You are a Tiger and a Taurus (the bull)!  She said I was a pain in the derriere, but worth every minute of it! LOL

      I just find this stuff sooo much fun to read about!


        • 18
        • Rookie

        I’m a Rooster and as I was born in the morning I am a moring Rooster and it is so correct as I am better in the mornings…

        Sheila Hogg
          • 468
          • Enthusiast

          I was also born in the year of the Tiger and a Taurean as is my close friend. Don’t know about myself but my friend can be a pain in the rear end. Ha ha…


          Sheila x

          Annie Tobin
            • 2938
            • Superfan

            I was born in the year of the Dragon, all huff and puff with occasional flameouts in my younger years.  Nowadays I prefer to put that energy into creating beautiful things.  I love digital scrapbooking.


            Hugs……Annie T

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