What does it look like today?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Lobby Chit Chat What does it look like today?

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  • #16547
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      What does the weather look like, around you? Snap a picture and share it here. No need for edit.

      Here is what I see from my front window (and the storm is not over yet)


        • 10
        • Rookie

        We were at the coast when the storm hit.  40mph winds and pouring rain which turned to snow overnight.

        Came back home (inland about 210 miles) to brutal cold and more wind.  I am so ready for Spring, lol.


        Annette (USA–North Carolina

        eileen deliot
          • 59
          • Junior

          it’s way to warm here, 13 degrees C in the day, that’s warm for winter. We had a lots of storms too here and in the rest of france. But no cold.

          This photo I took this morning


            • 4
            • Rookie

            Freezing in the south where we dont get snow 16 degrees this morning. Charleston SC

            Cheryle Becker
              • 17
              • Rookie

              This is the view from our front door.  At the present, it is 37 degrees ‘C’ and it’s 4.30pm.

              We live just south of Brisbane, in Queensland, Australia.

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