
What did you do (in June)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What did you do (in June)?

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  • #13344
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      Show off what you are working on in June, be it a scrapbook page, a tutorial, or anything else you might be creating.

        • 858
        • Superfan

        Back I May I mentioned I was  learning to create Display Card templates for displaying  how my finished cards look in reality after printing. With the help of Cassel’s Perspective Master Classes, I am slowly starting to achieve the effects I am after. Well here is another  one I have done. The one below is a 5×5 card. Cassel’s corner punches were used (I love using them). I also used a Rose PSP Script I purchased some time ago as they make nice elements for my projects. The background brushes are my favourite leaves and rose ones I use often. The dewdrops on the petals  I did with the water drop tube in PSP. The verse is one I have in my collection and I thought it fitted my project. I will be making some cards to give away as a gift.

        Bye for now,


        Sheila Hogg
          • 468
          • Enthusiast

          Lovely Card Dawn and great use of your imagination and PSP. I have quite a few disks for making cards but rarely use them. I tend to make 3d cards these days. Do you have a lazer printer? as, the other consideration is the ink my printer uses and boy is it thirsty. I am considering getting a Continuous Ink Supply System but not sure if it is compatible. Will have to investigate that one.


          Sheila x

            • 858
            • Superfan

            Thank you Sheila for your comments. No, I don’t have a Laser Printer- I just use a Canon Ink Jet. I have quite a few different colours of card stock that I make the card bases with and I just print up my card toppers ( as I call them) on the best photo paper quality card  that I can afford and put them on the card bases. I  also use the cheaper inks  which I find are good enough to give a pretty good result, though, sometimes I just manually change the settings in the printer to get a better colour when I need to. The inks I get usually last me a while.  I enjoy card making and the family and friends I give them to, as gifts, seem to like receiving them.

            Best wishes to you  and  bye for now,


              • 1558
              • Superfan

              Dawn, you really mastered the perspective technique; we can clearly see that comparing the two images. The corner punches give a nice touch to the background. Great work!

                • 858
                • Superfan

                Thank you Cristina for your encouraging comments. I  am sure there is room for further improvement, however, I am happy with my progress so far.

                best wishes to you,


                Joe O
                  • 14
                  • Rookie

                  Used the wooden alphabets by cassel

                  Welcome wooden alphabet

                    • 1558
                    • Superfan

                    Joe O, very nice wood sign. I like the color of the wood too.

                    Joe O
                      • 14
                      • Rookie

                      vector cowboy drawing vector cowboy drawing by smileyjoe

                      Sheila Hogg
                        • 468
                        • Enthusiast

                        Love your vector work Cowboy Joe, he’d also look great animated, I can just imagine his eyes moving. Did you make the wood plaque too? Vectoring is another thing I like to do with PSP. I would love to be able to do Pixel Art but all that counting is a bit like cross stitching and I always got that counted wrong so unless there is an easier way I think I will have to give that technique a miss.



                        Joe O
                          • 14
                          • Rookie

                          animated cowboy

                          Joe O
                            • 14
                            • Rookie

                            No I didn’t vector the plaque, just too lazy, I wanted to do something with Cassel wooden alphabet.
                            I like to vector but it is time consuming, I’ve been doing it for some time now.


                            Sheila Hogg
                              • 468
                              • Enthusiast

                              Love him and his eyes now say it all. Thanks for sharing him.



                              Sheila x



                              Joe O
                                • 14
                                • Rookie

                                [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1024"]transparent frame with daisies daisies frame if you want it[/caption]


                                  • 858
                                  • Superfan

                                  Joe O, ……Very creative works shown above… you are very talented to create the vector shapes like you have done. .  it is interesting to see how other folk use PSP.    Thanks for showing us.


                                    • 1424
                                    • Superfan

                                    I do pics for a FB gaming group I run. The game changes the theme every day and I thought a scrapbook look was perfect for this one. I imagined many young girls having a scrapbook of their favorite stars back in the 1960’s. (Fab Divas is the name of my group so please disregard.) It ended up being a big hit with the members.

                                    As some of you may already know, I don’t do scrapbooking, but I’ve been able to learn so much from Cassel and the other people who belong to the campus and apply what I learn to the projects I do. Cassel’s books have really taught me a lot about using PaintShop as they are written in plain English and from a user’s point of view. I, personally, do not find the PSP User Guide to be easy to understand.
                                    AprilDawn, your project is so very pretty.

                                    Joe O, your cowboy cracked me up when he started moving his eyes.

                                      • 1558
                                      • Superfan

                                      micfin, very good work! It’s nice to see other types of work with PSP besides scrapbooking.


                                        • 858
                                        • Superfan

                                        mcfin, thank you for your kind comment on my card project. I really like your page and glad that you shared it with us. it is great to see creative projects of other members.  Your page reminded me of the movies and music of the 50’s and 60’s and how great it was. Hope to see more of your creations, and it doesn’t have to be just scrapbooking.


                                        Joe O
                                          • 14
                                          • Rookie

                                          Made this vector Pixie in PSP\

                                          [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="347"]Vector Pixie made with PSP Vector Drawing by Smileyjoe[/caption]

                                          Sheila Hogg
                                            • 468
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            Fantastic Fairy Joe. Did she take you very long to do and are you self taught? Again I see her with animated fluttering wings.


                                            Sheila x

                                            Joe O
                                              • 14
                                              • Rookie

                                              Yes I am self taught, I’m retired and have time to tinker.

                                              It took about a week, I only stay at it for about an hour a day.

                                              I don’t have much energy anymore.



                                                • 858
                                                • Superfan

                                                Joe O …Terrific Pixie Vector!  you have a great deal of natural talent to do vector drawings like that. Another great example  of what can  be done in PSP.  Great work and well done! …  thanks for showing us.

                                                  • 1558
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Joe O, amazing what you did in vector. Great work!

                                                  Joe O
                                                    • 14
                                                    • Rookie

                                                    I like to do vector black and white silhouette art, It can be done rather quickly.

                                                    Made this morning.

                                                      • 858
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Joe O,  you have created a very nice effect of silhouette art in the example you have done . thanks for showing us.

                                                      Sheila Hogg
                                                        • 468
                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        Hi Joe, I couldn’t resist and hope it’s ok with you but I used your silhouette image and used Cassels  Bronzit script on it. One done as is and the other inverted. They turned out well so hope you like them.



                                                        Sheila x

                                                        Joe O
                                                          • 14
                                                          • Rookie

                                                          COOL, love it

                                                          Anja Pelzer
                                                            • 65
                                                            • Junior

                                                            very interesting all this

                                                            here is my work from this week ,



                                                              • 858
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Hello Anja,  Cassel’s scripts are great  and  very useful in our projects.  I must look into the folded flower one that you have used it looks very interesting and effective.   Thank you for showing us another project .


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