
What are you working on (in October 2021)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in October 2021)?

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  • #65982
    Sue Thomas
      • 1598
      • Superfan

      I really should pop into this section of the forum  more often, what a wonderful selection of  pages created. Each one ever so inspiring.  I would hate to  hazard a guess  on how many techniques, and clicks of the mouse/keyboard were done.

      Michele, a sterling job on the horror page.  You achieved the shelving effect, just right.

      Colin, you did an excellent job on the  pumpkin, the lighting looks realistic.  I agree, in order to achieve that effect,  you had to  go through many techniques, and steps, but you  nailed it!

        • 145
        • Junior

        Nice job, love the font.

        Ann Seeber
          • 1372
          • Superfan

          Using Carole’s House Theme Template I created Ann’s Abodes. I had photos of all but one of my homes throughout the years, so I attached a floating puzzle balloon for the missing piece. I will also post it separately so you can read the copy. The gradient I created from the colors of my new Galaxy Koi Betta are used for the background, named Blue Demon for my new, colorful guy. The title font is Berlin Kitchen and all the rest is Copperplate Gothic. I really didn’t have a photo for the house I was in from 1977-1997 so I used a generic sketch of a raised ranch. I applied various textures to the house outline and filled the “attic” with a pattern.

          Anne Lamp
            • 320
            • Enthusiast

            I used this weeks Freebee from Corel  and then changed the colors to go along with the color challenge.  The pictures are all mine taken last Thursday after a nice rain shower and before the other three inches of rain came in.

              • 335
              • Enthusiast

              I practiced shadows. and the rain..
              the scene is my own and the girl is from
              well … an umbrella … I changed it..
              the background paper is made from the photo and the flower tube I made myself

              Thanks for looking

              Ann Seeber
                • 1372
                • Superfan

                Pirkko: Very nice design; excellent execution! Well done!!

                Anne Lamp
                  • 320
                  • Enthusiast

                  I used one of the cards I downloaded from Creative Fabrica in this download. “Premade-Autumn-Watercolor-Cards-DIY-16991241”  They are all pretty, but I chose this one to create my quote on.  The quote was from a page a day calendar a few years ago.  I saved that page and have it hanging on the side of my P C where I see it everyday.


                    • 387
                    • Enthusiast

                    It took me hours, but it’s finished.

                    I’ve used the the torn image lesson ( the torn is a bit to white I think), polkadots lesson, and scripts from Carole (one of the Wordframe ones, paper flower)

                    I hope the shadows are ok 😉

                    The mill is on a route we like to ride on our bike. One day one of the blades of the mill has been broken off. It takes a lot of money to get it repaired, so a crowdfunding is being held.

                      • 387
                      • Enthusiast

                      I’ve seen a lot of wonderful pages on FB, give it a like or comment,  but always forget they are here too. Lovely projects, all of them! 🙂


                      Nice to see everyone has it’s own style of work. (Got to learn a lot I see)

                      • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by MoniqueN..
                      Anne Lamp
                        • 320
                        • Enthusiast

                        I used Cassel’s tatted frame to showcase my tatted butterfly.  The background paper is from  (ps_jessica-dunn_196453_frenchy-butterfly-paper_pu)  I decided the test was written so I didn’t add any shadow.

                        Brenda Crumley
                          • 7
                          • Rookie

                          In October, I finished boot camp! Yeah! This class went a lot smoother and quicker than the previous ones. Thank you so much for the class.

                            • 2522
                            • Superfan

                            Brenda, glad to see that you kept up with the Bootcamp. Looking at your layout, it looks like your elements are floating because the shadows are very wide. Try setting them up smaller so that the papers will be flat on your page, instead of floating away. 🙂

                            Sue Thomas
                              • 1598
                              • Superfan

                              Desk calendars.   I create them for family and friends, usually with an appropriate quote.  They are then sent via email.

                              I use Carole’s custom calendar script, them modify them, to suit the  layout.  This one was created for a  fellow bird watcher friend.  He prints them, to be displayed  on his desk in his office.  I like to keep them simple.

                              trish williams
                                • 805
                                • Superfan

                                Made this virual cake  it needed someone to eat it , this was a fun one xx

                                  • 1424
                                  • Superfan

                                  I’m getting so much enjoyment looking at everyone’s wonderful layouts. What a creative bunch we are! <3

                                  Sue Thomas
                                    • 1598
                                    • Superfan

                                    Those of you living in North America you will undoubtedly be familiar with this bug, and yes, it is a bug and not an insect. As in late September through October they like to congregate in large numbers to hibernate, often choosing human abodes in which to do so. Desk calendar for my entomologist friend Dale. Again I used Carole’s calendar script. Extracted the leaf with the bug on from the photo. Used one of my leafy photos as an overlay. I don’t know why I have not posted any of these pages before. I suppose I hadn’t thought about it.

                                    Michele, aren’t we just! 🙂

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      Hello dear Friends. I’m here to let you know that I have not deserted my post. As you are probably aware I am doing the Scripting Course and … yes, it is intensive and we are only into the very beginnings of it! LOL! I am loving it just the same and I wanted all of you to know that I love and miss you. To use Arnold Schwarzenegger’s catchphrase … I’ll be back! ;D

                                        • 2522
                                        • Superfan

                                        LOL Annie, I have been recording more lessons today. I hope you like math!

                                        trish williams
                                          • 805
                                          • Superfan

                                          I didn’t have a suitable picture so this is a borrowed one from bing .
                                          Anyone remember the days of CB’s when first visiting the states a motel owner named me Foxy Lady. When I finally bought one that was my handle and hence now is my signature. I love Foxes. xxx

                                          Nice work everyone, all those calendars look great. xx

                                          trish williams
                                            • 805
                                            • Superfan

                                            Which one would you choose to send xx

                                            trish williams
                                              • 805
                                              • Superfan

                                              Whoops just notice the lace isn’t straight.
                                              Hi Annie xx

                                              Annie Tobin
                                                • 2938
                                                • Superfan

                                                Hi Trish, lovely to see your happy smiling face around here again. As for the sympathy sentiments … they are both adorable and suitable. Both are quaint and I love lace but I think I lean to the misted image. Lovely work dear friend. ;D

                                                Annie Tobin
                                                  • 2938
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Aargh … my nemesis! I excelled in most subjects at school but I was a math dummy especially when it got into those algebra equations.
                                                  I think it was math that was responsible for most of my youthful migraines, LOL! Loving the lessons Carole … they are sure taxing these old brain cells! ;D

                                                  Ann Seeber
                                                    • 1372
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Sue: What a charming bug! What is the difference between a bug and an insect?

                                                    Foxy Lady Trish: Wow, you were hiding a lot of talent back there in the shadows! 😉 I like the one with the misted figure, too.

                                                    ANNIE!!: I’ve missed you around these “rooms,” my friend! Hope all is well in Aussie-land and I hear you about math. It was my nemesis in school also UNTIL I got to Algebra, the only math  that I could truly understand! LOL I’ve been using it lately to size photos for our calendar challenge. In many cases I have to turn a portrait into a landscape. Aarrgghh!!

                                                      • 387
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      Annie, that must be very interesting to learn. Succes! 🙂

                                                        • 387
                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        Trish, the left one (although they are both beautiful? 🙂

                                                        Ann Seeber
                                                          • 1372
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          I almost totally re-did my house project since my daughter sent me photos of the one place I was missing. Here’s the new design and addendum.

                                                            • 145
                                                            • Junior

                                                            Good morning everyone, I have been lurking around in here. I know I do not post images as I should, have no excuse. Just procrastination, I am the worst for doing this, it is a big problem that I need to control. I do really try to get things done in here, but there is always something else that catches my eye. I do apologize for not keeping up with you all.

                                                            Sue Thomas
                                                              • 1598
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Ann,  thank you and good morning!  Firstly I should have mentioned in my post, that the  Box Elder bug, is more commonly known as  the Maple bug in North America.   Insects always have three body parts and six legs, and usually 4 wings and antennae.   There are bugs, and “true bugs”, true bugs have a mouth shaped like a straw to suck juices, mostly from  plants.

                                                              Bugs and insects aren’t necessarily the same thing.  The 2 words are used interchangeably, but the difference between the  terms is more than just semantics.  All bugs are insects, but under the technical definition, not all insects are bugs.   “True bugs”, belong to a different order.  True bugs include stink bugs, bed bugs, even cicadas.  Some insects have  bug in their name, like ladybug, and Junebug, they are both beetles.  The  Hempitera order, is where the bugs live. Bugs are types of insects with certain defining characteristics: 1) They have a mouth shaped like a straw, called a stylet, that’s used to suck up juices from plants or blood from other insects or animals. 2) They have no teeth. 3) They have some weird stuff going on with their wings: their front wings are thickened and colored where they attach to the body and taper out towards the back end of the wing, and their hind wings are usually clear and tucked under the front wings. Some example of true bugs include beetles, stink bugs, and cicadas. I  touch only the surface of the wonderful world of insects. My knowledge is quite limited compared to others. Their world is far more complex, and fascinating.

                                                              My explanations are in layman’s terms.

                                                              As for the Box Elder Bug, they are in the scentless plant bug category (Rhopalidae),  because they don’t have the stink glands possessed by most other “true bugs”.

                                                              Ann Seeber
                                                                • 1372
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Wow, thank you for that detailed explanation, Sue. Meanwhile, I’ve been adding to my “fish-lore” with a new Betta named Blue Demon and his companion Nerite snail, Roomba. 😉

                                                                • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Ann Seeber.
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