
What are you working on (in November 2019)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in November 2019)?

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  • #35750
      • 858
      • Superfan

      hello Gwen and Welcome !  if you are new to the Campus……. Don’t worry we were all beginners at one time or another and I think we  never stop learning as there are always many new ideas and techniques to try and there is joy in the learning process.  You have achieved a nice result for your 1st try in the Basic Scrap Course and I  hope you enjoy the rest of the course.

      best wishes,


        • 1558
        • Superfan

        Trish, the pages are lovely, and the poppy flowers added a great contrast to the photos. Great job!

        Sue, beautiful photo and great examples of the Lab9-M11 tutorials. I also love how you made the “Goldfinch” title. Great work!

        Gwen, welcome! Nice to see your first try in the Basic Scrap Course. I  remember how happy and proud 😉 I was when I made in 2016 my first scrapbook page from this course. Don’t forget to show us your next projects! 🙂

        Sue Thomas
          • 1598
          • Superfan

          Thank you ladies for  your kind comments.   Gwen, welcome!  You did a great job, and look forward to seeing more of your work.  This is a wonderful site to  learn and have fun.   My attention has been drawn to  the festive season, and card making.  They still need some tweaking.   The framed  project is a trial page, and I’ve been trying to  write Merry Christmas in the snow, but I’m not happy with the results.  Any  suggestions on how I can make it look more realistic?  Text, selection tool,  cut out tool and  shadowing. The fantasy card, I used textures, sculpture on the text. The lace is a brush.  The clipart I found online,  masks, ellipse tool, texture.   I also found the 12 days of Xmas online, and  Santa  from millions of png

            • 1424
            • Superfan

            Welcome to the Campus, Gwen, and pat yourself on the back. Your first try was a booming success!

            Sue, all of your pages are wonderful. I especially love the edging on the fantasy card; that’s a great brush. Personally, I think your Merry Christmas in the snow looks great. (Carole has a sand writing script that I’ve used. Maybe she has a snow writing script.)

            Sue Thomas
              • 1598
              • Superfan

              Going through some pics for  seasonal tags.   I used a font for the  silver frame.  Fonts are so versatile, and can be used for so much more than text.  Filled with a silver pattern, sculpture, drop shadow.  Add borders. Kaleidoscope for the outer frame.  For more detailed instructions let me know.  It may look complicated, but it’s really  quite simple, and the end result gives that wow factor.

                • 1424
                • Superfan

                How about something a little different? Two members of my gaming group share the same birthday and I had no inspiration that day. I played around with a “twirl” technique a friend shared (Anne MacGregor, are you in the Campus?). I applied a radial blur adjustment to the original and duplicated the layer. Then I applied a distortion twirl effect on each layer, using corresponding positive and negative degree settings. Changed the blend mode on the top layer to lighten. I duplicated the top layer several times, flipping each one in different directions. When I was finally happy, I merged the layers and brightened it up a bit with Brightness and Contrast. I used that as a base, duplicating the image three times. Then I ran three of Carole’s scripts on them: Accordion, Bow 9, and Punched Confetti. I added all the different elements on top of the base and ended up with this. (Before I ran the Accordion script, I added my text and merged it down.) As you can see from the drop shadows, I’m looking forward to Carole’s next master class on shadows!

                  • 1424
                  • Superfan

                  Sue, you added your blue jay while I was posting. I LOVE it. Blue and silver are a great combination. And yes, fonts are very versatile. I’ve found some great decorative fonts.

                  Sue Thomas
                    • 1598
                    • Superfan

                    Thank you very much Michelle.   Those pages are fabulous, and can be used over and over again.  I’m going to have to give  it a try, see what I can come up with using seasonal  colours.  We really don’t use the tools in the effects section any where enough.  xx

                      • 858
                      • Superfan

                      Sue your Christmas cards are wonderful  and your Blue Jay is absolutely  beautiful…  love it!

                      Michele what a creative birthday greeting you have made… love it!  must give that technique a try when I get those scripts…. your idea would make some nice background papers.

                      best wishes to you both,


                      Annie Tobin
                        • 2938
                        • Superfan

                        Gwen, a lovely first try my friend. You will be surprised how quickly you advance in this campus. Cassel’s tutorials are very informative and help is always here if you need it. Welcome!

                          • 1424
                          • Superfan

                          Thanks, Sue. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. I agree that PSP offers far more than we are using. A lot of the the tools seem very complicated. We probably just need more time to experiment.

                          Dawn, you can still do the “twirl” technique to get some interesting backgrounds. And thanks for the encouragement.

                          trish williams
                            • 805
                            • Superfan

                            Tomorrow is the 6th anniversary of my husbands passing so made this for him.  The webinair was interesting as I had the background as a lighter colour which I really liked but adding a texture ruined it and I couldnt find another way round it  so landed with this purple that enhanced the poppy, but I dont think you can see a texture anymore.

                            Love that fun birthday card Michele, I love playing around with all those fun  distortion layers when making papers, you have found a fun way to use them .

                            Sue you really should sell those cards they are lovely.

                            trish williams
                              • 805
                              • Superfan

                              Trying a new birthday message, no cake  x

                                • 858
                                • Superfan

                                hello Trish  your page in memory of your husband is very nicely done.

                                your birthday card is very sweet and I am sure will give joy to the recipient  … the line art drawing behind the coloured floral image was very  creative.

                                best wishes  to you Trish,


                                  • 1424
                                  • Superfan

                                  Trish, your memorial page for your husband is wonderful. And, yes, I can see the texture; I always click on the pics here to enlarge them. The birthday card is lovely.

                                    • 1558
                                    • Superfan

                                    Sue, all your cards look lovely, and your technique instructions are always welcome. 🙂 … Like Michele, I also think your Merry Christmas in the snow came out great. I love the idea.

                                    Michele, your cards are really nice, and I love the bright colors. Thank you for the instructions. 🙂

                                    Trish, the page in memory of your husband is lovely and so touching. I love your new birthday message.

                                      • 1558
                                      • Superfan

                                      This is the page I — finally 🙂 — created to practice the Lab 9 Module 10 tutorials (Quatrefoil – Staple Back – Bingo Card).

                                      I tried different layouts until I was happy with this one.

                                      Template Multiphoto Frame12 by Cassel… I did tags from the bingo cards and used Cassel’s Christmas Star Tube freebie… The photo frame was created based on an ancient tutorial from AlphabySusan.

                                      PS: I forgot to give credit to the generous designers that give out freebies.

                                      Papers: PS-Donna Digital Designs “Retro Holly Jolly” and Eyeinspire “Merry Little Christmas”

                                      Elements: Cassel, Corel, Creative Fabrica, DonaDigitalDesigns, DedeSmith, DiHiller, Eyeinspire, and kiss-LisaKelsey


                                      Annie Tobin
                                        • 2938
                                        • Superfan

                                        Trish, you have created a beautiful memorial page for Barry and your love for him most definitely shines through. I can definitely see the texture in the background paper when I click on it to view in the larger format, which I always do otherwise I miss too much. He is still with you my friend, just not in a physical presence. 😉
                                        Your birthday card is truly lovely … simplified and beautiful, well done Hon.

                                        Annie Tobin
                                          • 2938
                                          • Superfan

                                          I love this page Cristina. It is not overdone and the frame is scrumptious. I also love the color scheme and the tags are wonderful… the page comes together marvelously. Well done my friend. <3

                                          Bonnie Ballentine
                                            • 1643
                                            • Superfan

                                            Oh, my goodness, Trish…that page is magnificent!

                                            Cristina, beautiful page…Annie said it all!

                                            I have a bunch of PHDs…need to get busy and finish one so I will have something to post.

                                            Beautiful work, Everyone!

                                              • 858
                                              • Superfan

                                              hello Cristina your page is beautiful..  love it !…  Olivia must be so happy to have these wonderful memory pages that you do of her… well done !

                                              best wishes,


                                                • 858
                                                • Superfan

                                                I had a play with the technique idea that Michele shared with us the other day. I thought i would redo a card project that i did some time ago and i followed Michele’s instructions up until the scripts as I don’t have them. .. so instead i added artistic effects-enamel and Texture effects-texture and was happy with the result. i blurred the end result and reduced the opacity a bit more to create the paper behind the panels and behind the text  but left it at full strength on lower panels.   the sentiment is a digi stamp from a purchased set from Beccy’s Place here in Australia…. i really like this technique so i can see me using it many times in the future… Thank you Michele, your sharing lit a spark in my creativity.

                                                best wishes everyone,


                                                Annie Tobin
                                                  • 2938
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Oh my Dawn, beautiful results here my friend and … your color combination is glorious. You have now inspired me to have a play with the techniques so generously offered by Michele. Thank you my friend. <3

                                                    • 1424
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Cristina, there is absolutely nothing I don’t love about Santa Is In Town! It’s just perfect.

                                                    Dawn, I love that you did with the twirl technique. It’s really beautiful. So glad I was able to spark your creativity as I miss seeing your projects and you always give me ideas.

                                                      • 1558
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Hi Annie, Bonnie, Dawn, and Michele 🙂

                                                      Thank you all soooo much for your kind words of encouragement! This forum is the best place to boost someone’s confidence. <3

                                                        • 1558
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Dawn, you created a beautiful card with the technique that Michele so generously shared with us… I agree with Michele, I also miss seeing more of your projects!

                                                        Everybody here is a source of inspiration with all different styles and ideas. I am glad to be part of this group. <3

                                                          • 858
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Annie thank you so much for your comments… that technique  Michele shared is really great and different results can be achieved each time….. hope you are keeping safe if you are near any of the fires that we are having here in Queensland…. here in Brisbane we have been having a lot of smoke haze.

                                                          Michele Thanks again my friend for all your encouragement.

                                                          Cristina.. your encouraging comments  are always appreciated very much… Thank you.

                                                          Best wishes to you all,



                                                          Lynda DiGregor
                                                            • 1047
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Love it Annie….wish I could keep my focus like you do when I am learning something. Nope, I go off on tangents. I decided to do a Lab 5 which has a polka dot background thing , got waylaid and ended up with this. I was having trouble remembering how the templates work and had to work on that so my polka dots ended up as a template with a gradient. Go figure! These pictures are photos that I took of my clematis and used pic to painter on.

                                                            Annie Tobin
                                                              • 2938
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Hi Lynda, I love this page Hon … simple, effective and the background gradient really make the pics pop, well done!

                                                                • 1424
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Love it, Lynda. It looks like you used a different setting for each of the three pics; great idea. I think it would have been too busy with the polka dot background.

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