
What are you working on (in May 2022)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in May 2022)?


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    Julie Magerka
      • 144
      • Junior

      After watching Fantasy World 2 on the weekend, a poem I learned as a child kept running through my head. I just wanted to see if I could make it “real” with images and graphics from the ‘net. I didn’t do much to the elements, but I’m pleased that it worked at all. It didn’t resize very well.

      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        I used the cass-photo-circle-template to showcase my latest bird photos. All taken with my iPhone looking out my kitchen window or front patio door. I used the curved text frame script with the Impact font and Copperplate Gothic Bold for the rest of the text. The curly inside frame is from Marisa Lerin, used twice. The fills are patterns from the mulch and the pavement.

        Lynda DiGregor
          • 1047
          • Superfan

          Julie, Your wee elf is very cute.

          Ann, As usual your birds are beautiful and the photo wheel is a good way to exhibit them.

          I was playing around with an extraction idea that I learned from, who else, Carole. Seems the auto selection tool will do most of the work for you. Who knew? 😉

          I extracted the tulips with the auto selection and finished it with the edit selection. Put the extracted tulips in a vase that I made a while ago, can’t remember how I made it, then I used one of the PSP2022 backgrounds. I also used the stray pixel catcher script.

          The tulips are in bloom now. Here is the original photo and the extracted. I still need a lot of practice but here it is.

          Ann Seeber
            • 1372
            • Superfan

            Lynda: Good job with the extractions! I love tulips, even though their time is short.

            Lynda DiGregor
              • 1047
              • Superfan

              Thanks Ann, The extraction techniques peek my interest. Tulips are beautiful and short lived but then the Iris appear. 🙂

              Sue Thomas
                • 1598
                • Superfan

                Everyone has been busy creating wonderful pages.  The weather has bucked up no end, yesterday it was 29c, with everything greening up nicely.  Yesterday was a  great day to be out and about with the camera.  Recently,  I’ve been  in a tag/label creating mood.  The only outside source, is  Carole’s gimp tube.

                Susan Ewart
                  • 763
                  • Superfan

                  Sue, I love this layout! And your tags are wonderful.  I love the curl in them.  Dumb question…what is “gimp”.


                  Sue Thomas
                    • 1598
                    • Superfan

                    Thank you Susan. Gimp is a braid trim ribbon. Carol has a selection of different colours in the store. They are tubes. The details of the braid doesn’t show up in this page, due to the page resized down to 600 pixels. I threaded the gimp through 2 of the tags.

                    Susan Ewart
                      • 763
                      • Superfan

                      Thanks Sue, I’ll have a look in the store.

                      Lynda DiGregor
                        • 1047
                        • Superfan

                        I posted this at the Creation Cassel Facebook but I wanted to share it here.

                        I bought the Vines tubes and used it with the Photo Circle Script. I used some of my granddaughters graduation photos to create a wreath. The font is Samantha Upright and I used some of the glyphs.

                        Sue Thomas
                          • 1598
                          • Superfan

                          It was coming up to my bed time when I  noticed this week’s blog post, and had to  create something really quick to post. I’m familiar with the knife tool, and I do use it, usually with the vector spiral. The pen tool has so many useful tools to use with vectors.

                          Sue Thomas
                            • 1598
                            • Superfan

                            Again, using a vector shape  (a tag I created), and the knife tool in the pen toolbar. I used the spruce tube which comes with PSP, and one of Carole’s Garland tubes. There is room to write to and from, or it can be written on the back. I could add a  short Xmas verse.  The possibilities are endless. Carole has several Xmas tubes in the store, all of which I have.  Come Xmas time, I just might make this one available for you to download.  It’s almost 2000 pixels.

                            Mary Solaas
                              • 555
                              • Enthusiast

                              Wonderful stuff has been posted in all the forums!  I’ve been recovering from bronchitis and so I have just finished Lab 8 Mod 5.  Really scratched my head as to how to feature a bookkeeping spreadsheet, a crossword puzzle and a strange stitch length.  I finally decided that bookkeeping is one of the chores in family life and decided to go with that theme.  All the photos and elements are mine.  The font for the title is AR HERMAN which I inner beveled so that it looks like I used a think paint to write it and then of course had to shadow it also.

                              Sue Thomas
                                • 1598
                                • Superfan

                                Fantastic page Mary, you  are really enjoying the lab projects.  I never tire of creating elements, papers, and everything  else that is the creative scrap.  It’s a treasure trove of techniques, ideas, and inspiration.  It has taught me  so much over the years.

                                Well!  I have to say, I saw, I loved and had to buy,  Carole’s Layered font. I had to try it out.  I should have used a more colourful photo. I call it sellotape, but you’ll find the tutorial in the creative scrap under Scotch tape.

                                Lynda DiGregor
                                  • 1047
                                  • Superfan


                                  Your Lab 8 Family Life is very nice work. Love your family photos and all your elements.

                                  Ann Seeber
                                    • 1372
                                    • Superfan

                                    I used the template from Lab 12-05 to showcase Logan’s encounter with a dandelion. He’s 15 months old.

                                    Colin Hooson
                                      • 46
                                      • Rookie

                                      Hi, I watched with interest to master class Fantasy 2. Not a believer in such things I got a real shock and only just managed to snap a photo in the nick of time.

                                      Mary Solaas
                                        • 555
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        And on to Lab 8 Mod 6.  Fun one this time.  all the papers and elements are my own.  The required elements were the candle, the folded paper which I threaded through the required silver element – I decided to do a heart charm in silver.  Actually I did one in gold and one in copper also and finally got that metallic look to each of them.  I did the candle and the folded paper in several colors and chose the blue pattern for this layout as the school colors were blue and a bright orange(?).  Made the plaid from one of the pictures.  Liked using 2 different fonts for the title.  PSP has a great fireworks tube which I used to further the celebration.

                                        Louyse Toupin
                                          • 32
                                          • Rookie
                                          Louyse Toupin
                                            • 32
                                            • Rookie

                                            The Cassel Special Course: Template Temptation, CVW_Template_07


                                            Course Template Temptation

                                            Made with the kit: April Kisses #2 May 8, 2022 Daily Download by Andrea Gold

                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                              • 1047
                                              • Superfan

                                              My youngest grandchild turned 12 the other day. These kids are so goofy… 😀

                                              I used Elizabeth Khadfield’s block and square template.. The crazy glasses and the golf cart came from the internet. The photos were taken by my daughter, Sylvia, also pictured with her other two children, Haley and Tony.


                                              Lynda DiGregor
                                                • 1047
                                                • Superfan

                                                I am having so much fun making glass marbles with Carole’s glass marble script so I wanted to do something with them.

                                                The information is from Arizona Historical Society, photos came from Bing, marble tubes made with the script, and confetti stars tube.

                                                Louyse Toupin
                                                  • 32
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  This is wonderful!

                                                  Corrie Kinkel
                                                    • 1078
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    I’m slowly getting over my jetlag and have started sorting my photos for an album which I want to print. I don’t intend to make all the pages as scrapbookpages but as we made various trips I’ll make an intro page as a scrapbooko one and then come the pictures and so on. So this is my coverpage and I used the freebie template from Carole and the fonts are USA Nation and Whiskey; both fitting for the theme.  In case you are wondering why I didn’t do a border around it all? When I make an album on a printing site I get the option to do a border and then I can choose something for all my pages If I want. I think I skip the Bingo Challenge and continue with my album because I want it printed as soon as possible for showing to family and friends. Now to the intro pages which will be in  more detail.

                                                    Susan Ewart
                                                      • 763
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Corrie, that’s beautiful and the colors used are perfect.

                                                        • 335
                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        I play with overlays 🙂 – so fun

                                                        Corrie Kinkel
                                                          • 1078
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Susan thank you!

                                                          Here is the first of the intro pages for my album, the text of all the pages will be in Dutch because I’ll use that album when printed here at home. I used a mask from the Mask Workshop and the embellishments are from a travelkit by The font is Western, just to stay in style…

                                                          Corrie Kinkel
                                                            • 1078
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            I had time to spare today; the laundry and ironing after my trip is done and my groceries are stocked up. My husband did well on his own but shopping was needed…..

                                                            So here are the next two layouts for my album. The background of both pages is made by blending differerent papers I have in my stash. In Marymoor the Blue Herons are nesting in hugh numbers and the swallows had returned too. On both pages I used a mask from the Masks Workshop, but I adapted it to my needs, For this album I probably will use a mask for all the intro pages, that makes it a bit consistent which I like.

                                                            Mary Solaas
                                                              • 555
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              Corrie – love what you are doing.

                                                              I’m still working through the Quick Page Workshop.  This is QP 6.  I’m posting it and then I have to stop and make dinner.


                                                              Mary Solaas
                                                                • 555
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                And this is QP Extra 6.  Pictures taken on a trip to one of my favorite places, the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL.  The upper right corner picture is the plaque for Apollo 16.

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