
What are you working on (in May 2021)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in May 2021)?

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  • #58093
    Ann Seeber
      • 1372
      • Superfan

      Karon: Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate feedback!

      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        Something else for this month; the frames challenge. I used a local photo and applied Cassel’s nesting frames freebie. I filled the frames with one of her green gradients she gave out around St. Patrick’s Day.

        Annie Tobin
          • 2938
          • Superfan

          You are a star Karon! Thanks for the compliments my friend. I love all of Cassel’s scripts and I am especially fond of the grab bag … just good fun. 😉

          Annie Tobin
            • 2938
            • Superfan

            Great job Karon … beautifully presented my friend. Lesson well learned Hon, 😉

            Annie Tobin
              • 2938
              • Superfan

              Fabulouso Karon my friend, some good action going on with this one. Well done Hon. 😉

              Annie Tobin
                • 2938
                • Superfan

                By the by Ann, love the plaid my friend. 😉

                Karon Dey
                  • 368
                  • Enthusiast

                  Awesome job on the frame challenge Ann. They look like they should belong there.

                  Lynda DiGregor
                    • 1047
                    • Superfan

                    Last year I finally got around to splitting the iris rhizomes. Had 7 or 8 iris last year and this year I have 40 plus. Can’t believe that single action would be so fruitful. I’ve been taking photos of them from bud to bloom.

                    Annie Tobin
                      • 2938
                      • Superfan

                      The Iris are beautiful Lynda and the page is terrific. I like the way you have created individual growth markers and placed them as slats, very clever. ;D

                      Lynda DiGregor
                        • 1047
                        • Superfan

                        Thanks Annie….appreciate the positive feedback

                          • 1558
                          • Superfan

                          Sue, what a wonderful thing to have the birdhouses and see them going back and forth… As they know they have five-star accommodation, they always come back. : ) … Beautiful work in all projects.

                          Karon, good to see you here again! You’ve been missed… Thanks a lot for your kind words on my layouts. They mean a lot to me <3 …Your work is always very creative. Lovely job!… Best wishes to you and Val!

                          Ann, you are becoming the master of plaids. : )

                          Lynda, beautiful photos and flowers. It must be a joy to see them grow. I like the layout using slats. Nice work.


                          Lynda DiGregor
                            • 1047
                            • Superfan

                            Thank you Cristina..You are right, it is a pleasure to see the Iris or any flower grow.

                            Lynda DiGregor
                              • 1047
                              • Superfan

                              Just messing around with some of Carole’s scripts, engraved rocks and cork and my photos framed with the Polaroid script.

                              Ann Seeber
                                • 1372
                                • Superfan

                                My, those Polaroid frames look great. They really dress up a photo. Love your rocks!

                                Lynda DiGregor
                                  • 1047
                                  • Superfan

                                  Thanks Ann

                                  I was fooling around with Carole’s nested frames. I made a box out of them and added stained glass..changed the opacity on the stained glass so the photo that is at the end of the box can be seen through the glass. It’s useless but fun! 🙂

                                  Lynda DiGregor
                                    • 1047
                                    • Superfan

                                    Nice use of the nested frames Ann

                                    Ann Seeber
                                      • 1372
                                      • Superfan

                                      Lynda: Those seaside views through the frames are awesome. You are giving me ideas!

                                      Mary Solaas
                                        • 555
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Getting ready for a  trip.  Stayed up last night and created these note cards to send to the kids while we’re travelling.  Thought I’d share them with you.

                                        Ann Seeber
                                          • 1372
                                          • Superfan

                                          Mary, that’s so nice to be able to create unique cards for each person’s realm of interest. You wouldn’t be able to buy such a collection. They are all totally cute and adorable. Have a great trip!

                                          Mary Solaas
                                            • 555
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            Thanks, Ann.

                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                              • 1047
                                              • Superfan

                                              Ann, Thank you..Can’t wait to see your ideas. 🙂
                                              Mary, great idea making cards for the kids and other humans 😀

                                              Lynda DiGregor
                                                • 1047
                                                • Superfan

                                                Another idea for Carole’s nested frames. I promoted each frame to it’s own layer and then moved them around to create a different frame.

                                                • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Lynda DiGregor. Reason: color change
                                                Mary Solaas
                                                  • 555
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  Lynda, love what you’ve done with the multiple frames.  Hope you don’t mind – I’ve copied both of them with your explanation of them since they are so unique.

                                                  And this is one more for the road (Joseph’s favorite pastime is travel).

                                                  Mary Solaas
                                                    • 555
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    I have a problem that maybe someone can help me with.  I work upstairs on my pc and downstairs and on trips on my laptop.  In order to keep everything the same in both places, I use a USB stick.  And the folder,”New Things”, is to cover anything I download or create on my laptop that I need to put in my stash upstairs.  Well on 4/22/21, I put a script in “New Things” that I have no idea what it is for.  It is called: “Spring Greenery 3.pspScript”  Any suggestions???? I know it is not a picture tube because they are not “psp.Script”.  But if it was a brush, there would be a corresponding “Spring Greenery 3.PSPBrush”.  And it is not a picture frame.  If it is truly a script, WHAT DOES IT DO???

                                                    Mary Solaas
                                                      • 555
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      By the way, Annie Tobin, I believe you were the one who said that the toast you used in your sandwich/plate layout was obtained by Googling.  I tried that and found the site,  which gave me the clipart images I used in those cards (the dog is ours).  Really wonderful stuff there.

                                                      Ann Seeber
                                                        • 1372
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Mary: I have that script also. It should be stored in C:Documents/Corel PaintShop Pro/2021(or whatever version you have)/Restricted Scripts. I tried it out and it just seems to put a green haze over a layout or a photo. It was one of the Corel freebies of the week awhile back.

                                                        Corrie Kinkel
                                                          • 1078
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Mary have a nice trip. It is wonderful that you can travel again! Here in Europe we are only allowed to travel to certain countries that are deemed to be safe and only if you are fully vaccinated, tested negative or have proof that you had Covid. The only other option is to stay in your own country and although the Netherlands can be beautiful it is a very small country! But at least somethings are possible yet.

                                                          In the mean time I have been selecting and  preparing a lot of my layouts for printing. I always use a printing service where you can create your own photobook, but this is the first time I make one for my scrapbook layouts. I do all of this on my computer and yesterday evening uploaded it. I choose a flat binding because I have many double pages and in my experience the printing service does a good job. Now I just have to wait untill it gets delivered! Of course I had to make a front cover and this is what I came up with. I’ll show the book when it is in.

                                                          Ann Seeber
                                                            • 1372
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            I started playing with Cassel’s nested frames; dividing them with promoted layers (thanks, Lynda!). Things got out of hand from there! LOL I twirled the frames around and then applied Cassel’s raster-to-mask script to each and then ended up adding a bunch of bird photos I had of a clash between a female cardinal and a pine siskin. Here’s the layout I came up with…

                                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                                              • 1047
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Mary, I think you may have gotten that script at Discovery. This is a link I found.

                                                              Check it out. There is info on this script.
                                                              Good Luck


                                                              Lynda DiGregor
                                                                • 1047
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Mary,  Enjoy  your travel adventure. Love your map layout and no, I don’t mind if you use the layouts.

                                                                Ann, I love your newspaper and birds. I recognize the cardinal but not the bird that seems to be swooping down on the cardinal. What is it?

                                                                Corrie, Your scrapbook is lovely.

                                                                Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and are sharing some really nice work.

                                                                I decided to relive LAB 7-12 –  Speech bubble, Triangle pattern and Streamer. I used the web ding in the shape of a present for the streamer and then I had to find something to do with it.  So , here is my crazy clown layout.

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