
What are you working on (in March 2020)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in March 2020)?

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  • #40270
    Annie Tobin
      • 2938
      • Superfan

      Keep on playing Helen, job well done my friend.

        • 145
        • Junior

        Good morning to all. Again I played in PSP 2020 and came up with this. Created background from Campus and used vectors to create my element.

          • 1424
          • Superfan

          Thanks so much for your kind words, Annie and Cristina. I still haven’t done anything other than what I have to for my gaming group, but it’s getting a little easier. I’ve just had some stress lately and it makes me not want to do much. Fingers crossed that it improves soon.

          I don’t know what style you were going for, but I love what you did, Lynn Lou.

          Helen, you got it right in the text…”Learning.” I think you did very well.

          Very cool discovery, Dorothy. It definitely deserved a page!

            • 48
            • Rookie

            Colleen, sorry I had not seen your questions go through. Thanks for the reminder.

            Question 1: I think the definition of “foil” can vary so you can possibly find tutorials to end up with different results. I can look into it. I know that Mura’s Meister plugin also has a “cloud” option (although you can create something using the Brush Variance palette and the Brush tools, plus lots of blur). As for the glass effect, I think that an overlay might be needed, but I’ll investigate.

            Question 2: Although this is not free, I would recommend that you get Filter Forge when you have a chance. It often comes on sale for 80% off. Once you have the plugin, you can download thousands of individual filters. Get the Standard edition if you have a chance.

            Question 3: Seamless tiling will depend on the design. With wood design, it is a bit harder. You can try with the native PSP Seamless tiling but it has some drawbacks. Usually, if I create a wood grain texture, I will create it as large as I need it to avoid seams.

            Hope this helps.



            Thanks for getting back with me & I’m sorry for my delayed response back to you.

            – Regarding question 1, thanks, I will try playing around with different settings. What do you mean about maybe needing to use a glass overlay? I mean, I understand what an overlay is, but are you saying that I should look for a glass overlay to use?

            – With question 2, I’ve been looking at Filter Forge, and will most likely get that. I downloaded a trial of Super Blade Pro, but it slows everything down too much & frustrates me. I hope Filter Forge is better.

            – For question 3, what is native PSP Seamless tiling? I see a seamless tiling option under Effects – is that what you’re referring to?  Also, were my eyes playing tricks on me, or did you have a tutorial on seamless tiling at one point?


              • 1424
              • Superfan

              I was not inspired at all by my game’s daily theme, “Vacaying.” So I took some characters from the game and put them on a beach scene. Then there was a small shopping spree in Creation Cassel’s store. After playing with my new purchases I decided to use the Word Slats script. Did a bunch of editing and ended up with this. I wonder if anyone else’s wish list in the store is as long as mine.

                • 48
                • Rookie

                Colleen:  In response to your #1 question  I use textures for chrome and silver. Just open a texture in Paint shop Pro and  I park it aside.  Then go into your material palate and use the pattern, then you can play with the settings to make it bigger or smaller, twist and turn it etc. Then you can use the selection tool to pick the area you want the chrome etc and flood fill it with the texture.

                The other suggestion is Super Blade Pro. It takes longer but it performs well in small areas for me like on  jewelry trim.

                I sure hope these suggestion helps you .


                PS some samples for flooring etc.


                Thank you for the reply! And thanks for your suggestions, I’ll have to play around with it.

                I did download a trial version of Super Blade Pro a couple weeks ago, but it is way too slow for me and just frustrates me. It doesn’t help that my computer is about 8 yrs old, so I definitely don’t want more slowing it down.

                Thank you for posting your samples, those look great!

                  • 48
                  • Rookie

                  Love your alphas, Annie!

                    • 48
                    • Rookie

                    Here are a few papers I’m working on. I have some tweaking to do, with lining up, but this is the gist of them. The burgundy & cream stripe pattern – my favorite tv show is The West Wing and in the Oval Office on the show, there is a couch w/this pattern. And since I really like how it looks on the couch, I decided to make a paper from it. I then made a plaid from those stripes. The brush strokes example is from using my pink glitters as a base and then applying the brush strokes effect.

                      • 48
                      • Rookie

                      I know, I know, I’ve been missing for a few days and now I come back and do a post-a-palooza.  😉

                      Anyway, Cassel, question for you and/or anyone who can answer…

                      In my quest to get more glitters, I’ve seen papers on Etsy where they made the glitter paper from a pic of real glitter. I’ve been trying to find out how to do it and make it look really good. I went through your blog posts – about 20 of the 28 pages – and I saw one of your blog posts about extracting objects from an image, to use as an element. That is a great blog, btw, and I’ve saved it. (Really, all your blog posts are great 🙂 ) What I’m wondering is if you would suggest that for using real glitter to make a paper from? Is it just a matter of getting the lighting right when I take the pic? Or is there a different way you suggest to use pics of real glitter?

                      Dorothy Donn
                        • 202
                        • Enthusiast

                        I guess I can jump in again Because I loved glitter. Not sure what color you need. I will post some samples of gold and my favorite dazed and confused ones lol

                        The main tool to makes these for me was using Animation shop . To have moving glitter you have to make it a gif file. Then you can open that one and it will load as a single image and ccnvert to jpg.

                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          Cool result Michele, well done Hon. And yes, I keep adding to my list which grows faster than my bank account balance, lol!

                          Annie Tobin
                            • 2938
                            • Superfan

                            Thanks Colleen! Nice papers Hon, you are moving along nicely. I can’t help out with your query though as unfortunately glitters are not my forte! I tend to start playing and layering and blending and overlaying until something appears that I like! For me, Cassel’s glitter tutorials turn out the best. Good luck Hon. <3

                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              Yup, you sure like glitters Dorothy and boy, do you have some neat ones! I had some funky ones but with computer deaths here and there they have ended up in cyber heaven, 🙂

                                • 145
                                • Junior

                                Playing in PSP with vectors and in the Lab on the campus, so much fun.  The bottom photo is my mom and dad, who have both passed on, miss them everyday. 

                                trish williams
                                  • 805
                                  • Superfan

                                  Just playing around, someone sid they were looking for papers, your welcome to use these. some more on the group page x Enjoy

                                    • 1558
                                    • Superfan

                                    Lynn Lou, I don’t know what technique you used, but the result of the “Blended Art Style is really great.

                                    Helen, you achieved nice results playing with vectors. I think this is the best way to learn.

                                    Michele, I like the “Vacaying” Layout. It is fun and colorful… I also have a wishlist in the store, but when it comes to the time to buy, I often change my mind and get different things.  In fact, it is hard for me to make up my mind. 🙂 My last purchase was the Custom Directional Tube Script. What a great script!

                                    Dorothy, Colleen, and Trish, sometimes we reach our best results while playing. Cool results.

                                    Lynda DiGregor
                                      • 1047
                                      • Superfan

                                      This is from one of Cassel’s Vases. I was trying to follow her instructions to give it a 3-D look and added a design.

                                      Lynda DiGregor
                                        • 1047
                                        • Superfan

                                        Trish, You’re backgrounds are truly fantastic.

                                        Annie Tobin
                                          • 2938
                                          • Superfan

                                          Lynda, you have done a terrific job on this vase and gorgeous colors, well done Hon. <3

                                          Trish, your background papers are simply beautiful, well done my friend. <3

                                          trish williams
                                            • 805
                                            • Superfan

                                            Everyone has been so busy with all your wonderful work, Lyn I love that vase reminds me a couple of indian pieces I bought  in the states, I love there pottery.
                                            Well here is my take on the scavenger hunt,I madethe bottle top, Badly, and the paper clip, flowers,writing and sticker, the swans are from my stock and the swans are a photo I took in Southwold,  Backing paper I made and the frame is 2 frames, one from carole , the other from Pixel scrappers.

                                            trish williams
                                              • 805
                                              • Superfan

                                              Whoops klk’d to soon, Thank you ANNIE, LINDA,CHRISTINA FOR YOUR WONDERFUL COMMENTS. THEY CHEER ME UP.  hAVENT BEEN OUT THE HOUSE SINCE CHRISTMAS, AND NOW OUR GOVERNMENT HAS TOLD US TO LOCK OURSELVES AWAY FOR 3/4 MONTHS, TONIGHT  WE HAD OUR FIRST DEATH , A 90 YEAR OLD, IN OUR LOCAL HOSPITAL,  the ambulance arrived yesterday to take me in, I refused, thankfully.  No one is safe, when we had a baby born with it.   God Bless everyone and take care xx

                                              trish williams
                                                • 805
                                                • Superfan

                                                Wishing you all a happy st.Patricks day xx

                                                  • 145
                                                  • Junior

                                                  Just playing around with the selection tool, text, and background.

                                                    • 335
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    I still don’t have any BIG pictures to play with here … so my sister will send me some. She’s our “Cecil B. DeMille” of the family. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have been playing with layering and tugboats. I have always loved tug boats. On one of her posts, don’t recall which one, Cassel mentioned the plug-in Filter Forge, so I went to look. It was indeed on sale … and the rest is history. I’ve been playing with it deciding aspects of it I liked or not. I absolutely loved the Tricolor filter. Believe it or not … kind of hard to even see the tugs in the pic … but they started out color photos. Of course, for real, Moran would be black and red I guess – but we’re just playing here. You can get lost in Filter Forge for a whole day, I think. A cool new toy to experiment with while we are all “hunkering down” as they say.

                                                    Bonnie Ballentine
                                                      • 1643
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Oh, my goodness, Everyone, you make me so proud…beautiful work.

                                                      Couldn’t stand it any longer so today and last night I played…Already going stir crazy so, of course, I had to find some pickleball somehow. I saw a graphic on Pinterest I thought was funny…a basketball graphic and I decided to change it to pickleball. Have you ever heard teachers are licensed thieves? I am a retired teacher all during my teaching years, I would see an idea, steal it, change it and voila I had a bulletin board. This is sorta what happened with this page. I wasn’t comfortable with what the original graphic said…so I changed it…

                                                      Dorothy Donn
                                                        • 202
                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        Finished a Lab today (Irish) and forgot to upload a play page of my sweet little girl.

                                                        trish williams
                                                          • 805
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          a late night play around last night

                                                            • 1558
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Lynda, Trish, Helen, Minka, Dorothy, and Bonnie, everyone is doing nice and creative work. Well done!

                                                            Here is the page I created to practice the tutorials from the Lab10-Module 03 (Bracket Frame – Boot Print – Custom Sign). I finished some time ago and forgot to upload it to the Campus.

                                                            The photos are from The International Forest Art Trail, an art exhibition that takes place every two years since 2002, and each time with a different theme. The artists come from different parts of the world, and they create their work in the forest. Last year the theme was Ecology.

                                                            Background: KAagard “Great Outdoors” pattern2 – Alpha: BellaGypsy “Frontier-leather-red”


                                                              • 1424
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Great stuff, everyone.

                                                              Cristina, exceptional page.

                                                                • 1558
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Dear Michele, thank you so much for your kind comment. I really appreciate it. <3

                                                                I forgot to mention that I create the Boot Print and turned it into a PspTube – Angular Mode.  I was not satisfied with the colors and change them many times…It was a lot of work. That’s when I decided to purchase Carole’s Custom Directional Tube Script… How easy it was!

                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 91 through 120 (of 208 total)
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