
What are you working on (in June 2021)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in June 2021)?

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  • #59510
    Annie Tobin
      • 2938
      • Superfan

      You are worthy of the praise dear Sue and I am happy to give it. We nature lovers must stick together and we are fortunate in this campus that most members are true lovers of nature. 😀

      Sue Thomas
        • 1598
        • Superfan

        Here’s something I haven’t done in a while. The beauty of creating a newspaper or magazine, you don’t have to worry about shadows. I revisited an old tutorial as I couldn’t find the bar code I created years ago. The fly is a realistic looking clipart. The beetle is an extraction from a macro shot I took, it’s an Aspen leaf beetle. It matches the colouring of the Orange Bluet Damselfly.

        Sue Thomas
          • 1598
          • Superfan

          Here’s another magazine cover for children. It was Ann who planted the idea, in her comment on my bee page, to quote her ‘ buzzy way’.  Selected the photo, and used the word buzz. For those that are interested there are loads of text tutorials in the creative scrap. I combined a couple of them for the word art in this page. A tri coloured bumble bee on a Speedwell flower. There are, in fact, over 800 native species of bees in Canada, but the western domesticated honeybee is not native.  I could have used some bevel  and drop shadow on the text, but to be in keeping with a magazine LO, I decided to leave it as is.

          Annie Tobin
            • 2938
            • Superfan

            Dear Sue, I love both your magazine covers, they are amazing! Again your photography shines and I love the fact that you don’t have to add shadows as well … still my bugbear, lol!

            Sue Thomas
              • 1598
              • Superfan

              Here’s the last one for now, the temp is already 33c, and calm. A quick bite to eat, and I’m off to the Lake with the Kayak, to see what I can shoot with the camera. Hoping you are all having a lovely weekend. For this magazine cover I created a new barcode. If anyone would like to have it , I’ll post it in the files. Everything are on their own layers, so it can be easily edited to your choosing. This beautiful bird migrates, and like all native sparrows they are song birds. Male White-crowned Sparrow, taking a drink of water from one of the bird baths.

              Sue Thomas
                • 1598
                • Superfan

                My dear Annie, thank you ever so much.  You are always  so kind with your comments, I really do appreciate them.  If you would like the barcode  file, which is in psp format you’ll have to go to the  facebook page to download it.   These magazine covers are quite quick to create.  Thank fully I don’t have to crop, edit, or frame the photos.  I’m with you on the shadowing, I always have to take  a second look to make sure I have done them right.   Again, thank you ever so much my dear friend.

                Annie Tobin
                  • 2938
                  • Superfan

                  Another beauty Sue, I love it dear friend. Thanks for the barcode, I shall be snagging for sure. Enjoy your kayaking on the lake and I hope you score many great shots. Hugs and Love … Annie T

                  Sue Thomas
                    • 1598
                    • Superfan

                    Good morning ladies and gentlemen! It’s Friday again. The days, weeks and months are flying by, before I know it winter will soon descend once again. Meanwhile I make the most of what Mother nature has to offer. I was up around 4am, the coyotes were howling all around, so I got up, and created this page, while listening to the Owls, and the coyotes, then a fox chipped in barking. I found this quote some time ago. I’m not the best at expressing myself on paper, but I feel this quote is quite fitting to this group and the campus. Perhaps, possibly to be used as our moto. The butterfly elements are included in a font called My butterfly, which I textured, and then used the sculpture texture. A different take on the negative label. Out of bounds. I used an adjustment layer to lighten the background photo, after I blurred and used 2 layers using colours from the photo, lowering their opacity a little. For a relatively simple LO, still lots of techniques used. For the word art, I used the warp mesh tool, and text on a curve.

                    Sue Thomas
                      • 1598
                      • Superfan

                      Another month is drawing to a close,  and once again the forum has been vey active, with beautiful, diverse, creative pages, of  great inspiration.  It’s always a pleasure to scroll through the pages. I look forward to seeing what  posts July will bring.

                      Annie Tobin
                        • 2938
                        • Superfan

                        Your work paid off dear Sue … a beautiful page my friend. Like yourself I love listening to nature. Simone (my daughter) and I recently purchased some backyard chickens, and because our yard is completely fenced with 8ft fences, they are totally free range. I love them. Of course I have to protect my little vegie and herb garden from them but such a small price to pay for the delight of beautiful fresh eggs. We have a lot more birds around now to share the pickings (mostly fruit doves) and it is so relaxing to watch them all in action. Hard to believe the first month of winter has passed here in Australia. Spring will be here 1st September and strangely enough it does occur like that here in the land of Oz. Winter one day Spring the next and that only lasts a month if we are lucky. October and November are supposed to be spring months but the temps can get mighty high so we claim them as summer months, lol! ;D

                        Sue Thomas
                          • 1598
                          • Superfan

                          An ecard I made for a friend, it read Happy birthday, with a few personal words. Using the same fonts, I change the wording to post on here. The last Monday of June 2021. Good morning! Scalloped frame, rope tube wove through the holes, with an Iris flower slipped in the rope. Cassel’s custom brad script. Using two colours blue and white, with the foreground gradient, I created the background paper, added blur and some noise, and outer trim. One of the 5 pairs of visiting Tree Swallows. (male).

                          Dearest Annie, as you are entering winter, we are entering summer, the longest day has  been.  it’s exactly the same here,  our Spring is always so short, in fact we tend to go straight into summer, a very short Autumn, and then before we know it the longest season, winter is upon us again.  Chickens, I love love chickens!  They are ever so entertaining, how on earth are you going to get anything done, they will consume a great deal of time, in  being entertained by them.  A fresh free range egg for breakfast, you really can’t fault it.  Lol  xxx

                            • 1424
                            • Superfan

                            It’s almost time for What Are You Working On In July 2021 and I must say I’ve totally enjoyed June’s work. I haven’t been commenting much, but I look almost every day. Thank you all for the lovely layouts and the inspiration. <3

                            Karon Dey
                              • 368
                              • Enthusiast

                              Sue: Wow, your magazine covers are so professional looking. Very lovely. I enjoyed hearing what you did to put them together. Your quote layout is so inspirational and great looking. Great Monday layout. Something beautiful to look at and think about.

                              Karon Dey
                                • 368
                                • Enthusiast

                                Lab 7 Module 1
                                Lesson 3: photo mosaic
                                Experiment 1: title work – various patterns
                                Experiment 3: color/pattern – maps
                                Experiment 5: fun font find – things we said
                                Kit: Wizard School ©Magical Scraps Galore

                                Karon Dey
                                  • 368
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  Lab 7 Module 1
                                  Lesson 1: concentric rectangles
                                  Lesson 2: filled text
                                  Experiment 2: element – doilies
                                  Experiment 4: sketch template – Doreena
                                  Kit: Antiquities ©Kimeric Kreations

                                  Sue Thomas
                                    • 1598
                                    • Superfan

                                    Karon, thank you for your very complimentary words. I’m delighted you enjoyed viewing them, in addition they gave you food for thought. You are doing really well with the lab. Beautifully executed layouts, it’s obvious a great deal of thought has gone into them. Looking forward to seeing what is posted in July.

                                    Connie Collier
                                      • 55
                                      • Junior

                                      Everyone’s work is always so inspiring and interesting. Today I started at the beginning with Carole’s Lesson One again just to have some fun with my shiny new copy of PSP 2021.

                                      Mary Solaas
                                        • 555
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Connie – that is certainly beautiful.

                                        Annie Tobin
                                          • 2938
                                          • Superfan

                                          Beautiful Connie … your colour scheme is delightful. Well done Hon. 😉

                                            • 1558
                                            • Superfan

                                            Annie, thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Be sure they mean a lot to me. <3

                                            I am sure we can all say you are the master of support, encouragement, and motivation. The Campus wouldn’t be the same without you. 

                                              • 1558
                                              • Superfan

                                              Annie, thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Be sure they mean a lot to me. <3

                                              I am sure we can all say you are the master of support, encouragement, and motivation. The Campus wouldn’t be the same without you. 

                                                • 1558
                                                • Superfan

                                                The Campus comments are acting up again, as I know I didn’t post the last two comments yesterday, but in Jun16th.

                                                I have not had much time lately to comment or be here, but all the work I see today is just beautiful, fun, and creative. Great job, Everyone!!

                                                Mary Solaas
                                                  • 555
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  Campus comments surely are acting up as some of mine are missing.  Oh, well.  How wonderful to see the creativity and I agree that Annie is our special notater – always gives us encouragement with kind and helpful comments.  Annie, I also enjoy you gifting us with your history, geography, flora and fauna of Australia and New Zealand.  Sue – love your animal and insect layouts – always presented in a beautiful manner (and you use so many of the wonderful scripts and helps that Carole creates.  Carole – wonderful that you can now spend more time with your daughter and grandson.  Xavier is a cutie! Michele – always welcome your layouts for the Divas!  Shirley – you have really been working hard for your daughter’s scrapbook.  Lovely layouts you show to us.

                                                  So many beautiful layouts this month – not all are here, though – some are in the Challenges and facebook as well.

                                                  Karon Dey
                                                    • 368
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    Sue: Thank you so much for your kind words. Hard to believe that it is going to be July tomorrow…where did the time go?

                                                    Connie: Your lesson 1 layout is amazing. Love the clustering and the colors you chose as they really highlight the picture.

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