
What are you working on (in June 2021)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in June 2021)?

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  • #59115
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      You all have been so busy! Susanne, Sue, Ann, Anne, and Michele, it is always a joy to see what you are all doing! <3

      I am still slow but managed to finish the Lab11-M01 layout to practice the Pencil Shaving, Circle Doodle, and Book Shelf tutorials.  I want to try so many new techniques/challenges, but this will have to be at a later time.

      I am still not very creative, so working with templates helps me a lot. This is from Lynn Grieveson’sMessy Pockets_Noted3_1“, and I tweaked it a bit to fulfill my needs… Even the shadows are from the template.

      Background paper by PixelScrapper/DiHillerSchool of Art” 2018Aug.

      Now on to Lab11-M02. : )


      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        Dear Cristina, I have noted that you have mentioned several times that you are not very creative but I beg to disagree. Your work is always beautiful, never overdone and yet it carries a huge impact. The dictionary states the meaning for creative as an adjective “relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something”. You may have a layout etcetera provided for you but it is the artist in you that uses it only as a framework for your own creation. Don’t knock yourself my friend, your work is beautiful and unique and this page is no exception … a joy to peruse! ;D

        Annie Tobin
          • 2938
          • Superfan

          Very cool Michele and I love the artwork, enjoyed the viewing my friend. 😉

          Bonnie Ballentine
            • 1643
            • Superfan

            My pickleball friend, Andy, and his lovely wife, Fran. I shared Memorial Day bar-b-que with them. The flowers were growing in his yard. Lady 22 Template 26. Andy and Fran were high school sweethearts…and still are.

            Annie Tobin
              • 2938
              • Superfan

              Lovely work Bonnie … and, I do love the layout my friend. Lady22 has amazing templates! ;D

                • 1558
                • Superfan

                Annie, thank you so much for your words of encouragement. Be sure they mean a lot to me. <3

                I am sure we can all say you are the master of support, encouragement, and motivation. The Campus wouldn’t be the same without you. <3 Hugs and kisses!

                  • 1424
                  • Superfan

                  I had less time than usual to do today’s daily pic, but I wanted to post this to show what the Cass-chalktexture-01 script can do. Since the script applies the effect to the entire image, not just the layer, I created the text; copied and pasted it to a new image before running the script; copied and pasted the result to my original image. There are a bunch of parameters you can choose so the possibilities are endless. When I have more time, I’m going to play with it so I can create more than just white chalk text.

                  The background and elements came from one of my favorite resources, PixelScrapper. The font is pouttu, free from 1001Fonts.

                  Sawnie Robertson
                    • 10
                    • Rookie

                    In May and June I worked on a scrapbook about the unusual cold temperatures we had in Houston and Texas February 2021. I lost most of my plants, some of which I have had for 21 years. The scrapbook only shows a few that were lost.

                      • 335
                      • Enthusiast

                      Hello all —  gals and guy!  🙂 … Just got a chance to browse through and see what everyone has been doing and as usual you have all been very busy with great stuff.  Some pretty things, happy events … and some sad.  Sorry you lost so many plants, Sawnie.  That was an awful time in Texas and it’s heartbreaking when you lose some of your favorites that you have nurtured for so long.  I know when I leave Florida I worry about many of mine making it through the hot summer.  Meanwhile, “back at the ranch” here in Maine … I am finally getting settled in.  There was so much to do and catch up on here after 8 months away.  Thankfully … a new handyman has really been a godsend for me to catch up both inside and out.  Maybe I can even find time to play again … and just in time for the Travel Challenge!  I hope you are all well and looking forward to seeing and playing with you all again.

                        • 252
                        • Enthusiast

                        I have just completed another page for my daughters scrapbook, she is the little one. This was a recipe project using the ingredients listed.  Actually I don’t know if it helps to be guided by certain elements to use, but it keeps one on the straight and narrow.

                        Ann Seeber
                          • 1372
                          • Superfan

                          Sawnie: That’s so sad; I have tears in my eyes! :’-( The crazy weather lately is hard to take. Your album showcases your plants beautifully. Good job!

                          Lynda DiGregor
                            • 1047
                            • Superfan

                            Shirley, Your scrapbook page for your daughter is beautiful. Looks so nostalgic. Love it.

                            Sue Thomas
                              • 1598
                              • Superfan

                              Hello all you busy creative PSPers. I have been preoccupied with door activities of late. It’s only now I’ve had a chance to visit the campus. What fabulous pages you all have been posting. An absolute feast for the eyes, and inspiration.

                                • 252
                                • Enthusiast

                                Lynda thankyou.

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  Sawnie, great work on a poor subject. It is a bit devastating when nature turns against us, I feel your pain. 🙁

                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    Shirley, you have outdone yourself with this one my friend … it is truly beautiful, well done Hon. ;D

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      Dear Cristina, thank you very much for your kind words … they mean a lot to me my friend. Hugs and Love … Annie

                                      Corrie Kinkel
                                        • 1078
                                        • Superfan

                                        Hi everyone, you all have been busy, to much to comment on individually but it was a pleasure to browse!

                                        At the moment we have an explosion of poppies! The conditions for them are ideal at the moment; we had a cold and wet winter and spring and now it is warm. Poppyseeds can lay dormant in the ground for up to 50 years and now they germinate. I took the photos this week and new inmediate what I wanted to do with them. I used this lovely template frame that Sue Thomas made available a couple of weeks ago and I also used the alphasheet from Annie Tobin for the word POPPY. The background is made from a bad and fuzzy photo that I blurred to the max and then a blend mode (hard light) and reduced opacity. It took some google time to find a quote that fitted.

                                        Ann Seeber
                                          • 1372
                                          • Superfan

                                          Just so you know what I get up to when not doing school designs.. here’s a promo I just finished in PSP for our business. This is intended for our Facebook page and Instagram.

                                          Susanne Lietz
                                            • 20
                                            • Rookie

                                            Hello Ladies and Gentlemen 🙂
                                            I’ can’t stop creating with my new programm. Love it!
                                            Thank you all for your nice comments. I appreciate it. Is this right English? It takes too much time to use always the translator. So excuse me, please and don’t hesitate to correct me. It would helps alot.

                                            Here is another one I finished today – took 1 hour. Just for fun. Like it but the frame is boring. Sometimes its good to have the Unlimited Filters to add some nice frames 🙂 Hopefully Cassel does not read this 😉

                                            Annie Tobin
                                              • 2938
                                              • Superfan

                                              Dear Corrie, you have created a truly delightful page. The photos are beautiful and I love the quote … all that Google search time paid off dear friend. Mostly I love the flower element that sits just above the quote … my kind of art Lovely Lady, well done. 😉

                                              Annie Tobin
                                                • 2938
                                                • Superfan

                                                Ann, clever lady! You are obviously quite a busy lady and this display for the Facebook page and Instagram is truly spot on. Wishing you the very best with this campaign my friend and well done! ;D

                                                Annie Tobin
                                                  • 2938
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Susanne, I think there is a little bit of the devil in you my friend! Lovely work on this … dare I say … hottie! It is Edward from the Twilight Series is it not? Although I must confess to having been team Jacob and still am, lol! Yummo, you go girl! ;D

                                                    • 252
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    Thanks Annie.  There is a lot of inspiration on here isn’t there!

                                                    Karon Dey
                                                      • 368
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      Been a hectic couple of weeks, as just two weeks after my dil passed, my granddaughter got married and we had to head up to northern Georgia.

                                                      Bonnie: thank you for your kind words. Son lives in Hartsville, near Florence. Fantastic Here Comes the Summer layout. Andy and Fran certainly are lucky to have such a lovely page devoted to them.

                                                      Annie: as always your words are such inspiration. Thank you. Summer Days reminds me of Hawaii (and if I am honest, Florida, LOL). The picture is so vibrant and the paper elements draw your eye in. Your mask layouts are always a delight to see, Major Mitchell’s cockatoo and Mandarin duck are both great.

                                                      Sue: many thanks. I have been talking to him everyday, sometimes several times. Your foxy birthday ecard is adorable. Loved your bobtail layout. My dil loved rabbits and she would have loved to have seen what you did with the picture. Asters are such beautiful flowers and I really like how you have used the photo in your layout. Wow, what a gorgeous pic of the hover fly and lovely layout. You did a great job on the frame.

                                                      Sheila: thank you so much.

                                                      Corrie: thank you for the condolences. Your poppy layout is lovely and the picture is so colorful. Great use of a bad photo for the background.

                                                      Lynda: great job on the family tree mock-up. I really need to do something with the class. Loving your Life layout. Perfect for framing.

                                                      Cristina: your kindness is much appreciated. Homeschooling is a perfect layout to document the crazy year we have had. I always like the pocket style layouts and have done a whole year of them. And I agree with Annie, you are definitely creative. There is nothing wrong with using templates as you always put your own spin on them.

                                                      Ann: by this time your wedding and mine will be over. My granddaughter got married on the 12th. Your dress is stunning. Fantastic layout of the wedding pictures. Awesome ad for your drive-in. I’m sure you will be getting a lot of comments

                                                      Michele: your Bubblegum Pink layout it so darling, while Sun and Vanilla is so fun and warm. Awesome. Great job on the science fest layout and using the chalk texture script.

                                                      Susanne: what a wonderful layout using the jumping out of frames lesson. Devil Inside is perfect just the way it is. Using a “boring” frame just makes the layout stand out even better.

                                                      Ann: great job on the song challenge. I really like how you have it layed out.

                                                      Sawnie: so sorry to hear about the loss of your plants. Your layouts to them are great.

                                                      Minka: glad to hear you made it back to Maine safe and sound. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

                                                      Shirley: loving the vintage look to your layout. Your daughter is going to so thrilled with her scrapbook.

                                                        • 1558
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Wonderful to see what everyone is doing… The Campus for sure never sleeps!

                                                        Bonnie, this is a beautiful love story, and you created a very nice layout to showcase it… Lady22 has great templates, and I downloaded a few thanks to your layouts… The last one was now, no 40, from 16Jun… It reminded me of one I used for the Love Story Challenge, which I liked very much… I didn’t know that lady22 (Bourico Casper) belonged to the Creative Team of Pixel Scrapper (now Digital

                                                        Michele, this is a very nice layout, and the use of the chalk script enhanced it… I didn’t remember or know this script, but there are so many great scripts that I lose track of all of them… I am always amazed by Carole’s creativity.

                                                        Sawnie, so sad to hear you lost most of your plants… Even more, having them for so long… Although sad, you created very nice layouts with the photos.

                                                        Minka, good to know you are all settled in… Luckily you found someone to help because there’s always something to do in a house, even more after 8 months’ absence… Looking forward to seeing your work again.

                                                        Shirley, another lovely scrapbook page of your daughter. Everything looks perfect to me… She will love the result.

                                                        Corrie, what a colorful and lovely layout… With Sue’s frame template, Annie’s Alpha, and those beautiful photos, nothing could go wrong.

                                                        Ann, very nice and effective ad. Who wouldn’t want to win such a great treat?!

                                                        Susanne, very nice work; I like it very much… I am not a big user of plugins, but sometimes they really come in handy.

                                                        Karon, thank you for your kind comment and words of encouragement! They are very much appreciated. <3   : )

                                                        I do love templates, and I think they are a wonderful tool… We have seen many wonderful layouts created with them on the Campus… Right now, I lack the inspiration to create my own, so I take advantage of my stash. ; )

                                                        Anne Lamp
                                                          • 320
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          I ran across the latest palette challenge yesterday and had a ball playing with those colors. I didn’t keep track of what all I did because I wasn’t planning on posting anything from my play time.  I wound up loving this one so I figured I might as well post it.

                                                          Karon Dey
                                                            • 368
                                                            • Enthusiast

                                                            Anne: very cool palette challenge. This will make a great background.

                                                            Karon Dey
                                                              • 368
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              Lab 6 Module 10
                                                              Lesson 2: laser cut doilies
                                                              Lesson 3: parquet
                                                              Experiment 1: single cut paper letters
                                                              Experiment 2: element – slide frames
                                                              Kit: What Happens at Grandma’s ©Kimeric Kreations

                                                              Karon Dey
                                                                • 368
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                Lab 6 Module 10
                                                                Lesson 1: hand drawn chevron
                                                                Experiment 3: color/pattern – triangles
                                                                Experiment 4: sketch template – AuntyT
                                                                Experiment 5: fun font find – DK Innuendo
                                                                Kit: Autumn Antics ©Boomers Girl Design

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