
What are you working on (in July 2021)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in July 2021)?

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  • #60165
    Mary Solaas
      • 555
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      OK, Page 11.  this was fun and I am getting better with masks.  This was my first attempt at creating a cluster: the scatter and background splash  is from ap-dandelinewishes, and the rest is from PSBT June DB Magnolia; the logo for Storybook Island came from their website.

      Ann – that is a beautiful look at summer!

      Anne Lamp
        • 320
        • Enthusiast

        I haven’t posted anything in a while so I thought I would share this.  I used Cassel’s  lovely shell frame and a photo from my vacation a few years ago.  I have always liked that pic and decided to finally frame it.   Oh Oh, I just realized my feet are sticking out under the frame.  I will have to fix that.

        • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Anne Lamp.
          • 1424
          • Superfan

          Lovely work, everybody. <3

            • 1424
            • Superfan

            The theme Majestic Women had me stumped. I searched and searched for inspiration until I found this beautiful image. I tried really hard to find the original artist, but had no luck. Anyway, I used Image: Negative Image, duplicated, spaced evenly horizontal, flipped horizontal, and merged. I erased the background using Clipping Magic. (I pay a small monthly fee because I’m not very good at erasing complicated backgrounds with PSP e.g. her hair.) I duplicated the png image and resized by 50%. I duplicated and resized about 20 times to get this result.  I ran out of time so I quickly used the vector stroke script to make a border. The script was Angelta.

            Mary Solaas
              • 555
              • Enthusiast

              Michele – WOW!!!

              This is page 12.  Struggled with this one – not sure why, but I really “stuffed” my pc and had to restart it several times in order to get through this one.  I think the history must be several miles long!  The only real difference this time is re-discovering that the rectangle has many shapes!! and so I have an elipse for the golden bull mask.  I also added a tag this time to write on – it’s from Rush Ranch.

              Annie Tobin
                • 2938
                • Superfan

                A very nice page Mary … a delight to view, well done my friend. 😉

                Mary Solaas
                  • 555
                  • Enthusiast

                  Thanks, Annie – always appreciate your comment.  Part of the problems I was facing with all of this project, is that “old photos never die, they just fade away!”  But I am continuing on.  The next page will be about a really good stop in SD called Bear Country and I researched it on “St. Google” so that I will also post the history of it.  Really a unique place.

                  Corrie Kinkel
                    • 1078
                    • Superfan

                    Just a quick LO of a plant in a pot on my patio. It is a Pieris and when it gets new leaves they are a flaming red. After a while when they grow bigger they become green. The plant has flowers too but they are not very spectacular. I made the mask using the circle mask lesson from the Love Story Challenge with 2 different brushes. The font is Austi Bost you wear flowers and the corner brushes are from Carole. The background is the same photo but blurred with a little bit of texture which you cann’t see very well in the resized version.

                    Mary Solaas
                      • 555
                      • Enthusiast

                      And now we come to Bear Country.  This will take 2 pages.  This is page 13.  New stuff: 3rd background paper is from Just Denim Kit-krisandlarry, colorized by me; background of the descriptive text is from PS, Marisa Lerin; cluster is from PS – Jessica Dunn with added bear claws; curled ribbon is from PSBT – June 21-DB Magnolia – colorized to match the bow in the cluster; the bear claw I used to make the picture tube of bear claws is from PS-Sheila Reid.  Had a lot of fun with this and planning the 2 pages.  Next page is yet to come!

                      Whoops!  a few glitches on the 1st one – the second one corrects them.

                        • 252
                        • Enthusiast

                        This is Grandson Sam’s farewell party when he went off to study Digital media, studied an extra year in animation. He did us proud, now has his dream job as a self employed cartoonist doing family cartoon caricatures, and streams live as Bool Ruffell. He cartooned a book when he was about 10yrs , all the kids nicknamed him “Book” and it has stuck with him still. This is a page of the scrapbook I am putting together for his 30th birthday.

                        Karon Dey
                          • 368
                          • Enthusiast

                          Ann: gorgeous 2 page layout of Maya Lin’s Ghost Forest. Something we should all think about. Awww what a lovely sight to see through a “Summer Window”. Beautiful laid out.

                          Michele: Stunning Aquamarine layout for your group. Loved seeing your avatar included. And Summer Beach Wear is a perfect layout for the lazy summer days on the beach. Stylish is perfect and so reminiscent of the 40’s style. Oh my, Majestic Women is stupendous. Thanks your sharing your progress on it.

                          Annie: Thank you so much. So much to get caught up on these days, lol.

                          Shirley: You did a wonderful job on the photo of Charlie and the layout is great. Your grandson is so lucky to have you detail a day in his life. Great layout and I would love to see more about him.

                          Mary: Thank you so much. It is one of my favorites. Page 9 of your travel challenge turned out so wonderful. Love the addition of the postcard. Page 10 is a great addition to the travel challenge and soon you will have a trove of travel pages to scroll through. What can I say but “wow” on page 11. Awesome job on the clustering and I really like how you are keeping the color theme going through all the pages. Another great page (12) from your travel log. The oval framing of the golden bull really makes it stand out. Page 13 is great. I really liked reading about “Bear” country.

                          Anne:  Fabulous framing job on the the Hawaiian beach. Never would have noticed the feet if you hadn’t said anything 🙂

                          Corrie: Pieris is a lovely layout and a beautiful photo. Blurring the image as the background makes the photo spectacular.

                          Karon Dey
                            • 368
                            • Enthusiast

                            Lab 7 Module 3
                            Lesson 2: metallic element 2
                            Experiment 3: color/pattern – black
                            Kit: various from Designs by Helly

                            Side Note: Grandson’s initials are ABC which is why they are on the layout. His uncle use to call him alphabet because of it.

                            • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Karon Dey.
                            Karon Dey
                              • 368
                              • Enthusiast

                              Lab 7 Module 3
                              Lesson 3: fabric tag
                              Experiment 2: element – paper blocks
                              Experiment 4: sketch template –
                              Kit: Bohemian Bazaar ©Kimeric Kreations

                              Note: Quote from the “Space Between Us”. Grandson was nearly 6′ tall by this time. It is areference from the movie. The lead character also could not jump which grandson cannot do either.

                              • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Karon Dey.
                              Karon Dey
                                • 368
                                • Enthusiast

                                Lab 7 Module 3
                                Lesson 1: multi-design pattern (Cassel’s shoes preset)
                                Experiment 1: title work – onomatopoeia (whoa)
                                Experiment 5: fun font find – candy store (whoa)
                                Kit: Heels ©Kathryn Estry

                                Went from having 3 pair of shoes for the past 20 years to having more than doubled that.

                                • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Karon Dey.
                                • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Karon Dey.
                                Sue Thomas
                                  • 1598
                                  • Superfan

                                  Posted in the facebook group on the 2nd July.

                                  I do love my Tiger Lilies, they don’t flower until August, so I had to scroll through last year’s flower pics. A very simple LO using adjustment layers, and word art. Weather report update. We have been warned that the temps are meant to peak today, soaring to 42c in some areas. It isn’t mid day yet, and already it’s 37.3c. It isn’t supposed to be as windy as yesterday, so I will be heading to lake shortly. Meanwhile I hope you enjoy the Tiger Lily, and enjoy the rest of your Friday, wherever you may be.

                                  Sue Thomas
                                    • 1598
                                    • Superfan

                                    We have 2 species of ground squirrel in Saskatchewan. The Richardson’s ground squirrels are commonly known as gophers, but they are not gophers. Gophers have crescent shaped holes that they plug at the top, creating a mound of dirt, while ground squirrels have open burrows that are about 5 inches in diameter. I love this LO, I can select lots of photos out of hundreds and showcase them. I reuse the guides template over and over. No kit 3 tutorial.

                                    Sue Thomas
                                      • 1598
                                      • Superfan

                                      Richardson’s ground squirrel baby. I used this in a birthday ecard for a friend. From behind the lens of my camera, I like to share with you and others the beauty of Mother Nature. Sparking an interest and hopefully cultivating an optimism to which will open up conservation issues. Documenting the amazing species, to appreciate what is around us. Within this group, you are all nature lovers, and care for the environment.

                                      Sue Thomas
                                        • 1598
                                        • Superfan

                                        Another no kit layout. These are quick and easy to do once you’ve created the template. I could have used another three photos, but only wanted to showcase these two species of insects. The larval emerged from the pond to metamorphosis into this perfect, pristine male Cherry Faced Meadowhawk dragonfly. In a friend’s garden. Bee flies, are fuzzy pollinating flies, they average 6-9 mm in length. Far to hot to be out on the water, which means I can spend some time indoors on PSP. Even the insects have gone into hiding from the heat of the sun. Macro photography.

                                        Sue Thomas
                                          • 1598
                                          • Superfan

                                          I haven’t posted anything on here  since the end  of June. I have, on the other hand posted on the facebook page.  I  did take a bit of  a break, making the most of being outside, even though it’s been extremely hot. Scrolling through the very lovely pages posted, I see it’s as busy as ever.   Really lovely  work everyone!

                                          Mary Solaas
                                            • 555
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            Karen – thank you for your comments.  You are really working through the labs.  Great job on both grandson lo’s.  I think I am going to end up with 20 pages on the travel challenge and then maybe I can get back to working on the labs.

                                            Sue – really love the tiger lily and your lo.  You are teaching us a lot about ground squirrels as well as flowers.



                                            Sue Thomas
                                              • 1598
                                              • Superfan

                                              Mary, thank you for your kind comment. We learn far more than psp on here. Such a diverse group of creative friends from around the world.

                                                • 1424
                                                • Superfan

                                                WOW, you guys have been busy! Love it all. Karon, I don’t know how on earth you are so productive.

                                                Karon, Mary, Annie, thank you so much for your encouragement

                                                  • 734
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  I add a great WOW too for all those fantastic creations, friends and family, historical subject, travelling, majestic women, own garden and more of beautiful mother nature. Thanks for sharing all this  :)!

                                                  Mary Solaas
                                                    • 555
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    Page 14 – all I have on Bear Country.  Really remarkable place.  The descriptive on this page is gathered from their website:  New on this page: I created a new cluster made from elements in PSBT July21 DB Magnolia and the ribbon from PSBT May21 DB Magnolia; the button with a bear claw is from PS – Jessica Dunn.

                                                    Ann Seeber
                                                      • 1372
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      My theme seems to be fences so far this month. Here’s a showcase of some of the photos from HViP featuring fences + a quote from Robert Frost. Just stuff from my stash..

                                                        • 1558
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Hi Everyone! : )

                                                        There is so much beautiful work here! It’s a joy to see all the creativity and lovely layouts posted, and on many, I have already commented on FB. Great job!

                                                        It’s been a while since the last time I posted something on the Campus… I think it was in the Travel Tale Challenge thread.. which layout, by the way, I haven’t finished yet! Just working very slowly and doing other things in between.

                                                        Anyway, hopefully, this month or the next, I will also be posting some new work.

                                                        Best wishes, : )

                                                        Mary Solaas
                                                          • 555
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          Ann – I like your lo of fences.  May I use that in my Travel Challenge book?  It solves a problem I was having with designing page 15.

                                                          Ann Seeber
                                                            • 1372
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Of course you may, Mary. Would you need a larger version? That one is 600×600 for the Forum. It’s a .jpg and would probably enlarge well if you have PSP2021.

                                                            • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Ann Seeber.
                                                            Mary Solaas
                                                              • 555
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              Thanks, Ann.  No, I just needed it as a guide – kind of like a script (?)  You are always a great inspiration.  Thanks, again.

                                                              Mary Solaas
                                                                • 555
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                Well, either my computer or PSP2021 is getting cantakerous – but I did manage to finish page 15.  Made another cluster but decided to use one I had made previously.  Ann, thank you for the inspiration on placement of the photos.  Used a different background paper for the photos, etc. – one I had created earlier.  Everything else is as usual.

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