
What are you working on (in February 2021)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in February 2021)?

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  • #53081
    Bonnie Ballentine
      • 1643
      • Superfan

      Here’s another…pickleball page…hope you like it!

      Annie and Minka…so happy I gave you a smile and maybe a giggle!

      Bonnie Ballentine
        • 1643
        • Superfan

        One last pickleball layout…more to come tomorrow.

        No coincidence…pickleball and joy are always found in the same thought.

        Ann Seeber
          • 1372
          • Superfan

          Here’s my Lesson #5 in the Love Story Challenge which features an animal sanctuary that was near where I lived back in 2004-2008. No matter what I tried using various brushes to add to the mask just didn’t look right so I went with a frame, instead. The background is a paper I had in a Fall kit and, this time, pasting in text to a selection rectangle finally worked for me! It’s hard to see on the Forum but there’s a white border all around that I make with an extra layer under the paper and then “pick” the paper layer in on each corner. I’ve learned it’s best to use guides so things come out even.

          Bonnie Ballentine
            • 1643
            • Superfan

            You only live once…do more of what makes you happy…play more pickleball…does any of this surprise any of you?

              • 158
              • Junior

              Had so much fun with Lab 7, module 8… two in particular – I created a frame using the painted wood effect she showed and I used the walking out of the frame from the Using PSP she put out in her Master Classes for my ‘grassy’ assignment.

              Ampersand: Template, Paper and elements – val, font – AnAkronism, & – black Chancery

              Grass: No template, Kimeric Kreations Snips & Snails

              Mary Solaas
                • 555
                • Enthusiast

                Love everyone’s explorations into labs and stuff.  I have to agree with Minka.  If you don’t use it you lose it!  That’s so true for me, also.  There is just SO MUCH!!!  Isn’t it wonderful????


                Ann Seeber
                  • 1372
                  • Superfan

                  Here’s my Lesson #6 in the Love Story Challenge. We’d hit Acapulco every January for a week; our break from the cold and snow. These classes with masks are really good and I love the minimal designs you can create.

                  Annie Tobin
                    • 2938
                    • Superfan

                    Bonnie, I just love your enthusiasm for the game and you are going to have a truckload of happy memories to peruse with your pages … you will never be bored in your old age. 😀

                    Annie Tobin
                      • 2938
                      • Superfan

                      Ann, this is a lovely page. The background paper is truly lovely and tones in wonderfully with your photo. I appreciate your little stories within your pages … I am gaining a considerable amount of geo knowledge. Thank you and well done my friend. 😀

                      Karon Dey
                        • 368
                        • Enthusiast

                        James: what a festive and cute layout. Would love to see the 16′ tall bears someday.

                        Karon Dey
                          • 368
                          • Enthusiast

                          Ann: great job on the Valentine coloring page. Skunk Love reaches a tender spot in my heart. My mother had a pet skunk when she was growing up and I remember stories she would tell us of it. The Sanctuary for Animals is a beautiful layout and reminds us of what is important. Alcapulco layout is beautiful as is the photo.

                          Karon Dey
                            • 368
                            • Enthusiast

                            Bonnie: the road trip layout is awesome. Love the addition of the map. Best Friends is a wonderful layout and I do agree with you about the stacked fonts. Using a multiple photo template is a great way to use all those photos. Hahaha…Never would have guessed you spend your spare time playing pickleball.

                            Karon Dey
                              • 368
                              • Enthusiast

                              Minka: I am in awe of your Journey layout It definitely is “Fabulous”.

                              Karon Dey
                                • 368
                                • Enthusiast

                                Val: Both of your layouts are adorable. Nice job on the extraction and your round wood frame turned out perfect.

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  Val, you did a good job on the out-of-bounds technique and I just love the little quote … Boy: noun – a noise with dirt on it. Sure gave me a giggle. And, terrific painted wood frame, well done Hon. 🙂

                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    Acapulco looks very inviting Ann and your background paper looks like pebbles under water … very suited to the theme, well done my friend. 🙂

                                      • 335
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Val and Karon … Absolutely beautiful posts. I love all your lab work, too, Karon. Ann S … great camel post. I am wondering, are camels friendly? I see it is a sanctuary … but how do you happen on a camel here?? Lovely posts from Everyone. I must admit I pay attention to what others are doing because you can learn so much just from their example. Like with Annie Tobin … and my recent encounter with Unsplash based on her telling of it. What a find! Bonnie, I did go check out the Pickleball. And yes, they are friendly! I try to put in what Carole is looking for … but you know, she often says “Play in your psp … you won’t break it.” Yeah, it might shut down from time to time, but so far, it hasn’t broken. If it’s there, I play with it. Some of the posts in the Love Challenge have been magnificent with family photos – especially some of the older photos accompanied by stories, too. I will tell you … I don’t have a lot of family left – and often it’s painful to look at those photos. Guess my heart hasn’t hardened enough for that yet. Maybe one day.

                                      Bonnie Ballentine
                                        • 1643
                                        • Superfan

                                        Annie, I am old!..and proud of it. Took a long time to get here!

                                        Karon, I used Carole’s scattered photos script for these recent pages. I also enjoy using templates…in fact I am using a template for a non-pickleball page I’m working on. I’ll post it once it is complete.

                                        Minka, I’m glad you checked out the pickleball. Do you think you may try it? Let me know if you do. I sometimes get to Florida…and sometimes to Portland, ME. Maybe you and I could play a game or two.

                                        Another pickleball page from me…used the scattered photos script…Look at Michelle…she is off the ground in two of the pictures…and we are a senior group…older than dirt…some of us.

                                        Annie Tobin
                                          • 2938
                                          • Superfan

                                          Hello Scrapbook Campers.  This layout is by Tomosia and flower elements are from one tube that I have had 4ever, resized and coloured to compliment the theme.  I love teacups and teapots and these photos are cute fishy teapots which were freebies on the web.  The background paper is one of my favourite patterns by a Cassel tut … scale pattern.  Title font is A Bit Sketchy and the font used for the poem is Scriptys.  Thanks for takin a peek.  ;D

                                          Annie Tobin
                                            • 2938
                                            • Superfan

                                            Bonnie, you will never be old my friend … one day in the distant future you will just drop off the perch … no old for Bonnie!

                                            Bonnie Ballentine
                                              • 1643
                                              • Superfan

                                              LOL @ and with Annie! Great start to my day. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

                                              Karon Dey
                                                • 368
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                Minka: Thank you. And I hope you never harden. I still miss those I’ve lost but the looking at pictures does come easier with time.

                                                Karon Dey
                                                  • 368
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  Annie: a darling layout. The teapots are so cute. I collect teapots but only Japanese for green tea. I love the inclusion of the nursery rhyme, so fitting.

                                                  Bonnie Ballentine
                                                    • 1643
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Annie, I have a friend who collects teapots. I use to get them for her all the time. She has downsized and moved to an apartment and no longer has space for her collection. She still drinks plenty of tea!

                                                    Another pickleball page from me…this time it is Sandy and she can grab air too. One more pickleball page waiting in the wings and, of course, others to be created.

                                                    Ann Seeber
                                                      • 1372
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Carole/Cassel had us making polka dot backgrounds with our final mask assignment for the Love Story Challenge. Here is my latest great-grand.

                                                      Bonnie Ballentine
                                                        • 1643
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Annie, I told one of my friends about your “falling off the perch” comment. We laughed and laughed and I told her to use the comment at my Celebration of Life. Good one, my friend.

                                                        Template by Miss Fish, Newsletter Freebie, 2-21, word art from Creative Fabrica.
                                                        After my competitions were completed in the National Senior Games (2018) I visited local parks and hiked. This park is along the Rio Grande which had recently flooded. This area was part of the flood waters and away from the swift current of a very high river. I don’t know this lady or her dogs. They were having tons of fun.

                                                        I was really struggling with this layout until I found the color challenge. After that it came together easily.

                                                        Bonnie Ballentine
                                                          • 1643
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          My last pickleball layout until I create another. Wayne is grabbing air too!


                                                          Karon Dey
                                                            • 368
                                                            • Enthusiast

                                                            Bonnie: pickleball is making its mark in NWFL. I don’t know if you saw the newspaper article I posted but it was front page news, LOL. What a beautiful layout Rio Grande is. Maybe it was just fate that it didn’t come together at first. Love the purple background on the your latest pickleball layout. Definitely striking.

                                                            Karon Dey
                                                              • 368
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              Ann: you did a wonderful job with the polkadot background. Logan is such a darling layout and baby. The faces he makes reminds me of Grumpy Cat. Soooo Cute.

                                                              Bonnie Ballentine
                                                                • 1643
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Thank you, Karon. I don’t think I saw your newspaper article. When and where did you post it?

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