
What are you working on (in December 2020)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in December 2020)?

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  • #50475
    Annie Tobin
      • 2938
      • Superfan

      Thanks Raymond, and you are very welcome my friend. ;D

      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        Hi Guys! Here’s Advent – Day 16 featuring the EU Robin which I’ve only read about, never having visited across the pond. 😉 We’re anticipating 18″ of snow starting this afternoon into tomorrow and I’m reminded of the little poem: “The north winds doeth blow and we shall have snow and what shall poor Robin do then? He’ll stay in the barn to keep himself warm and hide his head under his wing … poor thing!”

        The Christmas tree and background are  from a game that I decorated myself as is the wording for the robin. The bird is a drawing I found on Google. The snowman and pinecones are from my collection of Iceland kits.  The bird silhouettes are from a beach kit. The garland I made using two gradients, rose gold and brass and the bow is from my collection of ribbons.

        I’m holding off on more gnomes until I get the .PDF documentation of the webinar. I work better from that than from the video and messing with the shapes tool is hard for me.

        Sue Thomas
          • 1598
          • Superfan

          Annie, what a wonderful page you have created.  The rolled edge isn’t a difficult to  do, yet it give a really  professional  look to the LO. A simple layout, which packs a punch with the  Greeting.  I love it.

          Raymond, thank you ever so much for your kind words, as always they mean a great to me coming  from a fellow PSPer.  Have you  had a go at creating  them yet?  I found I couldn’t stop at  creating  only one.  It’s addictive!   🙂


            • 1558
            • Superfan

            Karon, Ann, Corrie, Raymond, Sue, and Annie, it is a joy to come here and see all the creative work you all are doing. For sure, here is not short of inspiration.

              • 1558
              • Superfan

              Lately, I haven’t been inspired to create scrapbook layouts, but I had lots of fun with the gnomes, trees, and garland from December Masterclass. It was a good distraction to everything that has been happening for the last months and all the concerns we all have.

              So, here is my gnome. I decided to create him mostly using the pen tool, as I am still not too comfortable working with vectors. I was inspired by some illustrations I saw on the internet.

              Sue McGuire said on the FB Group that she had created the nose with the cutout effect instead of bevel, so I decided to do it with this friend.

              I used Cassel’s Metallic Rope-04 picture tube.

              Font: Christmas Wish Monoline


                • 1558
                • Superfan

                I posted, and after editing, the post disappeared. It might appear later as it happened before, but here is the post again.

                Lately, I haven’t been inspired to create scrapbook layouts, but I had lots of fun with the gnomes, trees, and garland from December Masterclass. It was a good distraction to everything that has been happening for the last months and all the concerns we all have.

                So, here is my gnome. I decided to create him mostly using the pen tool, as I am still not too comfortable working with vectors. I was inspired by some illustrations I saw on the internet.

                Sue McGuire said on the FB Group that she had created the nose with the cutout effect instead of bevel, so I decided to do it with this friend.

                I used Cassel’s Metallic Rope-04.

                Font: Christmas Wish Monoline

                Ann Seeber
                  • 1372
                  • Superfan

                  My first layout is my Advent – Day 16 – featuring Great Britain’s official bird: Robin Redbreast. He has a Christmas story of his own. I decorated the tree that had a background, added the snowman, flying birds and pine cones. I made the garland with rose gold and brass gradients and added a rosy bow from my kits collection.

                  [OOPS: Sorry, this is a duplicate of an earlier post]

                  Ann Seeber
                    • 1372
                    • Superfan

                    My second layout is for the December Color Challenge; the yellow and gray Pantone colors.  The photos are of Bobby’s Earthwork, a photo of him, a photo of our house and of the cocoon and of the voracious insect. This story is true. I hope it gives you a chuckle. 😉

                      • 335
                      • Enthusiast

                      Moving into a new home, what little time I’ve been here, there always seems to be something to do. Perhaps a really good thing with Covid still making moving about unwise. Even though I am about 1600 miles away from what I know … some things remain the same. The sound of birds that half hour before sunrise when it seems they are conversing and making their plans for the day. I don’t even pretend to know what they are saying, but they are loud about it. As it happens, the home I bought is very close to a crow roost in a preserve. There must be a “head crow” as I hear him “talking” every morning and then shortly afterward – waves of crows leave the roost. Each wave heads out in a different direction, boisterous as they fly! I think they have all been given missions to accomplish … what else could all that fuss be about? Anyway, they are hugely fun to watch in the colorful but muted early morning sky. It’s odd that they are so noticeable when they leave, but I never see them return. Obviously they do, but they are quiet and singular I think, for there is no fuss about their return. Crows are so intelligent and fun to watch, but if you don’t like their noise, oh boy! Who needs an alarm! I didn’t really do much with this … it just seemed to suit watching them.

                      Bonnie Ballentine
                        • 1643
                        • Superfan

                        Hi, Everyone! I’ve been around but haven’t been posting…just lurking. Absolutely beautiful creations!

                        Carole hooked me with subway art. I posted one a good while back but that is all I have done since. All pickleball themed. I am not sure why I am enjoying this so much as I hate to pick fonts for my layouts and subway art is all fonts! Pickleball paddles come in many shapes and I have chosen 2 shapes for my subway art. Here’s one:

                        Bonnie Ballentine
                          • 1643
                          • Superfan

                          All of the words are pickleball vocabulary.

                          Little different shape…

                          Bonnie Ballentine
                            • 1643
                            • Superfan

                            Different shape from the first paddle…almost the same vocabulary.

                            Bonnie Ballentine
                              • 1643
                              • Superfan
                              Bonnie Ballentine
                                • 1643
                                • Superfan

                                …and…my last one for now…is not a paddle. The phrases were copied from a pickleball shirt. On the shirt they were not in a tree shape.

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  Ann, you have done a lovely job of decorating the tree and your whole layout is lovely. Well done my friend. 😉

                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    Thanks dear Sue, your comments are always very welcome. 😉

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      Bonnie, all your subway art are delightful, well done my friend. 😉

                                      Annie Tobin
                                        • 2938
                                        • Superfan

                                        Ann, great job … a lovely tribute to a long gone friend. 🙂

                                        Annie Tobin
                                          • 2938
                                          • Superfan

                                          Minka, your way of the world is divine. I love everything about it my friend and especially the simplicity … speaks volumes. 😉

                                          Annie Tobin
                                            • 2938
                                            • Superfan

                                            Cristina your gnome is a real sweetie and I love his widdle hands … you gave him fingers … clever girl! <3

                                              • 1558
                                              • Superfan

                                              Dear Annie, thank you so very much for your kind comment; it is always very much appreciated, my friend! >3

                                              You always have heartfelt words of incentive for each and everyone here. You are a sweet person. : ) >3

                                                • 1558
                                                • Superfan

                                                Minka, I love to read your stories.

                                                Bonnie, good idea to use the paddle as a template for the subway art.

                                                Ann, nice layout to register your good memories.

                                                Karon Dey
                                                  • 368
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  Ann Seeber, Advent 13 is another page to be so proud of. The Christmas tree and the kids, just perfect. Oh, I fell in love with Advent 14, the picture, the song, the layout…very lovely. Stekkjastaur is soooo cute. Great job. Lovely Advent 16 and I really like how you combined items from several kits. Your layout of Bobby Smithson is a wonderful way to honor him. It’s a shame that such talent is lost to us. I did get a chuckle about the preying mantis cocoon.

                                                  Annie, thank you for the kind words. And your layout with the rolled edge is stunning.

                                                  Corrie, what a delightful layout. It must be nice to see such a lovely tree all decked out. Our town is to chaotic to do something like that.

                                                  Raymond, your granddaughter is extremely talented. She must take after her grandfather. Your layout is well done.

                                                  Sue, your ecard is gorgeous. Most times minimalist is best. Great gnome ecard. You did a awesome job on him and the background.

                                                  Cristina, your gnome is adorable. Love the colors and it looks as if he is off to post a Christmas card.

                                                  Minka, your layout is fasinating and I really enjoyed reading about your mornings with them.

                                                  Bonnie, the word art paddles are fantastic. They will make a great addition to any layout you do. Great 12 Days of Pickleball layout and word art tree.

                                                  Ann Seeber
                                                    • 1372
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Here’s December Song Challenge – Christmas / Advent Day 17. The photos are of my previous hometown for 40 years, Warwick, NY, showing off it’s Revolutionary War Heritage buildings. (It was designated the Queen’s Village since they supported King George during the Revolution.)
                                                    I tried out my new Corel script: Falling Snow. Learned a lesson, don’t use it on a .pspimage with layers. It promptly flattened the whole image! I ended up making a .png for publication and adding the snow to that.

                                                    Annie Tobin
                                                      • 2938
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Thanks so much dear Cristina. Your comments are also very heartfelt and always appreciated my friend. <3

                                                      Annie Tobin
                                                        • 2938
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Karon, you are very kind, thank you my friend. <3

                                                          • 335
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          Christmas – It can be a volatile time of life.  Busy, for sure … It’s usually a pretty bustling time getting decorated, buying presents, coordinating menus, making sure everyone in the family has what they need. It can also be a time of reflection on past events in your life – both happy and sad.  Even those sad events I like to treasure and be grateful for the time we got to share.  Memories of good times are what carry us through difficult times …  gives you strength and bolsters your morale to remember those events that stick with you.  Little bits and pieces of other people sometimes stay glued to your soul.  That’s a good thing.  My husband and I often went to OBX for Christmas with his brother and wife.  While my husband is gone and so is the brother’s wife, I still treasure those memories and don’t even really need pictures to do so.  Those bits and pieces truly are glued to me.  I wanted an unusual background for the piece so I went out in the middle of the street and took a picture of the tar with my ipad.  That is the background I used … the macadam from my street.  You just NEVER KNOW where inspiration will come from!  LOL

                                                            • 158
                                                            • Junior

                                                            I have been inspired by this group… So… I made my Christmas gnome for one of things I have been working on in December 2020.

                                                            Kimeric Kreations The Night Before (Paper and top of the hat button)
                                                            Collaboration – Spunky (for the table)

                                                              • 158
                                                              • Junior

                                                              What a lovely tree and ‘book’.  Great idea about doing something for each day of the advent.

                                                                • 158
                                                                • Junior

                                                                Oh…. metallic rope.  I had not thought of that.  I love your gnome!  Great job!

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