
What are you working on (in August 2020)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in August 2020)?


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  • #45955
    Corrie Kinkel
      • 1078
      • Superfan

      Hi every one, nice work from all of you and Shirley I would love to tast your cake maybe with a nice glass of bubbles! I won the Ribbon Dragonflies Script last weekend  and have had great fun playing around with it. I made a lot of dragonflies and I like the ones with the lace wings best because the lace simply suits them. Furthermore I made one with a red/white/blue ribbon because those are the colors of our flag and an orange one because orange is our national color. And then some more.

      Karon Dey
        • 368
        • Enthusiast

        Well done Corrie. They are beautiful.

          • 858
          • Superfan

          Nemisis you created nice work.

          Shirley your flame lily cake page is lovely and I bet the cake tasted great.

          Bonnie well done on your pages and poppy looks so cute

          Corrie another nice page using those dragonflies.. I also think those lace wings look great. Happy for you winning the script  sure you will enjoy playing with it.

          best wishes to all,


            • 1424
            • Superfan

            Bonnie, I thought it said “poopy” at first glance. LOL

            Those dragonflies are so cool, Corrie. I also like the lace. It mimics the delicacy of their wings.

            Bonnie Ballentine
              • 1643
              • Superfan

              Michele! You are funny!

              Lynda DiGregor
                • 1047
                • Superfan

                I love Poppy..she looks just like my Crazy Cat.  🙂

                Lynda DiGregor
                  • 1047
                  • Superfan

                  Everyone is doing amazing work and everyone is different, which makes it even more amazing.

                  This is what I’m doing in August besides picking and canning.

                  Module 10 Split photo

                  I’ve done the other parts of Module 10 but I haven’t come up with a way to use them yet.

                  Karon Dey
                    • 368
                    • Enthusiast

                    Gorgeous Lynda. What a great way to use the split photo technique.

                    Lynda DiGregor
                      • 1047
                      • Superfan


                      Thanks, I appreciate your input. 🙂

                        • 1424
                        • Superfan

                        Fabulous layout, Lynda. I love the split photo look. Can you send me a few cans of those fresh veggies?

                          • 734
                          • Enthusiast

                          Great works again, really fantastic to see all the inspiration. The Lab modules seem to be very interesting. Just looked at those I didn’t see the last days.

                          Linda, I really like your splitted photo and to see the good things make me a little bit hungry, can I order too?
                          Corrie, your nursery is so lovely, would fly like this!
                          Trish, wonderfully romantic again, as always with matching colors
                          Sawnie, fantastic blending and panorama work, transforming Rocky Creek
                          Nemisis, your blending totally different but wow too, my favourite is the second one
                          Shirley, yummy, are you becoming our next party and cake specialist??
                          Bonnie, I just decided to call you our personal pickleball queen and I love Poppy
                          And Michele, I love your sense of humour!

                          Still hot in Germany, nice day to all!

                          Bonnie Ballentine
                            • 1643
                            • Superfan

                            Another pickleball page…and yes, this is the same Sandy who brought ice cream recently.

                            Template: Miss Fish Photo Frenzy Summer #4.

                            Thank you for your comments about Poppy. You know I love her…she is unlike any cat I have ever known…but I love her.

                            I am going to have to try the split photo…I like the effect…great work, everyone!

                            Bonnie Ballentine
                              • 1643
                              • Superfan
                                • 335
                                • Enthusiast

                                About five years ago, I had a little woodchuck move in under one of my front decks. I went to the lawn and garden center to see how to get rid of him (without killing him). He said they don’t like stinky stuff in their living space and to go to the Dollar Store and buy a whole bunch of the foulest smelling car fresheners you can find and hang them above where he lives. It’s only a one step deck … so I hung them down the cracks in the deck. The next morning I took a look and he had put them all on top of the deck. So I rehung them and put tacks in the hangers. He chewed the hangers off and put them all in a pile outside the deck. He won. He stayed … and five years later he is still there. His “doorway” under is only about two feet over from my entryway in. We’ve made peace with each other except I don’t plant flowers anywhere near him anymore as he just eats them right down to the ground. I have plenty of hosta around and he eats that – but that’s okay, you just can’t kill that stuff. He eats a lot of grass, too, and I’ve plenty of that. Last year a red fox tippy toed and was sneaking up on him and got darn close, but I just couldn’t let him get him. I opened the door and hollered at the fox and that woodchuck took after the fox and chased him pretty near 200 feet! I guess the fox learned a valuable lesson that day, too. Don’t mess with a woodchuck. When I come outside if he is eating close by … he just GLARES at me and then runs to his entrance in. I snapped these pics of him yesterday. They were from inside the glass doors so they aren’t all that good, but if I went out he would have just run away. This is his glare.

                                Bonnie Ballentine
                                  • 1643
                                  • Superfan

                                  What a great story, Minka! We trap them and relocate them…not really allowed and we haven’t done it in years. They love cantaloupe. We called animal control to get one we had trapped…we thought they would relocate it…not! They killed it because they are such pests. Never called animal control again!

                                    • 1424
                                    • Superfan

                                    OMG, Minka, I’m still laughing. Thank you so much for sharing the entire story. And your page is adorable.

                                    Bonnie, animal control does not do rescues. I’m so sorry to hear what happened to you.

                                    Lynda DiGregor
                                      • 1047
                                      • Superfan


                                      I love your story and your layout is stellar. A real joy to look at.  🙂

                                      Corrie Kinkel
                                        • 1078
                                        • Superfan


                                        What a lovely story and a great layout! I had to use the dictionary to find out what a woodchuck is. Overhere we have similar animals in the woods and grasslands. I live in a more build up area and can only maybe see them on holidays or daytrips.

                                        Karon Dey
                                          • 368
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          Minka, what a gorgeous layout and wonderful story.

                                          Lynda DiGregor
                                            • 1047
                                            • Superfan

                                            I love Poppy and Penny….

                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                              • 1047
                                              • Superfan

                                              We had some pretty rough weather in Crystal Lake on the 10th. Thirty years here and we’ve never have had the lights out for more than 15 minutes. This time was a bit different. Five hours, lights out! We felt the need for some illumination so we pulled out our dust covered candle collection. Thought I’d share it with you.

                                              Karon Dey
                                                • 368
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                Glad you finally got your lights back on Lynda. Do know how that is. Love the layout.

                                                  • 1558
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  I was away from the Forum for a few days, and coming here, I see so much creativity!

                                                  Blending and Texturing; Beautiful Cake; Ice Cream – Pickleball –  Friends; Cute Cats named Poppy and Penny;  Dragonfly Ribbons; Home-canned Vegetables/Split Photos; A lovely Story about a Woodchuck (what I only knew before as groundhog), and last but not least, Candles!

                                                  Wow, fabulous work, Nemisis, Sheila, Bonnie, Corrie, Lynda, and Minka!

                                                    • 1424
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Oh, Lynda, what a lovely page. And you arranged them with a photographer’s eye.

                                                      • 1424
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      I lost a very dear friend yesterday. This was my way of coping.

                                                      The font is Alex Brush; the template is from AnnieC; the background papers are from Miggs

                                                        • 1558
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Sorry for you loss, Michele. 🙁  You really honor your friend with this lovely layout.

                                                        Lynda DiGregor
                                                          • 1047
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Michele, So sorry for your loss of Smitty. Looks like he was a pretty special guy.


                                                          Lynda DiGregor
                                                            • 1047
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Karon, Cristina and Michele’,

                                                            Thanks for your kind words.

                                                            Michele, you found an interesting way to do the split frame with your remembrance of Smitty. I think I’ll have to copy your technique.

                                                            Corrie Kinkel
                                                              • 1078
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              While waiting for the Story Time Challenge to start I am experimenting a bit and this is a layout I did with  a slat! Something I never used before. The photo is from a walk in a nearby forest and heather area. For those of you who live in USA, Canada, Australia the dimensions of this forest will be nothing like those in your countries! But it is still a nice place to go for a two or three hours walk. I also used the cluster template from Carole. We are having a heatwave at the moment so I’m not doing very much at all besides waiting for it to pass!

                                                                • 858
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Michele… so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear friend Smitty…   you created a lovely remembrance  page of him. friends and loved ones and the memories shared together will always remain in our hearts.

                                                                best wishes to you my friend,


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