
What are you working on (in August 2019)

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in August 2019)

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  • #33617
    Sharon Wilke
      • 140
      • Junior

      I have finally learned enough to finally be able to start attempting the Jewelry Making tutorial. The gemstone kit is absolutely delightful. Carole outdid herself on them. Ya’ll have to take a look at them. They are a must have item for scrapbooking!

      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        Nice jewelry Sharon.  I love the tear drop emerald or is it  a peridot? yes, I’ll have one of those please, 🙂

        Annie Tobin
          • 2938
          • Superfan

          Thanks Sharon. I wish I could tell you there was vast treasure at X but unfortunately some other adventurer got there before me, dang! ;D

          Annie Tobin
            • 2938
            • Superfan

            Lynda, I love your hand drawn alpha, nicely creative my friend. Your ruled paper is fabulous, very cute and definitely catches the eye. Well done Hon! <3

              • 858
              • Superfan

              Sharon and Annie.. nice work on the feathers !

              Sharon.. good work on the jewelry making they will make wonderful elements to add to your projects.. and glad to see your experimenting with the flower punches, they also make great additions to  the projects we create.

              Annie… great result with the tutorial!

              best wishes to you both,


              trish williams
                • 805
                • Superfan

                Has the next webinair been anounced for September please Carole

                  • 2522
                  • Superfan

                  No Trish. Typically, it is the first Sunday of the month but in September, it will have to be on the 8th (I will be at my daughter’s place on the first). I have not finalized the topic either (so suggestions are always welcome!)

                  trish williams
                    • 805
                    • Superfan

                    Lovely work  Sharon.

                      • 1558
                      • Superfan

                      Sharon and Annie, you’ve been busy! Great work!

                      Libera, thank you for the link! Carole has so many great scripts, that is difficult to keep track of all of them.

                        • 734
                        • Enthusiast

                        Thumbs up again for the last works!

                        Yes Cristina, you are right. I discover so many tuts and tips that the choice sometimes is really “hard” 🙂 .

                        trish williams
                          • 805
                          • Superfan

                          September to me are berry picking down those hedgerows Carol, making  jam and pickles, would love to know how to make glass look real.

                          What is everyone up to, I’m still at birthdays,  and playing with effects.  started with a orange unset with a leopard and finish with some crochet and a ball.

                          Lynda DiGregor
                            • 1047
                            • Superfan
                            Sharon Wilke
                              • 140
                              • Junior

                              Trish I love all your experiments! They are such a variety of different effects. I agree with you. I wish I could achieve a more realistic looking glass. I’ve played with it some but I didn’t get the results I wanted. Maybe the next Webinar can be about glass!!

                              Lynda your Fancy Wheels are amazing! I’m like you, I was delighted to learn about the History Palette. I just love going through the basic tutorials. I learn something new with every one that I do. You can add my thank you to Carole as well!

                              Lynda DiGregor
                                • 1047
                                • Superfan

                                Sharon, I’m with you…the labs are a great source of knowledge. I’m trying to go through them little by slowly. 🙂 Looks like everyone is doing something. It’s great.

                                I would like to know where the feather tutorial is. Any help out there?


                                  • 734
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  Trish and Lynda, really fantastic your newest playing with effects and wheels!!

                                  @Lynda I think you can find the feather tutorial there: Classes/Intermediate/Creative Scrap/Miscellaneous


                                  Lynda DiGregor
                                    • 1047
                                    • Superfan

                                    Playing with arrows Lab 9-5 Arrow shape

                                    Lynda DiGregor
                                      • 1047
                                      • Superfan

                                      Libera, thanks so much for directing me to the feathers and the kind comments.

                                      Sharon Wilke
                                        • 140
                                        • Junior

                                        Lynda, I love your arrows! That reminds me, I had filed that one away to retry at a later date.  My internet keeps going out on me so I didn’t get to say where I found the tutorial at. They must be working on the lines around here somewhere. Every time the wind blows it brings a limb down on the lines somewhere LOL!

                                        Lynda DiGregor
                                          • 1047
                                          • Superfan

                                          Thanks Sharon… Sorry about your internet problems. The town that I live in has above ground wiring except for the small area I live in. It’s all underground. No telephone poles and  very little trouble with electric , internet or whatever. I don’t know how we got so lucky. We bought this house around 30 years ago and we didn’t even consider the underground utilities. Now I’m glad we have them. I know, TMI..I’ll go now. 🙂

                                            • 1424
                                            • Superfan

                                            Everyone looks like they’re having so much fun!

                                            ~ Michele

                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                              • 1047
                                              • Superfan

                                              Libera.. Thanks again for directing me to the Creative Scrap area. So many things , so little time!  🙂 Anyway , I’ve been fooling around with the feathers so here they are. I experimented with different ways to color them. I’m sure there is more.

                                              Barb Tucker
                                                • 21
                                                • Rookie

                                                Here’s a few of my efforts for the Color That Pops.  Thanks for looking.  Barb

                                                Sharon Wilke
                                                  • 140
                                                  • Junior

                                                  Outstanding work Barb! The colors really do stand out in both of your images.

                                                  Lynda, my hats off to you for your feather work! I love all the different colorations.

                                                  I found another easy tutorial that might interest you. I had lots of fun with it and it is so easy to do!! It’s called Linoleum and it’s in the Intermediate Tutorials as well. I loved it anyway, maybe it’s the Hippie coming out in me LOL!

                                                    • 858
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Lynda… love your fancy wheels and your arrows and feathers  elements will make  great  additions to your collection.

                                                    Barb.. your colour pops look great.

                                                    Sharon.. your linoleum looks great. i also like the linoleum pattern and quite often use it as a background paper in some of my projects.

                                                    Trish… some more interesting patterns and your card is lovely.

                                                    Best wishes to you all,


                                                    trish williams
                                                      • 805
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Love those feathers, where is the tut for that one please Linda,    love those B&W photos Barb, great.   that a fun pic  Sharon, long time since I have heard that word Linoleum, take me back to my child hood.

                                                      Well I enjoyed the Warhol post, put me in a mood for some bright colours, good excuse for this colourful lady, another old pic I needed an excuse to use.  Amelia is my husband Grandmother  (aged 16 in this photo) look at how cloths have changed, I think there is enough material in one sleeve to make a dress for todays generation to wear.  Have a nice evening x

                                                      Lynda DiGregor
                                                        • 1047
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Barb, I do like your “Color Pops” . It is a technique that I have used often in my photography although I never heard of it called color pop… color splash. Who knew! 🙂

                                                        trish williams
                                                          • 805
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Who mentioned Rust, is there a post for it .

                                                          Sue Thomas
                                                            • 1598
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            I bought the maskmaker script and the photomask script quite some ago, this evening I tried them out for the first time. I had to watch the maskmaker tutorial first. Both scripts are awesome, I will be using them a lot more. In this project I used a tutorial from the campus blog, for the text. Object, turn text to curves, as character shapes. I used both scripts, and merged them together. The background frame I used the brush variance tool to erase a large portion of the original photo, blur, flood filled a new layer white placed it below the frame, merged both layers, added a texture, merged the masked groups, and copied and paste. I selected only the image, and buttonized.

                                                            Sue Thomas
                                                              • 1598
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Playing around with some of last year’s photos. Seeing as I’ve been sorting through photos to use in the double take challenge. Adjustment layers, effects, 3D effects, chisel. Inner bevel, and paste into selection. Using the selection tool. Tennessee Warbler.

                                                              Lynda DiGregor
                                                                • 1047
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Very nice , Sue  Looks like the mask scripts can be pretty useful.

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