
What are you working on (in August 2019)

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in August 2019)

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  • #33223
    Sharon Wilke
      • 140
      • Junior

      Dawn, thank you so much for your encouraging comment! I had completely forgotten about the Sheilsoft Script bundle that I picked up a while back. All the filters I used was in that bundle. I have to shout out a big Thank You to Carole again. She has them listed in the Resources section. If it hadn’t been for Carole I wouldn’t even know they existed.

      Annie, overall I’m happy with the 2020 version of PSP. There are some differences with the Text tool but I’m about to get that sorted out. The brushes seem to be working better and slightly faster than before. I do get a bad slow down in the software when I first choose a tool that uses the brushes I have loaded. Perhaps I have too many brushes loaded LOL! I wish we had a brush management program like the fonts have. There are some really nice new brushes that I haven’t explored to any depth but I really like them. Also there are new gradients and patterns as well. Lots of stuff to play with! The GRFX Studio is awesome and I’ve definitely got to play with it some more. The background paper for the lighthouse was created with it. I’m not a photographer so I can’t really provide much input from their side of things, but this version seems to be geared toward that aspect. I’ll have to practice some more to get beyond amateur.

      I know they say simple minds, simple pleasures. I’m living proof of that! I just had to share another experiment that I learned from Carole. I watched the Brush Variance tutorials 1 and 2 and I learned how to make CHEESE!! I’m a happy camper now!

      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        Dear Sharon, thank you for the information regards psp 2020. Like yourself I have a multitude of brushes and I am thinking I will have to cull. I am sure it is overload that slows down the program. I have some brushes that I got when I first started with psp in 2002 and I have never used them, 🙂 Every now and then I go through and delete things. I am like that in the house too, definitely not a hoarder, ;D

          • 858
          • Superfan

          hello Sharon… the Brush Variance master classes are great to view and learn from.. I enjoy watching them to refresh my memory as it is so easy to forget how to do a technique……. your experiment achieved a nice result and looks tasty.

          best wishes,


            • 1558
            • Superfan

            Libera, you have been so creative playing with the triangles. The results are great!

            Dawn, your card is beautiful, and I always love the way you use the punches scripts; and by the way, this flower punches script is so cute. Your work is lovely!

            Trish, you have been really busy “baking” so many cakes!

            Sharon, I like very much the effect you achieved with filters, and as Dawn said, it gives a vintage look. I am amazed by the cheese you made based on the brush variance class. It looks great! I haven’t watched this one yet; there are so many!


            trish williams
              • 805
              • Superfan

              A girl cant have to many diamond, but I have have had enough of triangles , have a nice evening all .x

              trish williams
                • 805
                • Superfan

                Hi Carole, I only just seen your message re brush library, and yes please I would love bigger pictures, with my eye sight, it is faster the sieve thru larger images than the small one.  I have been turning some of the abr brushes images into png, which for me has been very helpful, and now know that half those brushes do not belong in brushes, so have some deleteing to do,  Thank you x


                Bonnie Ballentine
                  • 1643
                  • Superfan
                    • 734
                    • Enthusiast

                    April, your flower punches-work is a beautiful composition of elements and a real color harmony, who is the author of the pearl of wisdom?

                    Trish, you are a real birthday cake specialist!! May I order the german chocolate cake 🙂 (Bonnie sent me the link of the recipe in the alphabet game because I didn’t know what it looks like) and your triangle challenge is great, fantastic mix and color play

                    Sharon, nice to see you here again. windows is time and again a challenge too but not so relaxing (not at all) as PSP, I agree with April, effect with filters very well implemented as well as the cheese letters, did you find the tutorial on the blog?

                    Bonnie, just saw your well done pickle ball composition with the funny figures and the national champions.

                    We are lucky here to have more and more specialists, birthday cake, pickle ball, cheese, flower and corner punches, lab modules works, masks, pokadots, painting plugins …. How great is this …

                    Sharon Wilke
                      • 140
                      • Junior

                      Bonnie! Thank you for explaining Pickleball. I had never heard of it. Did they originally play this game with pickles? I was just wondering how it got it’s name. I’m going to see if I can train my dog to play Pickleball with me. It looks like lots of fun!

                      Sharon Wilke
                        • 140
                        • Junior

                        Technically I started a project in July but I didn’t finish it until August. I created the Shadow Box in the intermediate tutorials. Of course it took me a while to create the various treasures that were to be displayed. I used the Glass Marble, Bottlecap and License Plate tutorials as well. I’m slowly learning how to create elements!!

                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          Bonnie I love your style my friend, your projects are always fun loving, thank you! <3

                          Annie Tobin
                            • 2938
                            • Superfan

                            Sharon you have done nice work on your elements and the shadow box displays them well.

                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              Some cool triangles here Trish, You Go Girl!

                                • 858
                                • Superfan

                                hello Cristina… Thanks so much for your words of encouragement I always appreciate it… as I mostly create cards the punches Carole creates make a wonderful addition to them and cards print out well also….I simply enjoy using them.

                                best wishes are sent your way,


                                  • 858
                                  • Superfan

                                  hello Sharon.. nice work on your shadow box and elements… you have reminded me to use the license plate script again as it makes a great element.

                                  hello Libera.. Thank you for your kind comment on my card… very much appreciated… you asked me about the pearl of wisdom …I did a google image search for quotes about the rose and found  the one i used by George William Curtis.

                                  hello Bonnie … I have never heard of pickleball but it looks interesting  you must enjoy it very much. your pickleball expert page looks great.

                                  hello Trish .. some nice triangle patterns created on your page.

                                  best wishes everyone,


                                  Bonnie Ballentine
                                    • 1643
                                    • Superfan

                                    Sharon, there are many stories of how the game got its name. One is it was named after the family dog; another, for the “pickle” boat in rowing. Thank you, everyone, for your comments and encouragement.

                                    If you want to know more about pickleball, just Google it…there is more than enough info to keep you busy forever.

                                    Sharon Wilke
                                      • 140
                                      • Junior

                                      Libera the tutorials for the Brush Variance tool is definitely on the blog. There are 2 tutorials there. I keep forgetting about all those tutorials. Carole explains the various settings you can use in great detail. It really helped me a lot. I recommend them highly!

                                        • 734
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Thanks Sharon, I found  2 tutorials, “adding and installing brushes”. Your “shadow box” looks really cool! Certainly much work to realize it.

                                        Thanks Dawn, sorry I wrote April, I could not read the last name of the writer.

                                        Nice sunday to everyone :-)!


                                        Lynda DiGregor
                                          • 1047
                                          • Superfan

                                          Lab 9-7 “Abstract Pattern” (finally)

                                            • 734
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            I tried yesterday the out of bound technique but at the moment I don’t know where is the mistake. May be someone knows it! I join the original photo I made, so that you can see it.


                                              • 734
                                              • Enthusiast

                                              I played around with the points script.

                                                • 2522
                                                • Superfan

                                                Libera, it looks like the flower layer has a reduced opacity. Otherwise, I think you have done everything right.

                                                  • 2522
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Sharon and Libera, the two classes all about the Brush Variances are here and here.

                                                    • 734
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    Merci Carole pour les liens et l’indication sur l’opacité, je recommencerai!

                                                    Lynda DiGregor
                                                      • 1047
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Playing with the brushes in 2020. I got this weird background and needed to find something to do with it. There it is!

                                                        • 858
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Lynda.. lovely stained glass pattern and you created a nice layout to use your marble background.

                                                        Libera.. lovely work on your projects… I especially love the effect you achieved with the Points Script.

                                                        well done to you both and best wishes,


                                                        Annie Tobin
                                                          • 2938
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Lynda I love this background! That is what I find is truly amazing with playing around in psp … by sheer accident something wonderful is created, ;D

                                                          Lynda DiGregor
                                                            • 1047
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Trish, love your triangle layout….very pleasing to the eye.

                                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                                              • 1047
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Thanks Annie, you are right. The more you click the more things you find. It’s an adventure!  🙂


                                                                • 734
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                And I would like to add the more you find the more you want to try and work on it!

                                                                @ Lynda, like particularly the colors of your stain glass and Texas Hill Country is an eye catcher with the brush and the beautiful photos

                                                                @Dawn, thanks for your kind comment. I love to play with gradients and colors at all and I’m training a lot lately with the eraser and background eraser. The woman was on black background.

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