
Up-to-Date Challenge 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Up-to-Date Challenge 2021

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  • #48534
    Karon Dey
      • 368
      • Enthusiast

      With the pages, within reason, I have tried to stick with the birthstone colors for the pages. April is diamond, whoa. Instead I chose to go with the April Fool’s palette. And yes, that one pic has my daughter born the day after St. Pattie’s. She would have been born on the 17th if she hadn’t been so stubborn, LOL. The flowers aren’t really flowers but grape leaves just coming out. My sister has a small vineyard and gets the most beautiful grapes.

      Karon Dey
        • 368
        • Enthusiast

        Most of the pictures I used are from 2019 or 2018. Needless to say 2020 didn’t give much in the way of taking pictures. And while we live in a beautiful beach community, the beaches were closed down. So we spent a lot of time at home. I can at least look back to the year before with dates at the theater and WOB. May’s birthstone is emerald, so I tried to stick with green.

        Karon Dey
          • 368
          • Enthusiast

          June’s birthstone is pearl but I chose to go with the alternate Alexandrite for the color; light purple. One of the places we like to eat, World of Beer, has the most unique cobb salad. When you touch it, it unfolds like a flower. Wish I had gotten an after shot. At Escapeology, all I had to do was stand back and drink wine, while Pan and Bryce figured out the clues. Okay that is just a prop; We did fairly well together with Bryce being the one to figure it out most of the time.

          Lynda DiGregor
            • 1047
            • Superfan

            Karon, You are a super woman..  You have been paying attention to everyone and have given us all some great feedback. I couldn’t do that as it’s  very time consuming and  I wouldn’t be able to keep everyone straight. Great job!


            Susan Caron
              • 28
              • Rookie

              Carole, we are very near to Dahlonega, GA. Close to both the NC, SC, and TN

              Raymond Easley
                • 65
                • Junior

                I just realized when I first put together November it was the template from 2018. That was fine until I discovered the dates were not correct for the 2021 November Calendar! I started over and glad I didn’t send out copies with the wrong dates. I decided to use photos of my grandparents and my wife’s mother and father. Susan, we are in Suwanee, so nice to meet. And Carole? SORRY for the “feminine” nature of the Texture! (You will definitely know what I’m referring to. ha!)

                Susan Caron
                  • 28
                  • Rookie

                  Raymond, nice to meet you as well!

                  Sharon Cope Carriere
                    • 51
                    • Junior

                    Four more done and 3 left to finish. This has been a great refresher exercise, learning opportunity and a great distraction from everything else going on in the world. I really enjoyed it.


                      • 1558
                      • Superfan

                      Karon, you are always so kind in your comments; they are very much appreciated. <3 … Your work is always very creative and lovely, and this time was no different!

                      Sue, thank you so much for your words of encouragement; I appreciate and treasure them. <3 … You know I am a big fan of your work, amazing photos together with impressive techniques… one can learn a lot from you.

                      Carole, thanks a lot for another challenge. <3 … I always wonder how you manage to do all the things you do here for the Campus, Store, and so on, having a full-time job. Hats off to you!

                      Again, beautiful and creative new work. I also learn from everyone that posts here.

                        • 1558
                        • Superfan

                        I wrote a comment, posted, and after I had edited it, it disappeared. 🙁 …So, I will try again.

                        Karon, you are always so nice in your comments. Thank you so much! <3 … Your work is very creative and lovely, and this time was no different. Great job.

                        Sue, thank you so much, my friend, for your words of encouragement; I treasure them a lot. <3 … You know I am a big fan of your work: you combine astonishing photos with impressive techniques… one can learn a lot from you!

                        Carole, thank you so much for another great challenge. <3 …I always wonder how you managed to do everything you do, creating new things every week for the Campus, Store, etc., and having a full-time job! Hats off to you!

                        Again, more new beautiful and creative work… I learn a lot from everyone, who posts here!

                        Jnet Allard
                          • 179
                          • Junior

                          More beautiful calendar pages have been added. I love everyone’s creativity. It’s fascinating to see everything that is done with the same start page!

                          Thanks Sue for explaining your beautiful background papers. I will try your technique today

                          Thank you Karon for your kind comment. Your job is well done. I love all the little items placed on each month. I really like the little wordstrips for May.

                            • 387
                            • Enthusiast

                            Sue, I love the font you’re using, which one is that? 🙂


                            Here it’s still work in progress, but really love all the lovely lay outs I’ve seen. Some I would of bought when they were in a shop. 🙂


                              • 367
                              • Enthusiast

                              What a beautiful calendars! Congratulations everyone! I’m still busy.

                              One question please, how can I combine 2 masks, for example, to use 1 photo ?

                              ANN ADAMS
                                • 33
                                • Rookie

                                Still working but am really enjoying all of your lovely calendars.  Shows me how far I have to go learning all of this for sure.  I am trying to do dogs in the family. They are really part of “The Adams Family.”

                                  • 367
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  Karon, thank you so much for your nice comment.

                                  Raymond Easley
                                    • 65
                                    • Junior

                                    I wanted to thank those of you who used text for specific dates on the calendar. I have learned more about using the text tool. I finally figured out I needed to duplicate the dates section first. Thanks again.

                                    Sharon Cope Carriere
                                      • 51
                                      • Junior

                                      Finally completed all the months. Still need to do the cover. I have enjoyed seeing everyone’s great creations. They have brightened my days. Thank you.

                                      Karon Dey
                                        • 368
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Lynda…Thank you. As far as feedback, I keep a notepad open and make comments there then copy/paste into the forum. I am sure I have missed people along the way 🙁
                                        Susan… I know where Dahlonega is. We attended a wedding at a resort there years back.
                                        Raymond…Lovely job on your calendar page. The background sets the mood for the photos and is a great way to remember our family. Great job on adding text to your calendar page.
                                        Sharon…Four more beautiful pages. I really like how you change the gradients so it is not always the same and the use of hearts/elements on the dates. Wow, you have been busy to have completed all the months and each one is simply gorgeous.
                                        Jnet…Thank you for the comments. And with that you have two more fantastic pages. The photo graphs are delightful and the colors you used for each one are perfect.
                                        Marie-Claire…I am sure there are many ways to accomplish combining two masks; but for me, I decide which mask I want to use, then using the pick tool I click on the white part of the mask and pull it over the other. Then delete the one I’m not using.
                                        Ann Adams…Awecome calendar pages. I really like that you have included your furbabies into them and like the font you use for the months.

                                        Karon Dey
                                          • 368
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          Up to July. Had it all finished and suddenly realized I had not included my granddaughter’s birthday. So back to the pspimage to make the change and resave the jpgs again. Whoa…that must mean I’m getting old, lol. July’s birthstone color is red and luckily it is also a major color of our 4th of July.

                                          Karon Dey
                                            • 368
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            I just finished August this morning. Darling DH bought us tickets, for my birthday, to see Jeanne Robertson in October. So excited. August birthstone color is a pale green.

                                            Corrie Kinkel
                                              • 1078
                                              • Superfan

                                              Carole, I have a question. As I resize the pages of my calendar I’m loosing the line under the square with the dates, everything else is keeping its place. It only happens with the resizing, the full JPG is oké. I checked but cann’t get it right. So I wait with posting the rest of my pages. It has been a lovely experience making this calendar and seeing all the marvellous ones!

                                                • 2522
                                                • Superfan

                                                Corrie, when resizing, it is common to “lose” some details. As long as the full-size one is not missing anything, it is ok. So, don’t worry about it.

                                                Jnet Allard
                                                  • 179
                                                  • Junior

                                                  Thanks Sue for the gradient. I did this for the month of October, love it

                                                  Thanks Karon! You too will have a very nice schedule at the end. The show is coming soon, enjoy it!

                                                  Ann, I love the idea of ​​putting photos of your dogs on your pages. They are so cute

                                                  Bravo Sharon, Raymond for your pages!

                                                  Corrie, a little lead for you … did you check in the resize window if it’s okay with the numbers?  600 X 788 you have. If it is not that, Carole will be able to help you it is assured

                                                  Sharon Cope Carriere
                                                    • 51
                                                    • Junior

                                                    Karon Dey thank you for the kind words regarding my projects. The little red hearts are wedding anniversary dates of family members. I love the style of your pages as well. Your July page with all the intricate details and bold colors really make the page pop. All your pages look so professional.

                                                    Every one on this site is so talented and creative and I feel honored to be a part of it.


                                                    Susan Caron
                                                      • 28
                                                      • Rookie

                                                      Karon, it is a small world.  Great work on your calendar. I love that you used family for the pics. Northern GA is beautiful and I can’t wait to live there.


                                                        • 367
                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        Karon, thank you to explain the way you do to combine two masks, I tried what you explained but it doesn’t work, I think I misunderstand what you mean 🙁

                                                        Sue Thomas
                                                          • 1598
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Jnet,  play with the twirl settings, in distortion effects, for wavy lines, and other  effects for cool effects.  You’ve done a lovely job on your pages.

                                                          Raymond Easley
                                                            • 65
                                                            • Junior

                                                            Karon, thank you for your comments.

                                                            Sharon, please look at the dates for Nov. , and Dec. That is what I had done. The template was apparently from 2018 but when I looked up Thanksgiving for 2020 I knew the dates on the calendar for 2021 were incorrect.

                                                            Jnet, thank you for your kind comments too. I really like the gradient you used. That isn’t easy as I’ve found out! Still having problems with a specific color, adding a gradient and adding a Texture at the same time. Anyone with a specific class that I may watch. I have looked at the one on “Gradients” and Carole is ahead of me (ha, as she always is).

                                                            Linda J Walker
                                                              • 142
                                                              • Junior

                                                              I can’t keep up with all the comments and the posts!

                                                              Enjoying all the wonderful pages and ideas…it has just been a long day and I’m not even able to open PSP to work on another page yet. Just not today or tomorrow. Searching for time in MY calendar  🙁

                                                              Jnet Allard
                                                                • 179
                                                                • Junior

                                                                Thank you Sue and Raymond for your nice comments.

                                                                I just finished November and December as well as the cover page.

                                                                Thank you very much Carole for all these templates and advice. I loved doing this challenge

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