
Up-to-Date Challenge 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Up-to-Date Challenge 2021

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  • #48320
    Lynda DiGregor
      • 1047
      • Superfan

      I decided to use the flowers and gems for their respective months and put the names of family members on the day of their birth. Took me awhile to find all my flower photos. I’ve taken so many over the years. Thankfully I put the majority on flickr. Anyway, with this calendar no one will have an excuse to forget a birthday, me included. I’ve got a lot of work to do because this is the only one I have so far.

      Sue Thomas
        • 1598
        • Superfan

        This chap, Hadley was 30 this year, we bought him for Rachael as a 2yr old, and he’s still going  strong.  His birthday is on the 10th July, as is mine.  Once I have completed all the months, I will go back and shadow the photos, and add some text.  I find the  bulk of the work is matching and placing photos, then matching colours for the background paper etc. Also double checking, to make sure everything is as it should be before printing.

        Lynda DiGregor
          • 1047
          • Superfan
          Linda J Walker
            • 142
            • Junior

            Yes, having trouble keeping up as I feared!

            My husband was hurt at work last week, and it certainly has changed my life.

            All I have done is January, with a background and color text.

            Lynda DiGregor
              • 1047
              • Superfan

              Sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he recovers quickly for his sake and yours.
              Nice layout
              Take care

              Ann Seeber
                • 1372
                • Superfan

                I was not happy with the photo quality on one from May so I changed that. Also here are July and August.

                I’ve been longing to use the drumming photo as I think it’s classic of their lifestyle in No. Cal.

                  • 1558
                  • Superfan

                  Everyone is doing lovely work for this challenge… lots of layouts to be inspired.

                  I have participated twice before in this challenge and use all my photos that I thought fit. Last year, I created another calendar, even though there was no challenge. So, I am using this time photos from Pixabay.

                  Here are January and February calendars.

                  Photos from Couleur, CongerDesign, Pasja, and Suju

                  Font: Amber Whiskey Aged

                  Lynda DiGregor
                    • 1047
                    • Superfan

                    Family Birthday Calendar -Changed some things and added some things.

                    Ann Seeber
                      • 1372
                      • Superfan

                      Lynda, I’m enjoying your beautiful calendar progression.

                      I particularly like the emphasis on Feb 18, because that’s MY birthday, too! 😉

                      Lynda DiGregor
                        • 1047
                        • Superfan

                        Thanks Ann,
                        If you are anything like my grandson, you are feisty and wicked smart. 🙂

                        You are doing a great job on your calendars. I love your family photos..


                        Lynda DiGregor
                          • 1047
                          • Superfan
                          Lynda DiGregor
                            • 1047
                            • Superfan
                            Sharon Cope Carriere
                              • 51
                              • Junior
                              Sharon Cope Carriere
                                • 51
                                • Junior

                                I am behind by a few days had family medical problems but I am trying to catch up.


                                Gerry Landreth
                                  • 173
                                  • Junior

                                  It’s always fun and inspiring to see everyone’s work. This project will be a work in progress for a while.

                                  I am trying to find a way to help my mother keep up with birthdays. At 81, her eyes balk at small print. Using pictures of the kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids in their birthday month should make it easier.

                                  Those who live in the far north, feel free to make fun of the “snow” in the January layout. Alabama doesn’t get much, but it freaks them out when there is even a dusting. It’s been a while since I lived in Boston, but the memories of digging the car out of snowdrifts still haunt me.

                                    • 2522
                                    • Superfan

                                    I apologize, but the forum had eaten my post, so I am reposting… late.

                                    Jnet, that gradient for the Mars 2021 is beautiful. Did you create the gradient from the colors of the sunset?

                                    Marie-Claire, thanks for the link to the font. We are always looking for fancy fonts!

                                    Lynda, even without the extra glyphs, I found that font quite interesting. Adding people’s birthday on the calendar is definitely a great way to make it a personalized gift! On the January page, did you decide to omit the mask group?

                                    Ann A, the January month is a bit hard to read with the stroke. Have you tried without an outline on the text? I think it is because it is white AND the font is thin, since it works well on the others with “fatter” fonts.

                                    Sue, you are right: the bulk of the work is setting the photos. Just like working on a single project, the finishing touches will come at the end, and in this challenge, every page CAN be tweaked with each tutorial.

                                    Linda J, don’t worry about “keeping up”, every page will be tweaked until the last day of the challenge. And you will still have time to finish it before the holidays.

                                    Ann S, that will end up being such a unique present!

                                    Cristina, even with stock photos, a calendar can still be meaningful to yourself or the recipient. Searching for the right image or image combination is part of the customization.

                                    Sharon, great start to your calendar. I hope the medical issue is under control.

                                    Gerry, that is a great idea to use that calendar and customize it to your mother’s needs. Very interesting to look at for everyone in the family, I bet!

                                    Lynda DiGregor
                                      • 1047
                                      • Superfan

                                      Hi Carole,
                                      I did eliminate the mask group. I only had one photo of my own of a carnation and it wasn’t really great for the boxes so I just used it as the background. It’s a work in progress, maybe I’ll try again.

                                      I tried it again. Used cutout to make it appear to be a window. It does seem to fit with the other pages better.

                                      Lynda DiGregor
                                        • 1047
                                        • Superfan
                                        Raymond Easley
                                          • 65
                                          • Junior

                                          On Day 5, I cannot get the flood tool to fill the boxes all at once but must do it individually. Does anyone know why? I have gone through the steps as written but no matter what I do it will not fill all the boxes (dates) at the same time? Thanks.

                                          Sharon Cope Carriere
                                            • 51
                                            • Junior

                                            I am really way behind. Just finished April.

                                            Linda J Walker
                                              • 142
                                              • Junior

                                              Raymond–I can’t get it to work either….I just decided I like the black boxes  😉

                                                • 2522
                                                • Superfan

                                                Lynda, it is quite ok to change the template. That is the beauty of the digital medium: everyone will customize to their liking AND can even come back to change again!

                                                Ramond and Linda, make sure your Match mode is set to None in order to fill all the boxes at once. Check this article for more information on the Fill tool

                                                Sharon, don’t worry about being behind; nobody is able to finish all the pages yet, since all the tutorials are not done and all the templates are not given! Furthermore, just about everyone will go back and tweak previous pages!

                                                Natalie Spooner
                                                  • 11
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  Well I finally got going on the Up to date challenge. Having been inspired by the fabulous work being shown here I made  stab at January. I have turned mine to landscape as I have some photo holders I want these to fit in for the end result.

                                                  As in all projects its the getting the materials organized. I shoot in raw format and it seems I have a lot of photos that I need to convert to a JPEG copy. SO I scrounged for some I did already.

                                                  Love the new tricks of the trade you are sharing Cassel with this challenge. I am also loving your  Tips and Tricks Book.

                                                  Raymond Easley
                                                    • 65
                                                    • Junior

                                                    I want to thank you, Cassel, for your help as always and to those who responded to my question. I think this has been the best scrapbook project for me to learn different techniques. My problem is that if I don’t use them all the time I forget the specific steps but I guess you could say that about a lot of things. Ha.

                                                    Sharon Cope Carriere
                                                      • 51
                                                      • Junior

                                                      Added a little whimsy to this page.

                                                        • 335
                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        Absolutely wonderful work shared by EVERYONE! I am having to play catch up after a few days not feeling well. I’d name you all with your works, but what is the point of that when you ALL did wonderful calendars! And loads of variation which is what I like. Cassel always delivers us the tools and the “know-how” … and then sits back to see what we do with it. I played with all the different things she showed us … not particularly worrying about themes or WHAT was on the calendar so much as HOW to do it .. placement, pic tool, etc. etc. I did manage to get one made with two of my most favorite people … my sister and my best friend, who are no longer with us. Kind of made me sad to work on it … so I think I will make happier calendars now. I can always make a better attempt AFTER I know HOW to do it. Will try and catch up on some more after a nap. :o(

                                                        Sharon Cope Carriere
                                                          • 51
                                                          • Junior

                                                          I just finished looking at everyone’s pages. They are all so beautiful. A lot of amazing talent.


                                                          Ann Seeber
                                                            • 1372
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Been so busy tweaking all the months that I never even started Nov/Dec yet. But at least now I have a format I like and I’ll post the first four months to start.. Jan/Feb/Mar=grandson Will’s wedding and Apr/his new baby Magic for the rest of the year..

                                                            Thank you to whoever mentioned Pixabay.. that’s where I’m finding my illustrations for each month. I have added shadows but doubt the photos can be done as they are large under the masks.

                                                            Corrie Kinkel
                                                              • 1078
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              What a lovely work everybody is posting. I have finally something to as well. I deceided that my theme for the calendar is nature. I wanted to include somewhere the flower of the month and, thanks to Lynda, I got the perfect idea. I hope you don’t mind! Here are the first 3 month, the rest will follow as I finish it.

                                                              Sue Thomas
                                                                • 1598
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                I’ve had a busy few days, fetching cows home  for the winter for ranchers. Meg and I are having a rest today.  This morning I got up early,  and worked on some pages.  Not in any particular order.  I like simple, always trying to maintain focus on the  photos.  I also like consistency, so  the background papers, although they have different colours the  patterns are very similar.   The pages posted are fabulous, each and every one  beautiful created.  So much love and thought resonates through every page.

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