
Up-to-Date Challenge 2017

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Up-to-Date Challenge 2017

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  • #15758
      • 3
      • Rookie

      Hi Everyone,

      Finally I got round to doing this challenge and here are my results. I wanted to do this challenge as I got most of my family living either in Austria and Latvia. Can you guess the Landmarks around London?


        • 858
        • Superfan

        Hi NewPeaches17… very nice calendar and great photos of London… it is always nice to see other places from around the world. I am sure your relatives will enjoy receiving such a lovely and thoughtful gift.

        best wishes,


        Marlene Lingham
          • 241
          • Enthusiast

          NewPeaches17 your calendar is really nice, brought back lots of memories of London from when I was younger, especially the Christmas Lights – we used to have a day trip to London to do Christmas shopping, look at Selfridges window and go and see Father Christmas there and stay to see the lights. The other photos reminded me of trips to London with my Grandmother and Mother to visit the “sights”, although at least a couple of things weren’t there then!!

            • 2522
            • Superfan

            I have to say that I am in AWE at all those fantastic pages. Each is so different and personal, even though they started with the exact same base. They are all real pieces of art.


            If anyone is comfortable with it, I would love to post as many of these pages on Pinterest. Let me know if you grant me permission. I would link back to this forum to give you credits and be able to share your steps and information on each page. ONLY if you grant permission, I will pin your pages.


              • 3
              • Rookie

              Yes go right ahead and show mine off on Pinterest Cassel. Thank you Dawn and Marlene. I worked hard on finding the right images to go on the calendar.



              Marlene Lingham
                • 241
                • Enthusiast

                Certainly Cassel, you have my permission to post the pages.

                Anja Pelzer
                  • 65
                  • Junior

                  Sure you can post on pinterest.

                Viewing 7 posts - 61 through 67 (of 67 total)
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