

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Lobby TREASURE HUNT – 2022

Viewing 30 posts - 61 through 90 (of 161 total)
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  • #82544
    Corrie Kinkel
      • 1078
      • Superfan

      E-mail sent!!! It was such a joy to puzzle this way and I have done a lot of “normal” jigsaw puzzles in my life.

        • 199
        • Junior

        Rene, thank you! The screen changes and searches are taking forever now. I’ll try again this evening. Thank you!

        Jannette Nieuwboer
          • 183
          • Junior

          Mine arrives in Canada already.  Now it’s done I miss it, LOL.?  I’m off this weekend,  I’ve guests. tomorrow. ?‍♀️ I might be back on Sunday or Monday.? And Yes Carole I’ve learned so many lessons there is still much to learn from PSP. I’ve got pleasure in PSP again thanks to your lessons. ?Have a good weekend all of you whatever you intend to go to do. Much luck to all of you who have not finished yet.?

          Jnet Allard
            • 179
            • Junior

            I love doing these puzzles Carole!  I am always lost on the site, it helps me.  I am missing 12, the witch is nowhere to be found.  Congratulations to those who succeeded!

              • 2522
              • Superfan

              Hint for clue #12

              It took me at least half an hour to show how to turn someone into a witch.

                • 335
                • Enthusiast

                Carole 6 and 13  – well – I think I’ll get a good night’s sleep and continue my search in the morning when the hunters in Canada are already fast asleep 😉

                fiona cook
                  • 112
                  • Junior

                  I am running out of time now and not sure if I will have time on Sunday to comple. I have 3 still to find:

                  number 2: Where do I save all those files I downloaded for PaintShop Pro?

                  number 5: Can I use Photoshop brushes (.abr) in Paintshop Pro?

                  Number 9: How do I get the old Material Properties window in my new PaintShop Pro?

                  I have found places with the answers but don’t see a balloon icon for these last three. Have managed to put together the rest of the jigsaw puzzle which is quite fun. A lot of effort has been put into the quiz and in the process of finding the clues we do see a lot of the site.


                  Deana Davis
                    • 41
                    • Rookie

                    Never done a puzzle here before.  It’s fun and finding things I didn’t even know were in here lol

                    I have most found but there are 5 I’m lost on so far.  Will keep looking.  Thank you Cassel

                    cindy harris
                      • 449
                      • Enthusiast

                      Still Searching and …     and not getting any hints I understand still spinning

                        • 1
                        • Rookie

                        Congrats!! for the 11th anniversary Scrapbook Campus 🙂

                        Deana Davis
                          • 41
                          • Rookie

                          I’d give hints if I remembered where I found them… rofl

                          Some I just came across by chance


                          Julie Magerka
                            • 144
                            • Junior

                            Right off the start, I was able to find nine balloon clues. Then I had to leave it behind. Tried again today to find some more, but I am bleary-eyed with looking. Think I’ll just put together what I have and try another time, before the fun expires.

                              • 2522
                              • Superfan

                              Hint for #2:

                              All those supplies need to be saved in their proper location.

                              Hint for #5:

                              PaintShop Pro can use several Photoshop supplies.

                              Hint for #9:

                              I certainly prefer the “old” Materials palette.

                              cindy harris
                                • 449
                                • Enthusiast

                                OMg  I have 3 hint pages up in front of me and Cant figure out the hints ugh going to try some more 🙂


                                Deana Davis
                                  • 41
                                  • Rookie

                                  Ok..  need help on this last pesky puzzle piece.  @12.. How to turn neighbour into a witch… any clues???


                                    • 2522
                                    • Superfan

                                    Deanna, check this post for an additional clue.

                                    Rene Marker
                                      • 204
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Deana think “spooky”

                                      Fiona without giving away too much… go “old” (using what Carole said)

                                      Deana Davis
                                        • 41
                                        • Rookie

                                        I’ve relooked … this one piece can’t do me in… sign.

                                        I feel like I’ve looked through every possible place but if that was true I would have found it lol

                                        It’s probably right in front of me and I’m clicking all around it.  grrrrr

                                          • 335
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          solved. wow wow wow – Thank you Carole for hints 🙂

                                          Deana Davis
                                            • 41
                                            • Rookie

                                            CONGRATS Pirkko

                                            any tips for finding a witch?  lol

                                              • 335
                                              • Enthusiast

                                              Deana  I found it by accident 😉

                                              Deana Davis
                                                • 41
                                                • Rookie

                                                I’m FINISHED and it is emailed.  YAY!

                                                I had to look for my last one in an area that I didn’t consider looking for any… duh to me lol

                                                Thank you Cassel!

                                                  • 199
                                                  • Junior

                                                  Fiona, I’m stuck on 9, also, but I found another answer to the question with no balloons… am giving up.


                                                  cindy harris
                                                    • 449
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    OMG   I am so stuck spinning my wheels and blurrie eyes   I think I need  2 3 5 um  idk  keep forgetting had 23 15  and 16

                                                    Linda J Walker
                                                      • 142
                                                      • Junior

                                                      Last night I kept getting *** Forbidden. ***

                                                      And again tonight it is *** Forbidden. ***

                                                      Not gonna be able to stay up much longer looking for 2, 10, 11 & 12, I guess most everyone else is looking too.

                                                      Jnet Allard
                                                        • 179
                                                        • Junior

                                                        Thank you Carole for your clue which didn’t mean anything to me at first but after a lot of thinking I found it.  I am posting my puzzle

                                                        Deana Davis
                                                          • 41
                                                          • Rookie

                                                          Sometimes doing a search for specific words in the questions helped me.  Then I just check all the results to find it.

                                                          Suzy… don’t quit!

                                                          Deana Davis
                                                            • 41
                                                            • Rookie

                                                            Thank you Rene  This was a great lead when I got into the right area!


                                                            cindy harris
                                                              • 449
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              I need bread crumbs to the right places

                                                              Did this Person get their 4 months free
                                                              GIVEAWAY ENDED: SEPTEMBER 04, 2022 11:45 PM
                                                              PRIZES AWARDED: SEPTEMBER 06, 2022 12:00 AM

                                                                • 2522
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Linda, I think the server was tired with so much unusual traffic.

                                                                To everyone who are “stuck”, don’t despair. You still have 2 days, and we will help you. Take a break if needed. Sometimes, a fresh look will make more sense.

                                                                Additional general hints:

                                                                – as Deanna mentioned, think of keywords *IN* the clues.
                                                                – some pieces will be in the blog, but several will be in other sections available through the menu.
                                                                – there is a menu on top of the site, but also in the footer

                                                                I think that should be enough for today. Let’s continue tomorrow.

                                                                Thank you to all those giving hints without giving the answers. I think it makes the game more fun.

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