
Travel Tale Challenge 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Travel Tale Challenge 2021

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  • #59625
    Ann Seeber
      • 1372
      • Superfan

      JUNE FINAL BOTSWANA: I followed the style of the Safari layout but didn’t use the template. It’s only a motley collection of leftover photos – animals to the left and city to the right. The story of the famous diamond found that made the country’s fortune. It does have the highest per-capita income in Africa. I used the June color palette to create ribbons using Cassel’s Ribbon Factory. I was quite pleased with all the ribbons created with that palette. Only one is used on this layout. The font is Farmhouse. I’ll also post my postcard along with the layout.

      • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Ann Seeber.
      Mary Solaas
        • 555
        • Enthusiast

        I have forgotten how to split a double page into 2 pages.  HELP

        And so I have resized the double page to 800X400 and hope it will be OK.

        Mary Solaas
          • 555
          • Enthusiast

          OK – Laurie helped me to split and here is the result.  The basic background and 2 papers on top will be used throughout this project.  The background is a google map of the middle of the country; the next paper is from Pixel Scrapper – Janet Kemp; the next paper is my creation (gradient green); the ribbon is from PS -Marisa Lerin; the clipart cars are my stash; the background paper for the 2 displays are my stash; the June 1989 stamp is the freebie from Cassel; the state silhouettes are from colored by me; the date stamp on page 2 was created by me with the top text, bottom text and center year saved as a pspimage and all 3 are updateable; the arrow was color changed and is by PS-Marissa Lerin; the font used in all the descriptions is Bodoni MT Black, except Arial is used on the states.

          Annie Tobin
            • 2938
            • Superfan

            Thanks so much Ann, I always appreciate your comments my friend. The background I created by using a solid white background onto which I added 3 overlays using different blend modes and opacities. Really pleased you liked it Hon. ;D

            Annie Tobin
              • 2938
              • Superfan

              Very nicely done Mary … and much easier to peruse since you split it. Well done my friend. ;D

              Annie Tobin
                • 2938
                • Superfan

                I have loved every second of your trip to Botswana dear Ann. Your postcard is delightful. Well done my friend. ;D

                Annie Tobin
                  • 2938
                  • Superfan

                  Thanks dear Corrie, very glad you liked it my friend. <3

                  laurie solaas
                    • 147
                    • Junior

                    Here is my date stamp Page for the Travel Challenge. I created my background paper by selecting a portion of one of the photos and then doing a gaussian blur. I then applied a pattern effect. I created the corrugated paper in Filter Forge, and I downloaded the word art from Pixel Scrapper.

                    Ann Seeber
                      • 1372
                      • Superfan

                      Thanks Cassel!

                      • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Ann Seeber.
                      • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Ann Seeber.
                      Mary Solaas
                        • 555
                        • Enthusiast

                        Woops!!! no shadows!!!!  So here are the 2 with shadows!

                        Mary Solaas
                          • 555
                          • Enthusiast

                          Dear Annie – thanks for your comments.  Our internet has been very flakey today and I hope that this time I can complete what I was saying at the time the internet went down last.  The travel challenge I thought would be a breeze this time, but it hasn’t.  However, I have learned a few new things and learned again what I had forgotten (such as splitting the double page)!  I am working today on the 2nd double page (what I consider pages 3 and 4).  While doing it I learned how to use the smart selection brush to pull a part of a photo out and save it as a png to use in several different places.  I also experimented with creating a date stamp and this time I created it with a separate layer for the top text, the bottom text as well as the middle text.  Now I can use the pspimage for different kinds of stamps!!

                          This is page 3 and this time it does have the shadows!

                          Corrie Kinkel
                            • 1078
                            • Superfan

                            Day 7 of my Travel Tale about the city of Amersfoort and after all the history it brings us back to the modern times with a little info about Piet Mondriaan, a famous painter. To be consistent, same colors and font. This time I used the blinds effect on the blue paper and a ribbon made with the ribbon factory script. I engraved my name in a big stone to match the story. The background is made by using a photo, blend mode and reduced opacity.

                            Mary Solaas
                              • 555
                              • Enthusiast

                              And here is page 4.  Again – made a png out of a jpg of the Holy Spirit.  The arrow and flowers was a clipart from I’m not sure where.  I lived with my brother and parents in the north part of St. Louis 1942 through 1948.  So in 1989 everything had changed – but the house had not changed – only the school and church.  At the time I lived there, the church and school were in the same building, but that building had been torn down and the ones shown replaced them; the church was built about 1949 and the school building probably in the 60’s.  The school clip art was probably from Microsoft.

                              Mary Solaas
                                • 555
                                • Enthusiast

                                That flaky internet wouldn’t let me upload the photo, so here it is.

                                  • 335
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  I have to say I am blown away by all of your postings.  Ann, your Botswana trip has been fantastic and it even makes me want to see it and I have to admit it has never been on my to-do list!  Annie … your Australia posts are always lovely, pure and true.  Always enjoyable to see what you are going to come up with.  Corrie … outstanding!  Love the history factor with your posts.  Gerry … loads of memories I bet for you (and in an ever so good way!).  Carole, congratulations on your retirement … but I hope you aren’t going to retire from the Campus!!!  We won’t let you!  I think you are going to have plenty of time to be a full blown “professional” grandmother now!  I think we are going to need a full scale video of this child’s first birthday party!  It seems it is going to be spectacular … and he won’t even remember it!  You better be busy thinking up your own scrapbook layouts!  LOL  I had full intentions of participating all the way to the end … but two things happened here.  One great and one not so great.  Computer died … had to quickly send for another one and then the dreaded two/three day process to get it loaded up again.  I had also contracted for another barn reno this summer and was led to believe it wasn’t going to happen until late summer.  But last week the builder showed up and something shook loose from his schedule and he was ready to begin!  I didn’t even have the barn cleared out as yet!  So by the time I get home from there, so sorry, I am ready to eat and collapse!  My pillow was calling my name in a big way!  I have the new computer loaded somewhat … still working on it.  But wanted to tell you all that your stories were awesome and I truly mean it!  Absolutely wonderful.  We have all come such a long way.  Where are all the rest of us Campus folks?  We would love to see their travels, too!  Have a wonderful July everyone – it’s sneaking in faster than Superman’s speeding bullet!

                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    Love your page and fab information regards the boulder and the painter. History is such fascinating stuff. Well, I think we can all say we have travelled around a bit during this challenge … and it has been very enjoyable! Thanks dear Corrie. ;D

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      Dear Minka, your life is a traveller’s adventure, lol! You are always so informative. Thanks for your lovely comments my friend and I hope your barn renos go smoothly. New computers are always … a pain and exciting at one and the same time! Hugs to ya my friend. ;D

                                      Annie Tobin
                                        • 2938
                                        • Superfan

                                        Laurie … a lovely page and such a delightful travel tale … enjoyed my friend, thank you. ;D

                                        Annie Tobin
                                          • 2938
                                          • Superfan

                                          Mary your pages are lovely and consistent. I’m enjoying the trip my friend, 😉

                                          Gerry Landreth
                                            • 173
                                            • Junior

                                            It has been lots of fun to see the projects and reading the posts. The trips have been interesting, entertaining, and adventurous.

                                            I am extremely behind. I’m a caregiver for my Mom. Now that COVID restrictions are being lifted, we are making the rounds to see doctors that she didn’t get to see for the last year. Even though I can only work a few minutes at a time right now, working on these projects is a welcomed distraction.

                                            This layout is a glimpse of the town where I live. Huntsville Space Center is to the east of us. Located on Redstone Arsenal, it is the center of major space science research. When I say that my neighbors are rocket scientists, it’s a literal description.

                                            To the west is farmland. In fact, any empty plot of land, no matter how small, is transformed into corn, wheat, or soybean fields during planting season. Oh, and cotton. LOTS of cotton.

                                            After being away for 40 years, I enjoy exploring things I never knew were right next door.

                                              • 1558
                                              • Superfan

                                              I also was planning to be more active in this challenge, but good weather and low numbers of cases ever made us decide to be more active outdoors and enjoy summer… We never know how things will be when it starts to get cold again.

                                              Everyone that posted, great work! What you all created is a great source of inspiration, information, and entertainment. That is what makes the Campus a wonderful place to learn and make friends.

                                              Carole, congratulations! I am sure Xavier will see his grandma more often. Lucky him. : )

                                              Happy 1st Birthday, Xavier!

                                              Dear Annie, I haven’t started reading the first book yet, but I will follow suit and get the others if the books are so addictive as you are saying… I am sure they are : )


                                              Mary Solaas
                                                • 555
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                It seems my comment disappeared, but here goes again.  Gerry – I LOVE Huntsville.  That was the first place I wanted to visit when I started to do a lot of travelling in 1988.  I took 2 of my grandchildren there to the Space Center and then we also got to tour the Red Stone Arsenal.  Me and my family (children and grandchildren and finally my brother) went there many times and through the years it changes up the displays – but always informative.  When I took 3 other grandchildren there, probably about 1994 or 1995, we also visited the city park which is beautiful.  I am a space nut (as you can probably tell) and James Michner’s novel (Space) is a well-written historical novel about the development of the space program as it settled in Alabama.  On another note, my family also enjoys the beach on the southern coast of Alabama.  Beautiful state!

                                                Corrie Kinkel
                                                  • 1078
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Thanks for all the comments! Minka, I sympathize with you, when my computer brooke down 3 month ago it took me weeks to get everything working again in the way I wanted! And then a barn reno too, good luck!!!

                                                  To conclude this Travel Tale I did an extra page, otherwise my “Tale” had an open ending. Again same colorpalette and font and I included some of the things we learned to make.

                                                  It was great to do this challenge for the 2nd time and see all the different wonderful pages that were done!

                                                  Ann Seeber
                                                    • 1372
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Corrie: I have so enjoyed visiting The Netherlands via your Travel Tale. Very enjoyable with the consistent palette and fonts. I never knew my Dad’s father, Cyrus Terwilliger, or any of my Dutch relatives. They emigrated here from Amsterdam on a sailing ship back in the 1600s.

                                                    Last year I did one of our family trips to Acapulco, Mexico, and it was the very first assignment for me when I joined the Scrapbook Campus. With the double pages it felt like a baptism by fire! But I do have a key tag and stamps! 😉

                                                    Corrie Kinkel
                                                      • 1078
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Ann: I know the feeling, it was my first big challenge too! I’m glad you liked my introduction to The Netherlands because of your link to my country! It was really fun to make this on; last year I did it about my trip to the States to visit my daughter and the grandkids who had just moved there.

                                                      laurie solaas
                                                        • 147
                                                        • Junior

                                                        Thanks for your words Annie T! You, Ann S, Bonnie, Sue, Minka, and others are my role models! Y’all designs are consistently amazing!

                                                        I finally finished my Day 4 design. I struggled with the leather tag. I am not sure what I did wrong. It is really sad that I messed up the tag itself because I created the label from scratch. I was so proud that the bird silhouette was created from one of my own photos! Oh well.

                                                        I created a Mask template for my photos, and I also created my own background paper.

                                                        laurie solaas
                                                          • 147
                                                          • Junior

                                                          Annie T thank you for your words. You, Ann S, Sue, Bonnie, Minka, and others are my Role Models! Y’all consistently produce amazing designs!

                                                          This is my Day 4 Design. I really struggled with my leather tag. I am not sure what I did wrong. This is sad, because I created a nice label from scratch using my own photograph. I was proud of the label!! Oh well.

                                                          For this design, I created a Mask template and I also created My own background paper.

                                                          Mary Solaas
                                                            • 555
                                                            • Enthusiast

                                                            This is my page 5 layout; leather tag is the outline of Iowa and the state flower is the design withing.  The name of the state and the name of the flower are printed on the tag – not embedded.  the button was from PS and color changed, I think I learned how to “thread” the yarn through the button holes and the hole in the tag by putting different parts of the yarn on different layers.  Of course the yarn is a picture tube.  I used Cassel’s punches on the fore and aft edges of the paper which is my stash, the cowboy hat and boots are in my clip art stash – got them eons ago probably from Microsoft.  I did create another state leather tag for South Dakota which will be on maybe the next page.

                                                            Mary Solaas
                                                              • 555
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              I’ve been using the blue car clip art on my Travel Challenge, but discussing the trip with my son this morning, I got to thinking that I didn’t buy the blue car which I travelled with all over the country until 2000, but I had bought the red Acclaim in the late fall of 1988 and so that is what I travelled in in 1989!  So, I am changing my cars from blue to red but I will not repost, only continue on with the red car!

                                                                • 2522
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Mary, it is interesting how the story for the scrapbooking turned into a conversation starter, and now, your story has changed.

                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 91 through 120 (of 142 total)
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