
The BIG 10 Showoff

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom The BIG 10 Showoff


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  • #64228
    Anita Wyatt
      • 174
      • Junior

      Here is my project for Day 12 of the Big Blow Out. It is from Bootcamp Day 11. I enjoyed learning how to use new tools  for titles, shapes and frames. Thank you Carole, and everyone here for inspiring me.

      Linda J Walker
        • 142
        • Junior

        Feeling a bit handicapped in looking for files from some of the challenges I have taken part in! All on on my old laptop, and that reminds me of backups I need to complete. This was from the 2021 Love Story challenge.

        Linda J Walker
          • 142
          • Junior

          Another one I did for the 2021 Love Story Challenge. Our middle daughter got married in Denver in 2019. It was the first time we had travelled to Colorado.

          Linda J Walker
            • 142
            • Junior

            It is sunflower season now here in Pennsylvania. I so enjoy seeing them!

            Another page from the 2021 Love Story Challenge.  I watched the tutorial for the linolium background again yesterday on the tutorials page. It reminded me I need to play with it more.

            Cyndi Roether
              • 62
              • Junior

              Circular Element Based On Straight Element

              My first couple of attempts came out fine but then this one didn’t make a complete circle.

              Did I use a wrong resize?

              Bonnie Ballentine
                • 1643
                • Superfan

                Now that I see your page, Ann,  I do remember it. Thanks for sharing again for a forgetful old woman!

                Bonnie Ballentine
                  • 1643
                  • Superfan

                  Lab 11-09, template

                  This beauty visited my backyard bird bath. He frolicked in the bird bath before flying away. Photos were taken from inside the house.

                  laurie solaas
                    • 147
                    • Junior

                    This is an Element I made in the Basic Scrap Course. It was my first element! I think it was Module 5?

                    laurie solaas
                      • 147
                      • Junior

                      This is another design from the Love Challenge. I’m not sure I did everything 100% correctly, but it turned out ok.

                      laurie solaas
                        • 147
                        • Junior

                        From the Basic Scrap Coarse. It was a lot of fun!

                        Cyndi Roether
                          • 62
                          • Junior

                          Tied String Tutorial

                          This took a few tries to get the rope placement right.  At first I linked the layers as shown in the tutorial but then when I moved the top of the loop behind the strings the bottom of the loop moved behind the tag, so I unlinked them, moved the top of the loop, and then relinked them.

                          When I tried to copy the whole thing and paste to a new image before saving so there wouldn’t be a lot of empty space, I had to merge all of the layers together first.

                          This reminded me of creating a paper clip.

                          Susan Ewart
                            • 763
                            • Superfan

                            Here’s upload try number two.  I got the weirdest error from my computer (how rude!).  This is my try at the cut out word. An abstract on complementary colors Cyan and Red.

                            Bonnie! Fabulous Red Shouldered Hawk page.  How lucky for you to get visitors like that!  Great shots.


                            Anne Lamp
                              • 320
                              • Enthusiast

                              I have really enjoyed seeing the different projects here. I have been wanting to try the snow globe from PaintShop Christmas 4 and this is what I came up with. It did take quite a while because I had not done some of the steps before, but it was worth it. I saved it as a pspimage so I can go back and add whatever else I want into my ornament.

                              Sue Thomas
                                • 1598
                                • Superfan


                                Ann Seeber
                                  • 1372
                                  • Superfan

                                  Cyndi: I had a new experience the other day; I found a neat tool. Under Edit/Copy there is Copy Special and one choice is Copy Merged so you get everything on the copy but don’t have to merge the original file and can then paste it where you want. Isn’t that neat?

                                  Susan Ewart
                                    • 763
                                    • Superfan

                                    Anne L, that’s so cute.

                                    Here is one from the tutorial that was just on.  As per my usual modus operandi, the undo button was the most used button on the keyboard!  I will know I’m improving when the undo button doesn’t have to be replaced as often (kidding…I got a titanium one made, that sucker will outlast the earth itself!).  This was a cool tutorial.  I will need much practice and I went way too huge.  I really like the look when other people do this so I wanted to try it this weekend.

                                    Lynda DiGregor
                                      • 1047
                                      • Superfan


                                      Masterclass: Ding Ding Dingbats

                                      Ding! Ding! Dingbats!

                                      This was a fun masterclass and with Halloween coming up!

                                      Lynda DiGregor
                                        • 1047
                                        • Superfan

                                        The most recent masterclass was an eyeopener

                                        Lifted Shadows

                                        Lifted Shadows


                                        Wanda (Sue) McGuire
                                          • 143
                                          • Junior

                                          These are the tutorials I have tried so far from the Big 10.

                                          Tutorials are kind  of too fast for this old lady to keep up and remember.  I have also done the linoleum pattern but did not fit this page very well.


                                            • 78
                                            • Junior

                                            you really did a great job all))))) well done !!
                                            @Wanda (Sue) McGuire bravo  it’s a great job on the tutorials))) can I give you a suggestion? you should move your button to the folded corner at its base (in the corner)
                                            As it is on your page, there is nonsense. (your button is attaching papers, so there shouldn’t be such a wide shadow below the folded corner). I hope I have helped with my little means.
                                            In any case, well done, you have gathered several tutorials on this page))))))
                                            hope you understand me, I use translator !!!

                                              • 78
                                              • Junior

                                              here is a page made with photos of my sister, who died of devastating cancer in August 2020; ((and my mother, who died in March 2014. The page dates from April 2020, so well before the Big10 mini tutorial, but it illustrates the “CutoutPhoto” tutorial well, except that I used it on the frame of the photo))))


                                              Anne Lamp
                                                • 320
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                This has nothing to do with any particular class or anything. I had used this picture I took a few years ago and had put a moon in the hammock and thought I would see what I could do with putting the Big 10 logo in it. I did a screenshot of the logo and went from there.

                                                • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Anne Lamp.
                                                Wanda (Sue) McGuire
                                                  • 143
                                                  • Junior

                                                  Great catch Nadine, thank you.  I guess I got in a hurry.  I made each thing different days and saved as jpg for posting here and then decided to put them together instead of separately.  I will probably create a better page later some of the things I created and will pay more attention to fitting in the shadows with other things on the page.  My shadows on this display are kind of all over the place.  LOL

                                                  Wanda (Sue) McGuire
                                                    • 143
                                                    • Junior

                                                    I have really enjoyed this project and have loved looking at everyone’s creations.  Too many to comment on each one.  Thanks Everyone for sharing and thank you Carole for this creative project.  Congratulations on your 10 years and hope you have many more!

                                                      • 78
                                                      • Junior

                                                      @Cyndi Roether I did several tests, and your initial ribbon must be in the center of your page. If it’s not there, the circle won’t close )) courage, you’re almost there))))

                                                      • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by nadine.
                                                        • 78
                                                        • Junior

                                                        @Wanda (Sue) McGuire Yes )))) LOL

                                                        Anita Wyatt
                                                          • 174
                                                          • Junior

                                                          Here is one more project I worked on today. I used the tutorial “Letter Tiles” and it was a lot of fun. I used papers and 2 elements from Pixel Scrapper. (Marisa Lerin, Janet Kemp, Jessica Dunn and Rachel Martin). Thank you Carole and everyone here to get me out of my comfort zone and try new things with Paint Shop Pro.

                                                          Big 10


                                                          Anita Wyatt
                                                            • 174
                                                            • Junior

                                                            Here is the project I worked on today. I played with the tutorial “Letter Tiles” and it was a lot of fun. I used papers and elements from Pixel Scrapper, (Marisa Lerin, Janet Kemp, Jessica Dunn and Rachel Martin) Thank you Carole and everyone here for helping me get out of my comfort zone and try new things with Paint Shop Pro.


                                                            Linda J Walker
                                                              • 142
                                                              • Junior

                                                              Oh, I like those letter tiles, but I missed that tutorial! Maybe just keep them up another day???

                                                              I tried to go around and around in circles….but I’m glad I am not the only one who has trouble keeping up…I think I got lost, a couple of times….!

                                                                • 734
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                Nadine, quelle histoire triste et accablante! J’ai réussi à lire le texte sur ton image. Quelle souffrance pour ta soeur….
                                                                En les gardant ainsi en mémoire, tu leur redonnes une nouvelle vie!


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